
  1. 坦帕第一商业银行是佛罗里达州今年关闭的第16家银行。

    First Commercial Bank of Tampa Bay is the sixth Florida lender shut down this year .

  2. 它就在市立图书馆对面,第一商业银行隔壁。

    It 's across the street from the Municipal Library and next to the First Commercial Bank .

  3. 那么,你要把账划入纽约第一商业银行,我呢

    And you take Key Commercial in New York , and I take

  4. 美利坚第一商业银行具有偿付能力。

    First mercantile American bank was solvent .

  5. 第一,商业银行在这一过程中不再占主导。

    First , commercial banks no longer dominate the process .

  6. 商业银行的流动性问题可以分为三个层次:第一,商业银行在日常经营活动中保持足够的流动性,防止资金周转出现问题。

    First , banks must hold enough funds to turn over in daily operations .

  7. 第一章商业银行服务的研究背景。

    Chapter 1 , commercial bank service background .

  8. 第一部分商业银行信息披露法律制度概述,从概念、特征和意义等方面对商业银行信息披露法律制度进行概述;

    First part is summary of legal system of bank information disclosure , which carry on the summary to the legal system of information disclosure of commercial bank from such respects as the concept , characteristic and meaning , ect ;

  9. 具体从以下两方面展开:第一,商业银行面临的风险主要是银行不良贷款比例过高、资产营利性差和资产流动性差。

    Launch from two following respects concretely : First , the risk that the commercial bank faces is mainly that a non-performing loan of the bank is too high in proportion , profit-generating difference of assets and assets mobility are bad .

  10. 中国通商银行是中国第一家商业银行,其创办者盛宣怀经办洋务多年,因而在管理上通商银行既体出西方的管理思想,又体出中国传统的管理思想。

    Imperial Bank of China , the first commercial bank in China , whose founder SHENG Xuan-huai had dealed with foreign business for many years , not only incarnated the foreign idea of management , but also Chinese conventional idea of management .

  11. 第一章为商业银行营销理论的概述,本章从市场营销理论的起源发展入手,阐述了基于11Ps的现代营销理论和商业银行营销理论,并由此归纳分析了商业银行营销的特点。

    Chapter one is a summary of the marketing theory of commercial bank , and this chapter proceeds with origin development of the marketing theory , explaining the theory of modern marketing based on 11Ps and commercial bank marketing theory , and sums up the marketing characteristics of commercial bank .

  12. 第一章是商业银行信息披露的国际研究。

    Chapter 1 is international research on information disclosure of commercial banks .

  13. 第一部分,商业银行操作风险概述。

    First part , the summary of operation risk in the commercial bank .

  14. 本文第一部分为商业银行风险集中的理论分析。

    The first portion of this paper is " theory analyzing of risk concentration " .

  15. 第一部分为商业银行利率风险管理系统的构建。

    The first part concerns the establishment of the management system of interest rate risk of commercial banks .

  16. 1995年,中国第一家城市商业银行&深圳市商业银行成立。

    In 1995 , the first city commercial bank in China , Shenzhen City Commercial Bank , was established .

  17. 全文主要内容共分为四章:第一章国有商业银行不良资产的一般理论概述。

    The main content is divided into four chapters : Chapter ⅰ: General theoretical overview of state-owned commercial banks ' non-performing assets .

  18. 很清楚,向这个方向发展的第一步就是商业银行改革。

    Clearly , the first step in the direction of strengthening development ties between China and the west is commercial banking reform .

  19. 本文第一章是商业银行外汇业务风险管理的一般理论阐述,包括商业银行外汇业务与外汇业务风险概述、外汇业务风险模型以及商业银行外汇业务风险管理的原则与一般程序。

    In chapter one of this paper , it reviews the general theories of the foreign business risk and risk management of commercial bank .

  20. 自从1694年第一家现代商业银行―英格兰银行成立以来,商业银行走过了三百多年的发展历程。

    Since the first modern commercial bank - England Bank established in 1694 , the commercial bank have developed over three hundred years so far .

  21. 本文的主要内容分为四章:第一章,商业银行操作风险的概述。

    According to the ideas above , the main content of this paper is divided into four chapters : Chapter 1.The summary of operating risk .

  22. 虽然我国商业银行监管在不断完善,但是还存在着一些问题,具体来说主要有以下几个方面:第一,对商业银行监管主体缺乏监督体制。

    Although commercial bank supervision constantly is improved , but there are some problems : First , our country lacks supervision of commercial bank supervision system to the supervisor .

  23. 第一,向商业银行增发1000亿元国债专项用于基础设施建设投资,扩大内需,拉动经济增长。

    First , placing an additional RMB yuan 100 billion of treasury bonds with commercial banks earmarked for infrastructures with a view to expanding domestic demand and stimulating growth .

  24. 本文第一部分对商业银行信用风险的产生、分类、估测方法及其管理作了概括性的描述。

    The paper includes five parts as below : The first part is a general picture about the background , the classifications , the method of evaluating and the management of credit risk in commercialbank .

  25. 全文共分为四章:第一章从商业银行风险的概念和成因入手,分析了商业银行风险的特征和分类,并介绍了银行风险管理的演变进程。

    The first chapter begins with the concept and cause of risks of commercial banks , the analysis of the characters and classification of these risks , and the introduction to the evolution process of bank risk management .

  26. 同时注意认识银行营销风险和及时采取控制措施。全文共分五章,第一章讲述商业银行市场营销的必要性与可行性。论文分析了我国金融产品创新的必要性与可行性以及分步实施的战略;

    The risk of bank marketing that shall be known and control measurement that shall be adopted are also introduced in the paper . In thesis , have analyzed the necessity , feasibility and strategy implemented step by step of financial products innovation of our country .

  27. 第一东方还在英国商业银行QuayleMunro拥有9%的股份。

    First Eastern also owns 9 per cent of Quayle Munro , a UK merchant bank .

  28. 第一部分对国有商业银行的改革目标,即现代国有商业银行的含义分层次进行了探讨;

    Part 1 discusses the meaning of modern state-owned commercial bank .

  29. 本文共分四章。第一章介绍了商业银行治理结构的相关内容。

    The first one introduces related content of corporate governance of commercial banks .

  30. 第一部分阐述了商业银行金融业务创新的重要意义。

    The first part expatiated the important meaning that commercial bank financial business set up .