
  • 网络overwork;overdrive;over-employment
  1. 哈留指出,尽管导致过度疲劳的工作过度、自我驱动行为会受到雇主的欣赏和奖励,但闷爆却“反映出缺乏兴趣和动力”,“这在组织里是很忌讳的。”

    While the behaviours that feed into burnout – overwork , drive – are appreciated and rewarded by employers , boreout " reflects a lack of interest , a lack of motivation " , says Harju . " These are very much taboo4 in organisations . "

  2. 他的病是由于工作过度所致。

    His illness grew out of his tendency to overwork .

  3. MICHAELTWERY:“我们的心脏会工作过度,我们患心脏病的风险也越来越大。”

    MICHAEL TWERY : " Our heart becomes ed and we become more to heart attack . "

  4. 他声称工作过度辛劳损害了他的健康。

    He claimed that working too hard was injuring his health .

  5. 他因工作过度劳累,身体垮下来了。

    His health has broken down because of working too hard .

  6. 他健康的丧失是他工作过度所付出的代价。

    His health was the forfeit he paid for working too hard .

  7. 由于工作过度她健康状态不好。

    Suffering from overwork , she is out of shape .

  8. 使疲惫使疲惫不堪,如因工作过度或放纵欲望。

    To wear out , as by overuse or overindulgence .

  9. 对工作过度负责,并改变它。

    Take responsibility for being overworked , then change it .

  10. 工作过度的征兆是神经紧张、容易动怒和心情压抑。

    Signs of overwork are nervous tension , irritability , and depression .

  11. 他因工作过度而丧失了健康。

    His health was the forfeit he paid for overworking .

  12. 由于工作过度,他生病是不可避免的。

    Illness caught him inevitably on account of overwork .

  13. 那人因工作过度而累倒了。

    The man 's collapse was caused by overwork .

  14. 实际上他是由于工作过度而把自己累得筋疲力尽的。

    He actually knocked himself out with excessive work .

  15. adj.紧张不安的工作过度的人有可能变得紧张。

    nervous A person who has been overworking is likely to become nervous .

  16. 因为工作过度,工人向老板诉苦。

    Workers complain to the boss of their overwork .

  17. 一方面因为工作过度,一方面因为营养不良,他哥哥病得很重。

    What with overwork and what with undernourishment his brother became very ill .

  18. 金提起了我们的失误:没有胎儿期照顾、随便地饮食、工作过度。

    Kim toted our mistakes : no prenatal care , offhand diet , overworks .

  19. 他因工作过度而得病。

    He make himself sick by overwork himself .

  20. 纵欲还是禁欲?&消费时代语境下的波普文化与建筑使疲惫使疲惫不堪,如因工作过度或放纵欲望

    Indulgence or Abstinence ? & Pop Art and Pop Architecture in the Consumption Age

  21. 我老板请假——因为他工作过度。

    When my boss applies for leave -- It 's because he 's overworked .

  22. 他的疾病是因为工作过度造成的。

    His illness is an effect of overworking .

  23. 他工作过度,把身体完全累垮了。

    The strain of his job lead to the complete breakdown of his health .

  24. 她的病是由工作过度引起的。

    Her illness was induced by overwork .

  25. 事实上,日本人甚至发明了过劳死这个词用以形容工作过度而死。

    In fact , the Japanese even have the word for working oneself to death-Karoshi .

  26. 他使他的妻子工作过度了。

    He works his wife too hard .

  27. 他的病是因工作过度而引起的。

    His illness was induced by overwork .

  28. 他的身体因工作过度而垮掉了。

    His health collapsed because of overwork .

  29. 或许你是工作过度了。

    Perhaps you suffer from overwork .

  30. 如果你工作过度追求完美,你会和同事发生矛盾的。

    You will have problems with coworkers if you are too extreme about doing things perfectly .