
  • 网络Better Homes & Gardens;Better Homes and Gardens;Better Homes
  1. 《美好家园与菜园》杂志上说种植滕架上或篱笆上的滕类作物结合低矮生长的作物,因此可创造成一种理想的间植叫“立体菜园”。

    Building on the idea of interplanting , Better Homes & Gardens magazine suggests that gardeners combine plants that produce vines and can be grown on trellises or fences along with low-growing crops .

  2. 现实的困境和对幸福生活的向往,促使人们开始对工业文明进行反思的过程中,探求建设美好家园、走出困境之路。

    The plight of reality and the longing for a happy life promoted human to begin to reflect on the industrial civilization to build better homes and to seek the road out of the predicament .

  3. 努力建设生态文明的美好家园

    Building China into a beautiful homeland with a sound ecological environment

  4. 关爱野生动物,保护美好家园!

    Care for wild animals , the protection of home !

  5. 伊甸园与乌托邦:人类美好家园的永久想象

    Eden and Utopia : Permanent Imagination of Human Perfect Homeland

  6. 武汉美好家园规划及建筑设计

    The Planning and Architecture Design of WuHan Nice Homestead

  7. 基于农业产业发展的地震灾后美好家园重建路径研究

    The research on the approach of post-disaster home-rebuilding based on the development of agricultural industry

  8. 现在应该更新我们的星际地图:兰天就是我们的美好家园。

    It 's time to update our intergalactic maps : Laniakea is home sweet home .

  9. 我们相信,日本人民一定能够战胜这场灾难、重建美好家园。

    We are confident that the Japanese people will overcome this disaster and rebuild their homeland .

  10. 拥有美好家园的小区

    A neighBorhood of fine homes

  11. 地处中国南方之南的海南岛,是人类诗意栖居的美好家园。

    Situated at the southernmost part of China , Hainan Island is a wonderland for poetic human life .

  12. 回归乡土就是使人类现代文明与人性的自然状态完美融合,从而最终踏上人类美好家园的重建之旅。

    Returning to the local is to make a natural and perfect balance between modern civilization and humanity .

  13. 实现社会和谐,建设美好家园,是人类为之孜孜追求的一个社会理想。

    To achieve social harmony and construct a happy homeland , which is man diligently pursuing an ideal society .

  14. 绿树成荫、溪水成趣,是我们对美好家园的无限向往。

    A place crowned with green trees and surrounded by stream water is the beautiful homeland we yearn for infinitely .

  15. 人类应该互帮互助,而文明正是要同心协力,共创美好家园。

    To be human means to care for each other and civilization means to work together to create a better life .

  16. 但是人类应该互帮互助,而文明正是要同心协力,共创美好家园。

    But to be human means to care for each other and civilization means to work together to create a better life .

  17. 中国表示将继续承担应尽的国际义务,同世界各国携手共建地球美好家园。

    China says it will commit to its international obligations and work with countries around the world to make a better Earth .

  18. 在适应了新生活后的第一个月,我就体会到这个地方提供了一个没有父母监督的美好家园。

    After the first month of adjustment , I learned that the place offered the niceties of home without the watchful eye of parents .

  19. 最重要的是,我们应该不断地加强我们的环保意识,使我们的世界成为适合人类居住的美好家园。

    Most importantly , we should increasingly heighten our environmental awareness and make our world a beautiful homeland suitable for us to live in .

  20. 在生态保护意识日渐增强的今天,可持续发展的思想成为保护人类美好家园的指导原则。

    As today we talk about protecting environment more and more , the idea of sustainable development becomes the guideline of protecting our beautiful earth .

  21. 广大农民群众也以满腔的热情投入到社会主义新农村建设的伟大实践中,倾心建设自己的美好家园。

    In addition , peasants are also involved themselves in the new socialist countryside construction practice with full enthusiasm to build their own happy homeland .

  22. 斯洛曼人的兢业精神是坚持不懈的追求完美,为广大客户提供更好的产品和更加贴心的售后服务。尽心为客户创造一个更安全、更温馨的美好家园!

    The dedication spirit of Schloeman people is to persistently pursue for perfection , provide the vast clients with better products and more considerate after-sales service .

  23. 所有的获奖图片都在某种程度上描绘了普通人正在尽力为自己、为家人、为社会建设美好家园。

    All the winning images , however , portray ordinary people doing their best to better the world for themselves , their families and their communities .

  24. 让我们把新加坡建设为美好家园,一个人民安居乐业和享受天伦之乐的家园。

    Let us make Singapore a good home where citizens lead full , meaningful lives , and experience the joys of bringing up a new generation .

  25. 着力形成有利于节约资源、保护环境的消费方式和生产结构。建设经济繁荣、山川秀丽的美好家园。

    We will make endeavors to promote a new production and consumption mode that is conducive to resources saving and environmental protection so as to build beautiful and prosperous homeland .

  26. 我们将与受灾国家和国际社会携手并肩,共同帮助灾区人民重建美好家园。

    We will work with stricken countries and the international community hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder to help people in the ravaged areas in rebuilding their beautiful homes .

  27. 我们要让符合条件的农业转移人口逐步变为城镇居民,也要让农民有一个幸福生活的美好家园。

    We will allow eligible workers who have left agricultural work to gradually become urban residents , and develop a beautiful rural environment where farmers can live a happy life .

  28. 应当说,保护全球环境,实现可持续发展,创造美好家园,是世界各国人民的共同心愿。

    We believe that it 's the common wish of all the people in the world to protect the global environment , carry out sustainable development , and create beautiful homes .

  29. 为实现其自我发展,不惜以破坏自然环境为代价。当今社会自然遭受着人类暴虐似的统治,水污染、空气污染、噪声污染正吞噬着人类的美好家园。

    In order to realize the development , they would rather destroy the natural environment . In the modern society , nature is subjected to the brutal domination of human beings .

  30. 建设性后现代主义怀着建构美好家园的理想,重构信仰,让断裂的事实和价值有机统一,解救现代性的困境。

    The constructive postmodernism , with the ideal of building a better home , attempts to rescue the modernity from its plight through remodeling belief and unifying the fragmented facts and values .