
  1. 章门弟子与中国近代史学转型

    The Disciples of Zhang Taiyan and the Transformation of Modern History Studies

  2. 实证主义史学在中国近代史学发展历程中的作用不可低估。

    Positivist Historiography plays an important role in the development of Chinese historiography .

  3. 总之,他为新史学理论之传播、构建做出了相当之贡献,理应在中国近代史学史上占一突出席位,其历史学说在今天仍具有重要的借鉴意义和参考价值。

    He should hold a prominent position in history of modern Chinese historiography .

  4. 上篇1~3章概述了中国近代史学转型艰难曲折的历程。

    Chapters 1 to 3 trace the course of the historical paradigm in modern China .

  5. 实证主义与中国近代史学

    Positivism And Chinese Modern Historiography

  6. 总之,杨翼骧是中国近代史学、乃至中国史学史学科建立的奠基人之一。

    All in all , Yixiang Yang is one of the founders of modern Chinese history and Chinese historical history .

  7. 本文讨论的主要问题是中国近代史学理论的发展对中学历史教育产生的影响。

    The main point the thesis raise is that the historiography theory of modern china had important influence over the middle school history education at that time .

  8. 中国近代佛教史学探研(1900&1949)

    Studies on the Research of Buddhism History in Modern China ( 1900-1949 )

  9. 梁启超(1873&1929年)字卓如,号任公,是中国近代新史学的奠基人。

    Liang Qichao ( 1873-1929 ) is a. founder of new history , in modern China .

  10. 他的唯物史观为考察法律现象提供了新的视角,开辟了研治中国近代法律史学的新路径。

    His theory and thought were considered to have significance in Chinese modern science of legal history .

  11. 王国维是中国近代戏曲史学的开拓者,他的戏曲观念影响很大。

    Wang Guowei is the man who has opened up the modern historical science of the Chinese Traditional Opera .

  12. 第一章论述中国近代佛教史学兴起的社会文化背景。

    The first chapter goes to the social and cultural background of the revitalizing of modern Buddhism historical Science in China .

  13. 有关近代华北农村发展问题的争论已成为中国近代社会史学界争论的焦点之一近年来随着海外学者的相关著作的发表,这一问题的争论日趋激烈。

    The debates about the rural development in modern North China has been one of the central issues in the circles of modern Chinese sociohistorical science . With the overseas scholars ' related works ' being published , the debates tended to be heated .

  14. 特别是后者,为中国近代资产阶级史学的发展与完善提供了珍贵的遗产。

    Especially the latter provided a precious heritage for the development and improvement of modern bourgeois history in China .

  15. 第三,关于中国古代史学和近代史学的研究。

    The third part is about the research of Chinese ancient history and modern history .

  16. 支那史、东洋史教科书在中国近代教育史、史学史上应有一定的地位

    The history textbooks of China and Asia have certain positions in modern Chinese education history and historiography

  17. 外国资本在近代中国的金融活动,是中国近代史学界研究的重要领域之一。

    The financial affairs of foreign capital in modern China , of which research is significant in the field of modern history .

  18. 钱穆的《中国近三百年学术史》是中国近代史学领域的一部经典之作。

    Academic History of China of the past 300 Years , written by Qian Mu , is one of the masterpieces in Chinese modern history .

  19. 近代佛教史学从一个侧面反映了中国史学和佛学走向现代化的途径与特点,是研究中国近代史学史和学术史的一个较好的切入点。

    Modern historical science of Buddhism sheds light from sideways on the approaches and characteristics of the modernization of historical science ana Buddhist learning in China . It is also a good start-point to view the Chinese modern historiography as well as the academic history .