
  • 网络Financial Futures;financial future transaction
  1. 金融期货交易中的套期保值和基差风险分析

    The Analysis of Hedging and Basic Risk in Financial Futures Markets

  2. 金融期货交易可以发挥杠杆原理,以小博大,促进经济的发展。

    The financial futures trading can exert leverage and accelerate economic development .

  3. 手势语在金融期货交易中的使用

    Hand Signals Used in Financial Futures

  4. 股指期货交易是随着期货市场和股票市场的不断发展而被推出的一种新型的金融期货交易。

    Stock index futures exchange is a new kind of financial futures exchange which comes into being with the development of futures market and stock market .

  5. 监管机构表示,金融期货交易无疑将会扩大。国内许多分析师预计,外国人很快将获准参与股指期货交易。

    Regulators say there is no doubt that financial futures trading will be expanded – and many local analysts expect foreigners to be allowed to trade index futures soon .

  6. 在2006年9月8日沪深300仿真股指期货在中国金融期货交易所开始交易。

    On September 8 , 2006 , the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 simulation of stock index futures in China Financial Futures Exchange started trading .

  7. 具有自主知识产权的基于XML引擎的安全网关在基于SOA应用的大潮流中研制推出,将会有广阔的市场,尤其是在税务、商业、金融、股票和期货交易、国防等重要部门。

    Security Gateway Based on XML-Engine with independent intellectual property , which is launched in the trend of SOA application , is bound to have large market occupancy , especially in the important sectors such as taxation , commerce , finance , stock and futures transaction , national defense , etc.

  8. 2001年我国加入WTO后,为了更好地发展我国的经济,顺应世界经济的发展潮流,在加强金融监管的基础上,逐步开展金融期货交易。

    After our country joined in the WTO in 2001 , in order to develop our country economy , and comply with the world economy development trend , in the base of strengthen financial regulation , our country developed financial futures business step by step .

  9. VaR是测量金融市场风险的主流方法,其在金融期货交易中有着非常重要的应用价值。

    VaR , with very important application values , is the mainstream in measuring the financial market risks .

  10. 2006年9月,中国金融期货交易所的成立为我国重新开展金融期货交易奠定了基础,我国的股指期货交易已经在筹备之中。

    In September , 2006 , the Chinese finance futures exchange establishment redeveloped the finance prompt sale for our country to lay the foundation ; our country stock has referred to the prompt sale already during the arrangement .