
  • 网络chinese ancient calendar
  1. 道教与中国古代历法

    Taoism and Chinese ancient calendar

  2. 中国古代历法中之朔望月常数的选择

    Selection of the Constant of Synodic Month in Ancient Chinese Calendars

  3. 中国古代历法家对算理的探究

    Exploring the Astronomical Meaning of Algorithm by Ancient Chinese Mathematical Astronomers

  4. 中国古代历法的中心差算式之造术原理

    Fundamental of the Formular of Equation of Centre in Chinese Ancient Calendars

  5. 中国古代历法中的九服晷影算法

    Algorithm for Calculating Solar Shadows in Ancient Chinese Calendars

  6. 它是中国古代历法特有的重要组成部分和独特创造。

    It is a unique component and creative invention of the Chinese traditional calendar .

  7. 中国古代历法中内插法的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Interpolation Method in the Study of Calendar During Ancient China

  8. 中国古代历法、天文仪器、天文机构对日本的影响

    The influence of china 's ancient calendar , astronomical instruments and astronomical organizations on Japan

  9. 另外,中国古代历法改革,既是科学活动,又是国家政治活动。

    Furthermore , in ancient China , the calendar reforms were not only scientific activities , but also the state 's political events .

  10. 中国古代历法中的月食时差算法是为了修正定望和食甚时刻之间的时间差而设计的。

    Scholars , such as Zhu Zaiyu , considered that Shicha of lunar eclipse in ancient China was a correction of the moon parallax .

  11. 道教文献中历法史料探讨中国古代历法与印度及阿拉伯的关系&以日月食起讫算法为例

    AN INQUIRY INTO HISTORICAL CALENDRICAL MATERIALS IN TAOIST LITERATURE A Comparison Study of the Models of Eclipse Phase among Chinese , India and Islamic Astronomy

  12. 中国古代历法家在公元5世纪初发明了一种推求新的闰周的简单算法。

    In early 5th century AD , for deriving the cycle of the intercalary month in a calendar-making system , a numerical method was invented by Chinese Mathematician .

  13. 它的发明使中国古代历法的算法系统进入新的历史阶段,从而成为中国古代天文学史、数学史上具有划时代意义的伟大成就。

    The invention brought the calculating system of ancient Chinese Calendars into a new historical stage ; so it may be regarded as a great achievement of epoch-making significance .

  14. 天干地支与十二生肖,是中国古代历法研究的成果,一般来说,十二生肖用于记年,天干地支计时。

    Heavenly Stems , Earthly Branches and the Twelve Animal signs ( shengxiaos ) are brainchild of Chinese ancestors . Generally , the former are used in calculating hours while the latter numbering years .

  15. 该文重点介绍了中国古代历法、天文仪器、天文机构传入日本的情况,说明中日两国的天文学方面的交流有着悠久的历史,对日本天文学的发展作出了贡献。

    This paper briefs the spread of China 's ancient calendar , astronomical instruments and astronomical organizations into Japan and their exchange between the two countries , which contributed greatly to the development of astronomy in Japan .

  16. 太阳和月亮位置的计算在中国古代历法的各类算法中占有重要地位,许多日月食记录包括了太阳和月亮的位置。

    The computation of the positions of the Sun and Moon plays an important role in various algorithms of ancient Chinese calendars . There is information of solar and lunar positions in many eclipse records in ancient China .

  17. 该文从天文学史学史研究出发,系统地论述了清代学者对中国古代历法的整理研究工作。

    As a preliminary attempt on the history of study of astronomical history , this paper analyzes some research works on ancient calendars by Qing Dynasty scholars , and especially investigates the compiling process of ding Shi Li Zhi .

  18. 验历是中国古代天文历法改革中重要环节之一。

    Calendar-testing was one of the key processes of astronomical calendar reforms in ancient China .

  19. 《授时历》是中国古代最优秀的历法。由元代著名科学家郭守敬等人编制,从1281年开始实行,历经整个明代,一直到清初,共用了360多年。

    Shoushi Calendar , the most outstanding calendar in ancient China , was compiled by Guo Shoujing , a prominent scientist in the Yuan Dynasty , and his colleagues . Enforced in 1281 , throughout the Ming Dynasty and the begin-nin4 of the Qinq Dynasty , the calendar was used for over 360 years .