
  1. 戏正在上演,所有的女士们——方块、梅花、红桃和黑桃1都坐在前一排挥动着郁金香做的扇子。所有的“贾克”都站在她们后面,表示他们上下都有一个头,正如在普通的扑克牌中一样。

    A comedy was being performed in it , and all the queens of diamonds , clubs , and hearts ,, and spades , sat in the first row fanning themselves with tulips , and behind them stood all the knaves , showing that they had heads above and below as playing cards generally have .

  2. 四组纸牌是梅花、方块、红桃和黑桃。

    The four suits are clubs , diamonds , hearts , and spades .