
  • 网络Serious psychological problems
  1. 结果有心理问题者占26.3%,其中有严重心理问题者占5.0%。

    Results About 26.3 % of them had psychological problems , and 5.0 % of them had serious psychological problems .

  2. 三是对有严重心理问题的人员进行深度的心理治疗。

    Third , to treat those who have serious mental problem by deep psychotherapy .

  3. 工读学校学生心理健康水平不容乐观,在综合因子上总检出率为59.6%,但都是轻度或中度水平,无偏重和严重心理问题学生。

    The situation of psychological well-being level of Reform School students is not so optimistic ;

  4. 近年来大量的研究已表明,在弓形虫感染与人类严重心理问题风险攀升――包括精神分裂症和自杀行为――两者之间可能存在着某种关联。

    A number of studies in recent years have suggested a possible association between toxoplasma infections and an increased risk of serious psychological issues in humans , including schizophrenia and suicidal behavior .

  5. EPQ与SCL-90测试结果相吻合,肥胖女大学生存在较为严重的心理问题。

    EPQ and the SCL-90 test result tallies : The obese female university student has the more serious psychological problem .

  6. 那些通过严格限制卡路里摄入来减肥的人大部分都会出现严重的心理问题。

    Most people who restrict calories severely do so for weight loss .

  7. 结论肾移植手术前后受者存在严重的心理问题。

    Conclusion There exist serious psychological problems in patients before and after renal surgery .

  8. 结论高校应当采取建立、健全心理健康咨询和治疗机构等多种措施帮助排解大学生日益严重的心理问题。

    Conclusion Colleges and universities should adopt sound measures to help solve these psychological problems in the college students .

  9. 省属工科院校大学生心理发展总体上比较健康,但也有部分学生存在较严重的心理问题,应针对其心理状况加强心理健康教育。

    It is necessary to conduct mental health education in consideration of the mental characteristics of the students in these universities .

  10. 结论精神分裂症患者家属存在严重的心理问题,因此,应对家属提供心理帮助,以提高他们的生活质量,有利于病人的康复。

    Conclusion Relatives of schizophrenia exist severe mental disorder and psychological help can greatly improve their life quality and fasten their rehabilitation .

  11. 结论:湖北高校21.02%的大学生有中度心理问题,2.81%的大学生可能有较严重的心理问题。

    CONCLUSION : 21.02 % college students in Hubei had moderate mental question , 2.81 % college students had more serious mental question .

  12. 然而,由于社会、工作和家庭三方因素,造成公务员群体产生严重的心理问题。

    However , the three factors of society , work , and family , are causing series psychological issues among the civil service groups .

  13. 独生子女护士存在较为严重的心理问题,严重影响独生子女护士所提供的护理质量。

    Is serious Psychological problem in only son and daughter , and it affects nursing quantity provided by the only son and daughter nurse seriously .

  14. 因此,家长要从家庭的解体而导致儿童存在着严重的心理问题这一角度出发,采取行之有效的家庭教育策略来面对和解决这些问题。

    Therefore , parents should take it serious that divorce may result in mental handicap , and try to find some effective strategies to solve this problem .

  15. 目前,传统教育偏重于知识传授而对青少年闲暇教育重视不足造成了青少年严重的心理问题得不到及时而正确的解决。

    Currently , traditional education lays particular stress on book-learning while little on leisure time education , so the serious psychological problems cannot be cured timely and correctly .

  16. 由于学习压力大,人际交往空间逼仄,存在着严重的心理问题,耐挫能力差。

    Owing to the great pressure of study , a lack of contact with people , and poor ability to bear frustration , many youngesters have mental problems .

  17. 湖北高校21.02%(366/1741)的大学生有中度心理问题,2.81%(49/1741)的大学生可能有较严重的心理问题。二年级大学生存在中度以上心理卫生问题最高。

    21.02 % ( 366 / 1 741 ) college students had moderate mental question , 2.81 % ( 49 / 1 741 ) college students had serious mental question .

  18. 结论恶性颅内肿瘤患者存在着严重的心理问题,且不同性别、年龄、经济状况和不同部位的恶性颅内肿瘤患者,其心理障碍程度有差异。

    Conclusion The patients with malignant intracranial tumors had serious mental problems . Furthermore , the extent of mental barrier varied with sex , age , economic condition and tumor location .

  19. 大学生在日常生活中,面临着许多人际交往的情况,大学生对交流的恐惧和焦虑已经成为了一种较为严重的心理问题。

    College students live in the daily life involved many occasions of interpersonal communication and adaptability , due to which fear and anxiety of communication have become a rather serious psychological issue .

  20. 保罗:谁都知道菲丽莎·蒂尔曼是个疯子,玛莎和我的前妻说过,她姐姐说的话,她一个字也不信,因为她姐姐有严重的心理问题。

    Paul : Everybody knows Felicia Tillman is crazy . Martha said to my wife that she couldn 't trust a thing that her sister said due to her severe mental problems .

  21. 数学焦虑对学生的数学学习有着重要的影响,过高或过低的焦虑都不利于数学的学习,过高的焦虑甚至会使学生产生严重的心理问题。

    Mathematics anxiety has a great influence on mathematical learning . Too much or too little anxiety is against Mathematics study . Excessive anxiety may even make students get serious psychological problems .

  22. 结果受人际关系困扰的学生总检出率为39.15%,心理健康状况的一般分析表明有8.47%的学生存在比较严重的心理问题,76.72%的学生有轻度的心理问题;

    Results The total detectable rate of interpersonal relationship problems was ( 39.15 % ); the general analysis of mental health condition indicated that ( 8.47 % ) of the students had relatively serious psychological problems and ( 76.72 % ) of the students had mild psychological problems .

  23. 某些特定人群出现以下情况应及时就医如果压力和焦虑能导致令人不安的怪梦,那么更严重的心理健康问题同样会干扰你的睡眠,这也不足为奇了。

    If stress and anxiety can cause such strange and often upsetting dreams , it should come as no surprise that more serious mental health conditions can similarly interrupt your sleep .

  24. 结果与结论:医科大学生SCL-90各因子均值都高于全国常模,有191%的学生存在较严重的心理卫生问题;

    Results and Conclusion : The average of each factor in medical students SCL-90 is higher than that of the whole nations norm .

  25. 结论澳门小学教师存在较严重的心理健康问题。

    Conclusion Primary school teachers have significant mental health problem in Macau .

  26. 瑜伽甚至会降低像焦虑或更严重的心理健康问题的症状。

    Yoga may even reduce symptoms of more serious mental health issues like anxiety .

  27. 调查发现,并没有人报告亚历克西斯存在越来越严重的心理健康问题。

    The review found that no one reported Alexis ' growing mental health problems .

  28. 少年和青少年中被欺负的孩子面对的是更严重的心理健康问题。

    Bullied kids face a high risk of mental health problems as teens and as young adults .

  29. 普通中学的高中生比重点中学的高中学生存在更多更严重的考试心理问题;

    Students in common senior middle schools have more serious problem than those in key senior middle schools ;

  30. 目前,我国公务员队伍存在较为严重的心理健康问题,应加以关注。

    Currently , China 's civil servants presence serious mental health problems , we should pay attention on them .