
  • 网络Dongle;SoftDog;soft dog
  1. Novell服务器上安装应用软件狗的可行性分析

    The study of feasibility of installation softdog in NOVELL server

  2. USB软件狗的设计与固件编程

    Design of USB Softdog and Firmware Programming

  3. 对这个区域的数据存取只能通过专用的接口函数来操作,可以用作PC钥匙认证信息和软件狗认证信息等的存储。

    This part can be used as information important storage such as PC key authentication and soft dog authentication .

  4. 本文采用EEPROM串行存储器件设计软件狗来实现软件加密。

    Software encryption has been realized by using EEPROM in the paper .

  5. 介绍一种新的基于单片机的串口软件狗的实现方法,并给出了其电路原理图、单片机源程序及检测软件狗的VB参考程序。

    This article introduces a new method of the realization of the Serial Port SoftDog based on MCU . And its electric circuit diagram , MCU source program and VB source program have been given out at the same time .

  6. 利用低功耗单片机实现串口软件狗

    Utilize low power cost MCU to realize serial soft dog

  7. 智能软件狗加密设计与实现

    Realization and Design of Intelligent Software Dog for Encryption

  8. 提供了一种廉价的软件狗的实现方案。

    In this paper , an economical plan is put forward to realize soft dog .

  9. 智能手机、软件狗和平板电脑的出现,迫使美国运营商不得不推出新技术,以应对额外的移动数据流量。

    Smartphones , dongles and tablets forced US operators to roll out new technology to cope with extra mobile data traffic .

  10. 设计出来的软件狗采用了五种综合的加密手段,经实践检验这些加密手段使用合理、占用资源少、加密强度高。

    The designed sofeware dog use five kinds of synthetical encryption ways . And practice proves that encryption ways are reasonable ? less resources occupancy and with high encryption intensity .

  11. PC与软件加密狗通讯数据的安全性分析

    The analysis of data communication been PC and its security dog

  12. 基于混沌保密的USB软件加密狗及其反解密研究

    Research on Chaotic USB Software Dog and Its Anti - circumvention Technology

  13. 基于通用USB接口的软件加密狗设计

    Design of Softdog Based on the General USB Interface

  14. 一种USB软件加密狗的设计

    Design of a USB Software Dog

  15. 该文分析了基于混沌技术的USB软件加密狗工作原理和工作过程,着重说明了PC主机与加密狗之间交换数据的详细过程。

    This paper analyzes the principle and process of the digital chaos USB software dog . This dissertation elaborated the data exchange between PC computer and USB software dog .

  16. 基于EZ-USB单片机的软件加密狗设计开发

    Design and Implementation of USB Softdog Based on EZ-USB

  17. 论述在Novell局域网环境下,如何将应用软件加密狗安装在Novell服务器上,以达到不同站点上运行的相同软件共享Novell服务器上同一加密狗的可行性问题。

    The question , which the softdog is installed the NOVELL server for the different station to share the softdog , is discussed .

  18. 单片机任务型软件看门狗原理及应用

    Principle and Application of Soft-Watchdog Technology for Each Task in MCU

  19. 串口软件加密狗的设计与制作

    " Soft Dog " of Serial Interface Designing and Realization

  20. 单片机软件喂狗方式和硬件喂狗方式的比较

    Contrast between hardware and software of microcontroller feeding-dog mode

  21. 新一代软件加密狗原理及应用

    The Principle and Application of New Software Security Dog

  22. 提出一种智能型软件加密狗的设计及制作。

    This article proposes the design and implementation of an intelligent software dog .

  23. 软件加密狗作为保护商用软件知识产权的重要方式,近几年取得了快速发展。

    As an important protection method for commercial software knowledge property , software dog has developed rapidly in recent years .

  24. 软件加密狗是一种和PC机I/O口相连接的硬件盒,它起到保护商品软件知识产权的作用。

    The software dog is a kind of hardware set connected to PC I / O port , which protects the commercial software copyright .

  25. 简要介绍了软件加密狗的几个发展阶段,具体说明了加密狗的软、硬件原理,最后结合某型软件加密狗介绍了其在软件保护中的具体应用。

    This paper introduced the history and development of the software dog first , then researched the software and hardware principle of security dog , and gave the application of some security dog in software protection ?

  26. 硬件采取光电隔离、屏蔽等抗干扰措施,软件采取看门狗、指令冗余等抗干扰措施,提高了系统的可靠性。

    Through the hardware and the software two aspects antijamming ability measures , enhanced the system reliability .

  27. 软件措施有看门狗、余指令和数字滤波等。

    Software include watchdog , redundant instruction , and digital filtering .

  28. 使用数字校零、软件滤波和看门狗技术保证模块运行的稳定性和可靠性。

    Digital offset calibration , software filter technique and watchdog circuit are adopted to ensure stability and reliability .

  29. 另外,为了便于软件开发商使用加密狗,本设计还提供了外壳工具。

    Moreover , in order to be advantageous for the software developer to use encryption dog , this scheme has also provided the outer covering tool .

  30. 提出指令复执、指令冗余、软件陷井、软件狗、快速拦截等软件抗干扰方法,以提高单片机系统的可靠性。

    This paper presents some methods of software interference protection such as instruction retry , instruction redundancy , software trap , software watchdog and high-speed intercept in order to raise the reliability of monolithic processors system .