
  • 网络The Second Spring
  1. 这张唱片现在迎来了第二春,今年夏天早些时候旧金山的旧唱片重发厂牌优越高架桥(SuperiorViaduct)再次发行了它。

    The album is now enjoying a second life , thanks to its release earlier this summer on the San Francisco-based reissue label Superior Viaduct .

  2. 他告诉我你可以用血型帮人寻找第二春?

    She told me you use blood types to arrange second marriages ?

  3. 他们很多是在寻觅第二春甚至第三春了。

    Most of them are Iooking for their second or even third .

  4. 但近几年来,思科公司一直在努力寻找自身发展的第二春。

    But for several years , Cisco ( CSCO ) has been struggling to find a suitable second act .

  5. 居住在中国的外国人有很多不同的圈子,从学生到来中国寻找职业第二春的退休老人不一而足。

    There are many different expat communities in China , ranging from students to retirees setting out on second careers .

  6. 回到上赛季结束,利物浦这座城市似乎又换发第二春了。

    For a time towards the end of last season , Liverpool briefly looked English football 's boom town once again .

  7. 我的邻居跟他前妻在一起有20多年了,竟然还在网上找到了自己的第二春。

    My neighbor , who had been with his ex-wife for more than 20 years , found his second love online .

  8. 这可能并非思科公司为自己设想的第二春,但这些举措或许足以让投资者睡个安稳觉。

    That might not be the second act Cisco imagined for itself , but it may just be compelling enough to keep investors in their seats .

  9. 朱莉还在电影《公主日记》(2001年)迎来了事业的第二春,并继续在青少年电影中大放异彩。

    Her career was revived by The Princess Diaries ( 2001 ) and she continues to enjoy box office success with voice work in youth-oriented films .

  10. 与银行业领域形成鲜明对比的是,保险公司老板在金融危机之后似乎仍能开启事业第二春。

    In a symbolic contrast with the realm of banking , the bosses of insurance companies still appear able to reinvent themselves for the post-crisis world .

  11. 我们可以很合理地推测当鲨鱼在热队焕发第二春并与韦德夺得总冠军时科比是郁闷的。

    So we would be correct to assume that he was livid when O'Neal went to Miami and won a championship playing second-banana to Dwayne Wade .

  12. 同志们,不要灰心,不要沉沦,只要加入本公司,你们就会迎来“牛气冲天”的第二春!

    The comrades , don 't be disappointed , don 't drown , as long as join our company , you face for the meeting " cow spirit blunt day " of two spring !

  13. 随着我国社会环境的发展,加上移动族的迅速扩张,网络技术的广泛应用,使广播媒体迎来第二春,未来广播电台的发展机遇和潜力不可忽视。

    With the development of our country , the rapid expansion of Mobile Group and the extensive application of the network technology , in the future radio development opportunity and the potential can not be ignored .

  14. 沃伯顿说:女人的40岁如今被称为第二春,内衣设计者也在顺应市场以满足这种需求,所以我们预计这部分市场今后将会进一步扩大。

    " With women 's 40s being touted as the new 20s , and lingerie designers stepping up to the mark to feed this demand , it 's a market we expect to see grow further in the future ," Warburton said .

  15. 1770年末,黑死病传到了莫斯科,到第二年春,此病已经迅速传开。

    The bubonic plague struck Moscow in late 1770 and by spring of the following year had become a full blown epidemic .