
  • 网络project;Project library
  1. 使用模板可以自动处理所需步骤,从而方便地创建具有特定用途的空间,例如团队博客、项目库或wiki。

    Using a template allows you to easily create a place with a specific purpose , such as a team blog , a project library , or a wiki by taking care of the necessary steps automatically .

  2. 油田开发专业项目库在油藏研究与开发中的应用

    Application of oilfield development professional project library in reservoir study and development

  3. 该应用程序使用若干Appfuse项目库来实现服务层和DAO层。

    The application uses several libraries from the Appfuse project to implement the service and DAO layers .

  4. 现在唯一剩下没做的事情是将运行时方面JAR文件的副本放置到插件项目库文件夹中,以便与插件一起打包和部署(图10)。

    The only thing left to do now is to place a copy of the runtime aspect JAR file into the plug-in project 's lib folder so that it will be packaged and deployed with the plug-in ( Figure 10 ) .

  5. 对临时项目库的分析发现生成的项目具有较合适的心理计量属性,M-AIG系统的重测信度达到0.83(P<0.01)。

    From the analysis of the temporary item bank , it is found that the generating item has more suitable psychological psychometric attributes and the test-retest reliability of M-AIG system reaches 0.83 ( p0.01 ) .

  6. 浅议全国水文基本建设项目库的建设

    Brief Introduction to the Project Storehouse of National Hydrological Capital Construction

  7. 群件技术,如讨论、交谈会话和项目库。

    Groupware technologies such as discussions , chat sessions and project libraries .

  8. 建立项目库、资源库、数据库等科技信息系统,充分利用科技资源。

    Establishing scientific and technological information system in order to make the best use of the technical resources .

  9. 在如何建立总体城市设计项目库的问题上,文中提出建立控制项目和控制要点。

    On the question that how to create a project library , this thesis puts forward the specific points .

  10. 如果我在我们的项目库中错误地设计了一个函数,那么或许所有的同事都会遭罪。

    If I mis-design a function in one of our project libraries , potentially all of my colleagues suffer .

  11. 换句话说,项目库中的代码与您在这里看到的代码可能略有不同,或者有较大的不同。

    In other words , the code in the project repository may be subtly or drastically different from what you find here .

  12. 项目库所具有计划、组织、管理的特点是保证设计目标与实践良好结合的基础。

    The characteristics of the plan , organization and management of the project library can ensure the integration of the design goals and the implementation .

  13. 各规划管理与实施部门与规划设计单位之间形成长效沟通机制,保证环境综合整治项目库质量,提高行政效率。

    Between the government and design departments , it can be formed a long-term communication mechanism which can ensure environmental quality and improve administrative efficiency .

  14. 经过多轮讨论对项目库中内容进行增减,生成医生工作满意度与稳定性预试量表。

    After Several discussions about the content of the item database , the pretesting scale of the physician job satisfaction and stability was basically constructed .

  15. 文中研究总体城市设计内容、成果以及实践特征,提出编制总体城市设计项目库的必要性。

    From the content , results and characters of the comprehensive urban design , this thesis will points out the necessity to compile the project library .

  16. 最后通过对库区50个景区的定量评价,列举出三峡库区旅游开发项目库。

    Finally , this paper lists the project bases for the development of tourism in the Three-gorge Reservoir Area based on the quantitative evaluation of50 scenic spots there .

  17. 本论文以北碚总体城市设计为基础,尝试着提出实现总体城市设计构想的项目库。

    This thesis based on the comprehensive urban design of Beibei city , tries to propose the project library which can help to fulfill the vision of the comprehensive urban design .

  18. 并推荐了项目库,安排了规划方案的实施阶段,籍此为以后的各项规划设计工作、开发建设工作等提供框架基础,以方便政府部门招商引资,方便规划实施。

    We recommended the project data-base , arranged implemental stage , which provided the frame foundation for the later plans and the constructing work . All these will facilitate the government to attract investing and the implementation of the layout .

  19. 耕地后备资源调查评价在国土资源规划、管理、保护和合理利用方面,尤其是在县级土地开发整理规划及土地开发整理项目库建设方面有着重要的作用;

    The investigation and evaluation of arable land in reserve plays an important part in national land resources ` planning , managing , protecting and utilizing , especially the part in the counties ` land developing neatening , planning and construction of items .

  20. 高校科研管理系统中包含科研人员库、专家库、项目库、论文库、著作库等大量数据,文中仅以成果库中项目、著作、论文数据为对象进行挖掘研究。

    Research Management System in Universities contains a large of databases of scientific research individuals , experts , project , thesis , books and so on . However this paper only researches achievements database and targets its projects , publications , thesis as data mining objects .

  21. 在这个向导中,选择完整的WebSphereInterChangeServer项目存储库路径,以及一个将用于创建库项目的值。

    In the wizard , select the complete WebSphere InterChange Server project repository path and a value for the library project to be created .

  22. WebSphereCastIron提供了一个模板整合项目存储库,使得您可以重用已有资产,以及将您的资产与社区共享。

    WebSphere Cast Iron provides a template integration project repository which enables you to reuse existing assets , as well as share your assets with the community .

  23. 注意,JarProject可以包含多个Jar,它们都可见,而且部署在每个引用项目的库或者模块中。

    Note that JarProject can contain multiple Jars , which will be visible and deployed with each library or module that references the project .

  24. 当JSDT对源代码编辑器中打开的文件进行建模时,它首先对文件的源代码建模,然后将项目的库集合中的所有源文件添加到模型。

    When JSDT is modeling a file that is open in the source editor , it starts by modeling the file 's source code , then adding each source file in the project 's library set to the model .

  25. 巧用Protel98的项目元件库功能

    The Technic about Using the Function of Project Library in Protel 98

  26. 服务器模式非常适合创建中心备份服务器或项目存储库。

    Server mode is ideal for creating a central backup server or project repository .

  27. 这意味着项目资源库会因团队成员提交新工作成果而经常发生更改。

    This means the project repository is constantly changing as team members submit new work .

  28. 打开包含要发送到记录中心网站的文档或项目的库或列表。

    Open the library that contains the document that you want to send to a Records Center site .

  29. 利用“体育考试项目标准库”对体育教育的作用

    The Influence of " the establishment of Standard Courses Bank " for PE Examination and its utilization on PE Education

  30. 还探讨了使用项目构件库和项目配置管理系统来按构件粒度的不同进行软件配置管理。

    By the use of project manager component repository and software configuration system , integration software configuration management strategy is applied .