
zhōnɡ huá rén mín ɡònɡ hé ɡuó mín zú qū yù zì zhì fǎ
  • Law of the People's Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy
  1. 民族区域自治地方根据《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》行使各种自治权利,有权依照当地民族的政治、经济和文化的特点,制定自治条例和单行条例;

    National autonomous areas exercise all rights of self-government in accordance with the law of the people 's Republic of China on regional national autonomy and may work out autonomous rules and specific regulations according to local political , economic and cultural characteristics .

  2. 《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》修改建议稿

    Proposals to The Act of Minority Region Autonomy of the Republic of China

  3. 民族区域自治法制建设的发展&《国务院实施〈中华人民共和国民族区域自治法〉若干规定》解读

    On Development of Regional National Autonomy Legal System Building

  4. 贯彻《国务院实施<中华人民共和国民族区域自治法>若干规定》,坚持和完善民族区域自治制度

    Carrying out Provisions on the Implementation of the Law National Regional Autonomy of the People 's Republic of China by the State Council and Upholding and Improving National Regional Autonomy System

  5. 加快民族地区经济社会发展的法律保障&学习《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》经济条款的体会

    The Safeguard in Law to Speed up the Economic and Social Development in Ethnic Area Comments on the Economic Clause of Law of Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Group in P. R * China

  6. 落实《国务院实施〈中华人民共和国民族区域自治法〉若干规定》,进一步推进民族教育工作向前发展

    Implementing Some Rules of the State Council on Implementation of the Law of the People 's Republic of China on the Autonomy of Minority Nationality Regions and Further Promoting Development of Ethnic Education

  7. 民族工作的重要任务,就是要紧密结合当前的形势和要求,坚持贯彻落实好《中华人民共和国民族区域自治法》,不断完善民族区域自治制度。

    Nation of the important task is to work closely with the current situation and requirements , adhere to implementing the " Republic of China on Regional National Autonomy ", and constantly improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy .