
zhōnɡ ɡuó wèn tí zhuān jiā
  • Sinologist
  1. 华盛顿约翰霍普金斯大学高级国际研究学院的中国问题专家皮耶·P·鲍迪乐如是说。

    Bottelier , a China expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies in Washington .

  2. 印第安那大学(IndianaUniversity)大学中国问题专家肯尼迪(ScottKennedy)称,钢铁处在贸易争议的中心。

    ' Steel is at the center of trade controversy , ' says Scott Kennedy , a China specialist at Indiana University .

  3. 一位要求不具名的德国中国问题专家表示:中国感觉到欧盟(UN)方面的敌意不断增强。他们将尝试离间法国和德国。

    The Chinese sense mounting hostility in the EU . They will try to drive a wedge between France and Germany , said a German expert on China who asked not to be named .

  4. 在以美国财长身份首次访华前发表的一次重要讲话中,这位中国问题专家及高盛(GoldmanSachs)前董事长表示,他将对中国财政官员说:我们希望你们成功。

    In a landmark speech before his first trip to China as treasury secretary , the China expert and former Goldman Sachs chairman said he would tell his counterparts in Beijing : We want you to succeed .

  5. 霍金路伟律师事务所(HoganLovells)的中国问题专家表示,这表明中国政府对市场状态并不满意。

    China specialists at law firm Hogan Lovells said this was a sign that the government was not happy with the state of the market .

  6. 在亚洲近几周来上演了一连串外交和安全攻势后,美国的中国问题专家戴维兰普顿(DavidLampton)今年3月在上海发表讲话时提出的这个问题,现在看来有着惊人的预见性。

    The question posed by US China scholar , David Lampton , in a speech in Shanghai in March looks disturbingly prescient after a whirl of diplomatic and security offensives in recent weeks in the region .

  7. 《华尔街日报》:多数中国问题专家都以孤立的视角看待中国,为什么会是这样呢?

    Most China experts look at the middle kingdom in isolation , why is that ?

  8. 我们向六位中国问题专家提出了同一个问题:最担心中国什么?

    We asked six China experts the same question . What worries you the most about China ?

  9. 中国问题专家表示,他们仍然不清楚中国投资公司在协助中国企业进行海外收购中将扮演何种角色。

    China specialists say they are still unclear about what sort of role CIC will play in assisting overseas takeover bids .

  10. 韩国延世大学中国问题专家韩硕熙表示,美韩和中韩关系可以相互加强。

    Han Sukhee , a China specialist at Seoul 's Yonsei University , says the two relationships can mutually reinforce each other .

  11. 鉴于中国问题专家在奥巴马外交政策顾问中的数量,日本官员担心美国对日本的关注会减少。

    Japanese officials fret that they will get less attention under the Obama administration , given the number of China experts among his foreign-policy advisers .

  12. 最近几年,一些中国问题专家撰文分析美国衰退的必然性,以及中国准备应对的措施。

    In recent years , some Chinese experts have written analyses about the inevitability of an American decline and how China must prepare to manage it .

  13. 但是,“彼得森国际经济研究所”的中国问题专家拉迪说,中国经济增长放慢的幅度要更大,到2009年时增长率将只有约百分之6。

    Nicholas Lardy , a China specialist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics , says growth will slow even more - to about six percent in 2009 .

  14. 朱:非常高兴有机会和美国国会研究部的中国问题专家和美国智库的中国问题专家见面。

    Zhu : I 'm very glad to have the opportunity to meet experts on China with the Research Section of the US Congress and the US Think Tank .

  15. 保尔森在接受采访时表示,他选择不是中国问题专家的霍尔默负责与北京方面的对话,是由于霍尔默作为谈判专家的记录。

    In an interview , he said he chose Mr Holmer , who is not a China expert , to manage the dialogue with Beijing because of his record as a negotiator .

  16. 黄育川是总部设在华盛顿的卡内基国际和平基金会的经济学家和中国问题专家。他认为,过去这些年来,华盛顿的腔调并没有帮助缓和美中双边关系。

    Yukon Huang , an economist and China expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington , says the tone from Washington over the years has not helped ease bilateral irritants .

