
  1. 是否这将延续亚历山大?格拉汉姆?贝尔(AlexanderGrahamBell)的历史,以Watson先生,请过来,我想见到你进行首次中微子通信,我们拭目以待。

    Whether this will go down in history alongside Alexander Graham Bell 's first message , Mr Watson , come here , I want to see you , remains to be seen .

  2. 世界上首次中微子通信服务

    Neutrino communications ET , phone home The world 's first neutrino-messaging service

  3. 显然,他们的中微子电话通信是数字化的。

    Naturally , their neutrinophone is digital .

  4. 为了消除类似的质疑,费米实验室的一群物理学家刚向物理学界权威杂志ModernPhysicsLettersA提交了一篇论文,论文中描述着他们怎样为自己成功定制了利用中微子载波的无线电通信电话。

    To answer such naysayers a group of physicists at Fermilab have just submitted a paper to Modern Physics Letters A in which they describe how they have built themselves a neutrino-powered telephone .