
tǔ xù
  • boll opening;opening of bolls
吐絮 [tǔ xù]
  • [opening of bolls;boll opening] 指棉桃熟裂,露出的白色棉絮

  1. 增施氮肥会推迟吐絮期。

    The increasing of nitrogenous fertilizer would postpone the boll opening period .

  2. 陆地棉吐絮进程与产量和纤维品质的关系

    Relation Studies on Speed of Boll Opening and Yield , and Fiber Traits in Upland Cotton

  3. 盛花期后至吐絮期前,叶片和花瓣的Bt蛋白表达量明显增加,在抗虫亲本中表现最为明显。

    The Bt insecticidal protein content in leaves and petals at later flower stage was the highest .

  4. 蕾期、初花期、盛花期、吐絮期的CAT酶活性均以白色棉最高,绿色棉在前期和后期最低,棕色棉在花铃期最低。

    CAT activity of white cotton are the highest among brown cotton , green cotton , and white cotton , which green cotton lowest , in the bud stage , and boll opening stage .

  5. 吐絮前30d平均气温15℃,使棉花比强明显下降。

    Days before opening bolls the average temperature is 15 ℃, that makes cotton specific strength decrease obviously .

  6. 生殖器官内32P矿质分配比率,从蕾期一直到吐絮期也不同程度的相对降低。

    The 32 P mineral distribution percentage in reproducing organ decreased from square to open boll stage as well .

  7. 开花前后是棉花生育期间群体光合速率高值持续期(PAD)开始的标志,吐絮前后是棉花PAD结束的标志。棉花PAD是棉花栽培管理的重点时期。

    Blossom is the beginning of cotton PAD , and the beginning of open boll stage is the end of cotton PAD , so the PAD is the key stage in cotton cultivation .

  8. 在出苗期、现蕾期、花铃期和吐絮期四个时期都普遍显示未施菌的CK土壤真菌数量都低于施菌的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ土壤真菌数量。

    In the seedling stage , bud stage , flowering and boll and boll opening of the four periods of the applied strain is not generally show the soil fungi are lower than CK bacteria ⅰ,ⅱ,ⅲ soil fungi .

  9. 吐絮前30d内有>30mm降水时:没有紫外灯照射的棉花比强增大;

    When there is precipitation > 30 mm within 30 days before opening bolls : Specific strength of the cotton without shine of ultraviolet lamp increased ;

  10. 他从他的外套撕一些吐絮堵塞伤口,接着射击。

    He tore some wadding from his jacket to plug the wound and went on firing .

  11. 温度、日照时数对棉花脱叶速度、脱叶率及吐絮率有一定影响。

    The rate of shed leaves and boll open were influenced by temperature and sunlight hours .

  12. 吐絮期主茎叶片叶绿素含量提高11.8%;

    The chlorophyll content enhanced by 11.8 % over the latter at the boll - opening stage ;

  13. 暗呼吸速率在开花期最高,吐絮期最低。

    Dark respiration rate was the highest in the flowering stage and the lowest in the boll-opening stage .

  14. 花铃期、吐絮期各土层棉花根长密度与产量呈显著的二次相关关系。

    There are a significant correlation between root length density and yields of cotton at flowering and boll opening stage .

  15. 研究了棉花分化花芽、蕾、花、成铃、吐絮铃5个花器形态的量变规律。

    The quantitative changes of bud , square , bloom flower , mature boll and open boll in cotton were studied .

  16. 美国农业部9月18日发布的美棉生长进度报告显示,目前新棉56%已经吐絮。

    This USDA crop progress report released on September 18 , 2005 showed 56 % of the crop has open bolls .

  17. 天然彩色棉是采用杂交、基因等现代生物工程技术培育出的一种在吐絮时就具有天然色彩的棉花。

    Natural colored cotton is born with natural color , its character is attained by hybridizing and gene conversion modern bioengineering technology .

  18. 从棉花的出苗期到吐絮期,整体上各个处理间脲酶活性差异不显著。

    From the seedling stage to boll opening of cotton on the whole , urease activity in all treatments was not significant .

  19. 1990~1991年在保定地区自然条件下,利用6个中熟的陆地棉现代品种(系)进行了吐絮进程与产量及纤维品质性状关系的研究。

    Six current upland cotton cultivars were used to study the relationship between speed of boll opening and yield characters , and fiber traits .

  20. 吐絮期生殖体干物质积累速率,3个播期多茎株型分别为对照的6.25倍、2.76倍和1.88倍。

    Accumulative rate of dry matter of reproductive organ in wadding period were 6.25 times , 2.76 times and 1.88 times of the control .

  21. 吐絮期绿洲内部的温度条件较绿洲外围好。

    In the boll opening stage , the temperature conditions are favorable in the inner areas than that in the marginal zones of the oasis .

  22. 苗期和吐絮期重度水分亏缺、蕾铃期中度水分亏缺均有利于棉花产量的形成。

    Severe water deficit at seedling stage and wadding stage , medium water deficit at buds and bolls stage can be propitious to cotton yield .

  23. 干酪包布,栽剪成长方形状,其以线端头打结以防止吐絮(不包括在使用前需要进一步制作者)

    Cheesecloth , cut into rectangles , with the ends of the threads knotted to prevent unravelling ( exlc . those requiring further fabrication before use )

  24. 本研究分三个试验,共用17个现代品种(系)进行了纤维强度与产量性状以及纤维强度与吐絮进程关系的分析。

    Relation Studies on Speed of Boll Opening and Yield , and Fiber Traits in Upland Cotton 17 upland cotton varieties ( lines ) were studied .

  25. 棉花的日照适应度大小为出苗期播种期开花期吐絮期现蕾期。

    Cotton sunshine fitness from strong to weak is respectively seeding stage , sowing stage , blossom stage , and boll opening stage and squaring stage .

  26. 向子棉的分配率在吐絮期(8月25日)高于常规棉。

    Higher before peak flowering , the rates of carrying to the seed cotton were also higher during the period of boll opening ( August 25 ) .

  27. 棉花裂铃吐絮后,蒸散量逐渐减少,而棉花苗期的蒸散以棵间蒸发为主,占总蒸散量的6.2%。

    After boll opening , transpiration reduces gradually , however , the cotton evapotranspiration between the crops within the seedling transpiration is 6.2 % of total of evapotranspiration .

  28. 天然彩色棉亦称有色棉,即自然生长带有颜色的棉花(棉桃在自然吐絮时,棉纤维已具有色彩的棉花)。

    The natural colored cotton means the cotton naturally with color during growing up ( when the cotton boll naturally open , the cotton fibres already have color ) .

  29. 持续受渍对棉花成铃影响最大的时期是花铃期,其次是蕾期和吐絮期。

    Flowering and boll setting stage was the period when cotton boll forming was more intensively influenced by waterlogged stress than that during seedling period and boll opening period .

  30. 盛花期到吐絮期各处理间差异较大。

    There was not distinctive difference among the treatments from Seeding stage to Bud stage , a greater difference between three treatments from full flower stage to boll opening stage .