
  • 网络Ancient Chinese ceramics;Treasures of China-Pottery&Porcelain
  1. 中国古代陶瓷的X射线荧光非破坏分析

    X-Ray Fluorescence Nondestructive Analysis of Ancient Chinese Porcelains

  2. 中国古代陶瓷人物纹饰探析

    On Exploring the Ceramic Character Decoration in Ancient China

  3. 简论中国古代陶瓷科技发展史

    Brief Discussion on the History of Science and Technology of Ancient Chinese Ceramics

  4. 中国古代陶瓷佛教造像考

    A Study on the Ceramic Sculptures in Ancient China

  5. 中国古代陶瓷酒器的发展

    On the Development of the Traditional Ceramic Drinking Vessels in the Ancient China

  6. 中国古代陶瓷荷花纹装饰特征演变研究

    The Research on the Decoration Features Development of Lotus-pattern on Chinese Ancient Ceramics

  7. 中国古代陶瓷茶器的启示

    Enlightenment of Ceramic Tea Ware in Ancient China

  8. 中国古代陶瓷雕塑的美学特征

    Aesthetic features of ceramic sculptures in ancient China

  9. 中国古代陶瓷发展到清代,进入了它的全盛期。

    In the Qing Dynasty the development of Chinese ancient porcelain went into its peak .

  10. 宋代陶瓷具有秀丽典雅、优美含蓄的独特时代风格,在中国古代陶瓷艺术发展史上具有重要地位。

    The porcelain of Song dynasty has a typical artistic style of beautiful , elegant , exquisite and implicit , it has a important status in the history of Chinese ancient porcelain art .

  11. 简论中国古代民间陶瓷

    Chinese pottery and porcelain among the people in ancient

  12. 简论中国古代民间陶瓷浅论民间陶瓷与民间陶艺

    CHINESE POTTERY AND PORCELAIN AMONG THE PEOPLE IN ANCIENT Brief discussion on civilian pottery and civilian pottery art

  13. 中国古代的陶瓷艺术中也同样可见线化的装饰特征,弥漫着音乐般的旋律。

    The line has a strong Oriental taste , the same line of decoration can be found in the Chinese ancient ceramic art , different carving and painting tools created different lines on ceramics .

  14. 这是一件仿中国古代唐朝的陶瓷花瓶,纯手工制造。

    It is an archaize ceramics vase of China Tang dynasty . It 's pure hand .

  15. 唐宋是中国封建社会文明高度繁荣时期。这一时期的中国古代陶瓷在技术上日渐成熟。

    In Tang and Song dynasty , Chinese culture was booming , and Chinese pottery was becoming perfect in technique day by day .

  16. 本篇论文围绕中国陶瓷发展历史传承下来的优秀陶瓷作品,总结了中国古代陶瓷的设计理念。

    This paper around the excellent ceramic works of Chinese ceramics history handed down , summarizes the design philosophy of ancient Chinese ceramics .