
  1. 所用贵金属活性组分多为Pt、Rh。

    The noble metals used are Pt and Ph.

  2. 金属活性助剂MCA对丁腈橡胶性能的影响

    Effect of Metal Coagent MCA on Property of NBR

  3. 在金属活性中心上,烷基芳烃遵循吸附脱氢的反应机理;在酸性中心上可能遵循H转移、链式正碳离子以及自由基机理。

    On metal active sites the dealkylation reaction follows adsorption and dehydrogenation mechanism , while on acid sites the dealkylation follows hydrogen transfer mechanism , carbonium ion chain reaction mechanism or free radical mechanism .

  4. 介绍了金属活性助剂MCA在丁腈橡胶的高硫硫化体系,低硫硫化体系、过氧化物(DCP)硫化体系中的鉴定结果。

    The paper relates the appraisal result of the metal coagent MCA in high sulfur , low sulfur and DCP curing systems of NBR .

  5. 利用担载型双金属活性组分催化剂,考察了反应温度、压力、进料空速和V(空气)∶V(H2O)(体积比)等反应条件对催化湿式氧化处理某农药废水效果的影响。

    The wastewater in pesticide plants on the supported bimetallic catalyst is treated and the operation conditions of CWO including temperature , pressure , space velocity and the ratio of air / water are investigated .

  6. 这是由于吸附在不饱和W中心上的苯和甲苯,与金属活性中心活化的溢流氢发生反应,分别生成环己烷和甲基环己烷。

    The additional activity could be ascribed to the unsaturated tungsten sites , where the activated hydrogen spilt over from the neighboring metallic sites could hydrogenate the adsorbed benzene and toluene with the formation of cyclohexane and methylcyclohexane , respectively .

  7. 结果表明金属活性助剂MCA,在不同的硫化体系中可提高丁腈橡胶的拉伸强度、硬度,改善丁腈橡胶的耐热老化性能及压缩永久变形性能。

    The results have shown that MCA can increase tensile strength and hardness of NBR and also improve the properties of resistance to heat aging and compression set of NBR as well .

  8. Nd-Al双金属活性体对异戊二烯的溶液聚合

    Isoprene Polymerization Catalyzed by Nd-Al Bimetallic Complex

  9. 由氯化稀土体系获得的Nd-Al双金属活性体的组成及其定向聚合活性

    Composition and stereospecific polymerization activity of Nd-AI bimetallic complex obtained from rare earth chloride system

  10. Ni-HM,Ni-Mo-HM催化剂上的正戊烷异构化遵循典型的双功能催化反应机理,在低镍含量时,金属活性中心上的加脱氢为速度控制步骤;

    Pentane isomerization over Ni-HM and Ni-Mo-HM catalysts follow the typical bifunctional catalytic reaction mechanism .

  11. 结果表明,镍活化剂在200℃以上发生热氧化还原反应,在涤纶织物表面产生金属活性镍,以合适的碱性镀液施镀,获得低磷Ni-P合金镀层织物。

    The result show that redox reaction occurs when nickel activating agent is heated up to 200 ℃ and the metal nickel is deposited on polyester fiber surface . Therefore , low-phosphorus Ni-P alloy based textile was prepared , by electroless plating with proper basic bath .

  12. 60%LiBr溶液中,BTA则与MoO42-共同作用,在碳钢表面形成MoO2、MoO3和Fe-BTA致密钝化膜减缓金属活性溶解。

    The compact passive films , which are consisted of MoO_2 , MoO_3 and Fe-BTA , retard the active dissolution of carbon steel in 60 % LiBr solution .

  13. 结合实验数据与文献报道,我们认为,吸附在Br(?)nsted酸中心上的苯易与来自金属活性中心的溢流氢作用生成环己烷,从而导致环己烯得率较低。

    By combining the experimental results and literature reports , benzene adsorbed on the Br (?) nsted acid site is more favorable for the formation of cyclohexane with the spill-over hydrogen from the metal active site , resulting in lower yield of cyclohexene .

