
bǎo bao
  • baby;darling;silkworm;darling child
宝宝 [bǎo bǎo]
  • (1) [baby;darling]∶对小孩儿的亲昵称呼

  • (2) [silkworm]∶对蚕的爱称

  • 村里别人家的宝宝也都不差。--叶圣陶《春蚕》

宝宝[bǎo bao]
  1. 五个月的宝宝会有蛔虫吗?

    Can the darling of5 months have ascarid ?

  2. 忙活了一天,好希望我的「宝宝」快点和大家见面。

    I 've been busy all day , I really hope my " darling " can meet with everyone soon .

  3. 你知道阿曼达的小宝宝吧?

    You know about Amanda 's baby , don 't you ?

  4. 睡觉前尽量别使宝宝太兴奋。

    Try not to excite your baby too much before bedtime .

  5. 她还没有熟悉她宝宝的需要。

    She wasn 't yet attuned to her baby 's needs .

  6. 小宝宝用调羹敲打着桌子。

    The baby was banging the table with his spoon .

  7. 我们恨不得早点有个小宝宝。

    We can 't wait to hear the patter of tiny feet .

  8. 宝宝今天早上吐了我一身。

    The baby puked all over me this morning .

  9. 她怀里抱着她的宝宝。

    She carried her baby in her arms .

  10. 他们的宝宝真是个小乖乖。

    Their baby 's a dear little thing .

  11. 她在给宝宝织一床小被子。

    She 's knitting the baby a shawl .

  12. 他捏着宝宝的脸颊逗着玩。

    He pinched the baby 's cheek playfully .

  13. 我们的宝宝刚开始会爬。

    Our baby is just starting to crawl .

  14. 我把睡着的宝宝轻轻放下。

    I put the sleeping baby down gently .

  15. 宝宝迈出了最初的蹒跚的脚步。

    The baby took its first uncertain steps .

  16. 宝宝需要就喂食。

    Feed the baby on demand .

  17. 宝宝醒来了吗?

    Is the baby awake yet ?

  18. 宝宝好吗?

    How 's the baby ?

  19. 宝宝不肯离开你别担心,他们总要经过这个阶段。

    Don 't worry about the baby not wanting to leave you ─ it 's a stage they go through .

  20. 把宝宝放到座位上,给她弹一首摇篮曲。

    Place your baby in her seat and play her a lullaby

  21. 随着宝宝的成长,其骨骼的柔韧性会降低。

    As your baby grows bigger , his bones become less pliable

  22. 宝宝生病了,但似乎正在好起来。

    The baby had been poorly but seemed on the mend .

  23. 你不能总守在你的宝宝身边。

    You can 't be with your baby all the time .

  24. 宝宝睡不着觉似乎没有任何好处。

    A sleepless baby can seem to bring little reward .

  25. 你的小宝宝会拖着脚或一扭一扭地学步。

    Your baby will try to shuffle or wiggle along the floor .

  26. 她在我周围忙来忙去,像鸟妈妈对鸟宝宝一样。

    She fluttered around me like a mother bird at her nestlings .

  27. 打嗝可能会让宝宝从头到脚地颤。

    The hiccups may shake your baby 's body from head to foot

  28. 你决不会像疼爱自己的宝宝一样疼爱别人。

    You 'll never love anyone the way you love your baby .

  29. 你宝宝的肚子摸起来应是暖和的,而不是发烫的。

    Your baby 's tummy should feel warm , but not hot .

  30. 他们的宝宝是个很独立的人。

    Their baby is a person in his own right .