  17. 不管是不是因为这样的不透明,这些隐藏的债务已经成为萦绕在中国问题专家脑子里的四大担忧之一,其余三个分别是资产泡沫、通胀和管理松散的信托公司。

    Despitethis opacity , or perhaps because of it , these hidden liabilities have becomeone of the four big worries haunting China-watchers , along with the propertybubble , inflation and lightly regulated trust companies .

  18. 由于中文在任何其他国家都算不上主要语言(也许除新加坡以外),与在西班牙语、法语或阿拉伯语国家做研究的专家相比,中国问题专家所具备的一套技能搬到中国并不那么好用。

    Since Chinese is not the main language in any other country , save perhaps in Singapore , the skill set China specialists have is not as portable as say for experts who do research on countries where people speak Spanish , French , or Arabic .

  19. 一位长期研究中国问题的专家BillBishop注意到,直到2007年,监管还很松懈,尚许新兴企业主导该行业。

    Until 2007 regulation was rather lax , allowing start-ups to dominate the industry , notes Bill Bishop , a longtime China-watcher .

  20. 布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)驻华盛顿的中国石油问题专家埃里卡•道恩斯(EricaDowns)称,一些中国石油企业高管质疑收购海外资产有助能源安全的说法。

    According to Erica Downs , a China energy expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington , some Chinese oil executives doubt that acquiring overseas assets enhances energy security .

  21. 不过,正如华威大学(warwickuniversity)俄罗斯与中国工会问题专家西蒙克拉克(simonclarke)强调指出的,在中国和东南亚,独立的工会常常转瞬即逝,而且入会仍然很危险。

    However , as Simon Clarke of Warwick University , who studies unions in Russia and China , stresses , independent unions in China and South East Asia are often fleeting , while membership remains hazardous .

  22. 美国布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的中国政治问题专家李成表示:人们有许多苦恼。但调查结果往往是,人们的信心不断提升,大家普遍认为国家前进的方向是正确的。

    There is a lot of unhappiness , but surveys tend to show that hope is rising and people generally think the country is going in the right direction , says Cheng Li , a Chinese politics expert at the Brookings Institution .

  23. 中国中东问题专家殷罡最近撰文指出,中国不应“取悦伊朗,而伤害包括阿拉伯国家在内的其他国家的感情”。

    China should not " undertake to please Iran and at the same time hurt the feelings of the Arabs and other countries " , said Yin Gang , a Chinese expert on the Middle East in a recent article .

  24. 华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversity)中国城市化问题专家陈金永(KamWingChan)说,你得让创业者、普通民众和企业自己决定想去哪里。

    ' You need to let entrepreneurs , ordinary people and businesses decide where they want to move , ' said Kam Wing Chan , a China specialist at Washington University .

  25. 而中国的国防问题专家们对所有这些危言耸听的言论常常是嗤之以鼻。

    China security specialists tend to scoff at all the scaremongering .

  26. 中国国际问题的专家则警告说,美日加强联合是针对中国的,并将对使国家的安全环境更加复杂化。

    However , Chinese experts on international studies warn that the strengthening of the US-Japanese alliance is targeted at China and would further complicate the nation 's security environment .

  27. 研究中国安全问题的美国专家傅泰林(taylorfravel)认为,北京打开了最终解决争端的大门。

    Taylor fravel , a US expert on Chinese security , argues that Beijing has opened the door to an eventual settlement of the dispute .

  28. 巨变之中的中国城市&访美国学者、中国城市问题专家马润潮教授

    Chinese Cities in Great Changes

  29. 东方研究中心燕京研究所,是个专门研究中国问题的机构,受到美国著名中国问题专家费正清长期支持。

    Oriental Research Center , Harvard-Yenching Institute , a specialized study of China , the United States by the well-known China experts Fairbank long-term support .

  30. 由于这一问题与当代中国社会政治变迁密切相关,因而引起国内外中国问题专家的广泛关注和讨论。

    As closely related with the social and political changes in China , this attracks a great deal of attention by both domestic and foreign experts of Chinese studies .