
  • 网络A Second Home;a-second-home
  1. 再见。这好像是我的第二个家。

    Goodbye . It 's been like a second home for me .

  2. 这地方就象第二个家。

    This place is like a second home .

  3. 丹尼尔的销售说辞被带离了轨道,但他回答,连锁牛排餐厅Smith&Wollensky是他的第二个家。

    Daniel 's sales pitch is thrown off course , but he replies that the steak chain Smith & Wollensky is his second home .

  4. 第二个家公司为CMO,自2005年3月起,我一直在RD部任职高级工程师,我负责小尺寸模组与中尺寸模组的产品开发。

    The second company is CMO , I have been working as a senior engineer at the RD Department since Mar.2005 , in charge of small-sized and mid-sized module product development .

  5. 在这家公司负责广告业务的经理特蕾西•朱伊特(TracyJewitt)表示,服务人员大幅增加的部分原因在于,很多亚洲富豪在西方国家拥有了第二个家,为这个家服务的需求有所增加。

    Tracy Jewitt , Greycoat 's advertising manager , said this is partly due to demand from rich Asians with second homes in the West .

  6. 他已然将参议院称为他的“第二个家”。

    He has called the Senate his " second family " .

  7. 我要你把这当成你第二个家。

    And I insist that you consider this your second home .

  8. 他再也没找到工作这里就成了他的第二个家

    He never found another . This became his second home .

  9. 我们可以把我们居住的环境当成我们第二个家吗?

    Can we look the environment we live as our second home ?

  10. 从此,这里就是他们的第二个家。

    From then on , it became their second home .

  11. 于是把她转来这边你的第二个家

    Had her brought here , your home from home .

  12. 人们常说办公室是第二个家。

    They say a person 's work place is his / her second home .

  13. 我们为着一个梦想来到这里,这里,就是我的第二个家。

    We come here for the same dream , and here is my another home .

  14. 我真的真的非常喜欢辰家,这里就象我第二个家。

    I really really very like here , because here is like my second family .

  15. 它给了我第二个家

    It gave me a second home

  16. 在你度假时住的屋子(如第二个家一样)。

    A dwelling ( a second home ) where you live while you are on vacation .

  17. 我感觉这就是我的第二个家。

    I have a second home .

  18. 聊城我的第二个家

    Liaocheng My Second Home

  19. 希望大家可以把这里当作第二个家,随时欢迎朋友们回到家里来。

    You can treat this tribe as your second family and you are always welcome to express yourself here .

  20. 而今,这个朗朗上口的首字母缩写词有了第二个家被所谓金砖四国基金所吸引的投资者们的投资组合。

    Today the catchy acronym has a second home in the portfolios of investors attracted by so-called BRIC funds .

  21. 现在,亚洲已俨然成为黑珍珠的第二个家,而亚洲人也成了她的家人。

    Asia has become Zorina 's second home , and the people of Asia have become her second family .

  22. 虽然我不能在这里定居,但我想这里成为我的第二个家。

    Although I can 't live here all the time , I want to make it my second home .

  23. 接下去就不要再困扰于自己的工作和工作场所了,把它当做你的第二个家吧。

    The next step is never be confused about your work and work place , accept it as your second home .

  24. 很多客人都向施华德先生反映说,上海扬子江万丽大酒店就像是他们的第二个家一样的温馨。

    Schaller has received warm responses from guests who told him they felt the Renaissance Yangtze Shanghai Hotel is their second home .

  25. 周末度假村,您的第二个家,请带您的家人来此家外之家度假。

    Weekend holiday inn , your second home . Come with your family to spend a wonderful holiday at your home away from home .

  26. 不只是在新西林办公室,在远离菲律宾的任何一个国家和地区工作,我都会把办公室当成自己的第二个家去享受工作带给我的一切。

    It is not only the office itself but in any place where I work other than my homeland will always be my " second home " in order to enjoy my stay anywhere .

  27. 谁会想到我能在这样残酷和艰难的比赛中找到那么多兄弟?谁会想到我能在中国的武汉找到第二个家?

    Who could have ever imagined that I could find so many brothers in such a grueling and difficult competition , and who could have ever imagined that I could find my second home in China 's Wuhan ?

  28. 为了让这种时间安排能够行得通,他现在在纽约有了第二个家,他两个成年的儿子都住在那里。为了陪伴贝纳杰出差,他的妻子向自己所在的猎头公司请了年假。

    To make the schedule work , he now has a second home in New York , where both his grown-up sons live and his wife has taken a sabbatical from her headhunting job to accompany him on his travels .

  29. 那些餐厅并非全都有米其林星级,但它们带给人们信心,如果他们要在这么遥远的西部买他们的第一或第二个家,周边得有事可做和有好吃的。

    Not all of them are Michelin-starred , but they give people confidence that if they are going to buy a first or second home out here this far west , then there will be things to do and good eating around them .

  30. 洛杉矶是詹姆斯的第二个家,他在好莱坞投资的一家影视制作公司正在迅速发展,他对湖人的新秀控卫“球哥”也是赞誉有加(虽然对球爹并不怎么感冒)。

    James has a second home in Los Angeles to go along with a budding Hollywood production company and has spoken highly of Lakers rookie point guard Lonzo Ball ( even if James isn 't a big fan of Lonzo 's father ) .