  14. 测试结果说明,SAXS-DDF法适合于测试单相超细粉末或两相催化剂中金属活性组分颗粒的粒度分布。

    The results show that SAXS-DDF method is suitable for determining particle size distributions of homogeneous ultrafine powder and supported metal active component particle in the catalyst systems .

  15. 载贵金属活性碳纤维对氙吸附性能的研究

    Studies on Xenon Adsorption on Activated Carbon Fibers Supported Noble Metals

  16. 陶瓷-金属活性法连接的关键之一是活性钎料。

    Active brazer is key to the brazing of ceramic to metal .

  17. 陶瓷-金属活性金属钎焊研究的现状和进展

    Advance in Active Metal Brazing of Ceramics - to-metals

  18. 负载金属活性碳纤维对NO催化分解性能的研究

    Studies on the catalytic decomposition of nitrogen monoxide on metal modified activated carbon fiber

  19. 不同造孔剂负载金属活性炭的制备及其脱硫性能初步研究

    Preparation of Metal-loaded Activated Carbon with Different Hole-making Agents and Primary Study on Its Desulfurization Capability

  20. 该酶是一个复合的膜蛋白,包括多个亚基及不同的金属活性中心。

    The enzyme is a complex metalloprotein embedded in the membrane and comprises several subunits and metal active sites .

  21. 采用紫外-可见和园二色谱表征了蛋白的金属活性中心和二级结构。

    The UV-visible and CD spectra were used to characterize the active site and secondary structure of the protein .

  22. 两种活性中心的催化活性受铝比、聚合温度等的影响,稀土活性体对聚合条件比过渡金属活性体有较宽的适应范围。

    Catalytic activity of these two active centers was influenced by Al / M ratio , polymerization temperature and other conditions .

  23. 表征结果显示,硝酸处理能显著提高活性炭表面含氧基团的浓度,使得金属活性组分易于分散。

    Characterization results show that nitric acid treatment can obviously improve the carbon surface oxygen groups , makes the metal active components were easily dispersible .

  24. 金属活性物种的催化性能与催化剂还原条件下决定的金属颗粒形貌及颗粒大小密切相关。

    The catalytic properties of metal species are closely related to the morphology and particle size , which are normally determined by the conditions of the catalyst reduction .

  25. 采用吸附仪测定了所制负载金属活性碳纤维的吸附等温线,然后用不同理论方法对孔径分布进行表征分析。

    The pore distribution of metal coating activated carbon fibers were analyzed by HK , BJH and Dubinin theories from the nitrogen adsorption isotherms measured by auto adsorption meter .

  26. 考察了催化剂的载体、催化剂焙烧条件、不同金属活性组成及其含量对催化剂性能的影响。

    The effects of different supports and the calcination temperatures of the catalyst were studied , and the influence of different metal compositions and contents on catalytic properties was also determinated in detail .

  27. 用等体积浸渍法制备了过渡金属活性炭基脱硫剂,采用动态吸附法对脱硫剂的脱硫性能进行评价。

    An activated carbon supported transition metal adsorbent was prepared by impregnation , and its sulfur removal performance was studied by dynamic adsorption method using a diesel component from FCC process , LCO .

  28. 催化剂的比表面积、孔径大小、表面亲水性质及金属活性中心性质影响苯和环己烯在反应过程中吸附、脱附及传质。

    Specific surface area , pore size , surface hydrophilicity and metal active center of Ru catalysts have effects on adsorption , desorption and mass transfer of benzene and cyclohexene in the reaction process .

  29. 采用等体积法制备了非贵金属活性炭脱硫剂,研究了活性炭载体预处理工艺和不同非贵金属含量脱硫剂的脱硫性能。

    The non-noble metal desulfurizer of active carbon was prepared by using equal volume method . The effects of pretreatment process of active carbon carrier and different non-noble metals contents on the properties of desulfurizer were studied .

  30. Al2O3陶瓷与金属Ni活性钎焊界面反应

    Interfacial reaction of active brazing between Al_2O_3 ceramic and metal Ni