
  1. 一座在拆卸中的工业楼宇倒塌,救援人员拯救了九人,并搜索困在瓦砾中的人。调查将会进行。

    An industrial building under demolition collapsed , and emergency workers rescued nine people and searched through the rubble for anybody who might be trapped inside . Investigation would be carried out .

  2. LON控制网络目前广泛地应用于工业、楼宇、家庭、能源等自动化领域,LON总线己成为当前最为流行的现场总线之一。

    LON control net has been used in automatization field , such as industry , building , household , energy , and SO on . LON is a prevalent field bus .

  3. 论坛将主要讨论工业、楼宇科技和发电领域的节能和环保问题。

    The Forum will mainly focus on energy-saving and environmental care in the areas of industry , building technology and power .

  4. 介绍了都市化工业园区楼宇空调的特点、设计方法,商用集中空调系统在都市化工业园区的应用及其室外机的布置形式。

    Presents the characteristics and design method of building air conditioning systems and the application of commercial central air conditioning systems in the area and the arrangement of the outdoor units .

  5. 它广泛用于工业过程、楼宇、家庭、能源等自动化领域。

    It has been used in industrial processes , building , family , energy and other automation .

  6. 广泛应用于制造业自动化、流程工业自动化、楼宇、交通、冶金、水利、电力等自动化领域。

    It is broadly used in manufacturing automation , flow industry automation , building automation , traffic , metallurgy , irrigation projects , electric power and many automation fields .

  7. 随着微电子技术和通信技术的发展,以嵌入式处理器为核心的设备在工业控制、楼宇自动化、供电自动化等领域得到了日益广泛的应用,而网络化是其一个重要的发展趋势。

    With the development of micro-electronics and communication technology , The equipments that use microprocessor-embedded are getting applied in the fields of industrial control , building automation and power supply automation , etc. Networked system is an important development trend .

  8. 近年来,随着通讯事业的不断发展,无线通讯GPRS技术在工业自动化控制、楼宇自动化控制得到很好的应用。

    In recent years , with the continuous development of the communications industry , wireless communication GPRS technology in industrial automation , building automation and control the application of well .

  9. 针对传统的数据采集不能满足工业管道系统和楼宇自动化系统中采集量过多,信号复杂分散的问题,提出了基于DSP和CAN总线构成的现场数据采集存储系统的基本结构。

    Aiming at the traditional data acquisition system which can not stand the huge number dispersed complex signals used in the oil pipeline system and the Building automation system , a field-bus data acquisition system based DSP and CAN Bus was put forward .

  10. 温湿度控制在烟草工业、化纤工业、纺织工业及现代楼宇中是不可缺少的公用工程。

    The controlling of temperature and humidity is a necessary part of public engineering in tobacco industry , chemical fiber industry , textile mills and modern buildings .