
  • 网络All optical communication;AOC
  1. 半导体光放大器(semiconductoropticalamplifier,SOA)是未来全光通信系统中非常重要的功能性器件之一。

    Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ( SOA ) is one of the principal functional devices in future all-optical networks .

  2. 光突发交换(opticalburstswitching&OBS)作为当前技术条件下全光通信系统可实现的一种方案,结合了其它多种光交换技术的优势,是较有发展前途的光交换关键技术。

    As a technology which is feasible in current technical condition , OBS ( Optical Burst Switching ) combines advantages of many other optical switching technologies .

  3. 基于OCS的全光通信网的设计与实现

    Design and realization of all optical communication network based on optical circuit switching

  4. 波分复用(WDM)全光通信网充分利用了光纤巨大的带宽和优异的传输性能,具有良好的发展前景。

    Wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM ) all-optical communication network , which utilizes the enormous bandwidth and excellent transport performance of optical fiber , is very promising .

  5. 光编解码器的结构和特性直接影响着OCDMA系统的总体性能,决定着OCDMA系统能否实际应用于全光通信网络中。

    The structure and property of optical encoder and decoder impact the performance of OCDMA system directly and judging whether the system could work practically .

  6. 作为全光通信网的核心设备的光分插复用器(OADM),对全光网的传输能力、组网方式、关键性能都具有重要影响。

    As the core equipment of AON , OADM has great influence on the transmit ability and network originating of AON .

  7. 因此基于MOEMS技术的光开关将成为下一代全光通信网络的关键光器件。

    So optical switch based on MOEMS technology will be a key optical device in the next generation optical communication system .

  8. 利用光孤子(solito)n传输信息的新一代光纤通信系统能真正做到全光通信,无须光电转换,可在超长距离、超大容量传输中大显身手,是光通信技术上的一场革命。

    New generation optical fiber communication system based on soliton can truly realize all-optical communication which does not need o-e-o conversion and can play an important role in ultra-long distance and ultrahigh capacity transmission . This represents a revolution in optical fiber communication technology .

  9. 分析了波分复用(WDM)全光通信环网中的串扰起因,指出单纤WDM环网中的串扰分析可以简化为单一串扰源的情况。

    This paper studies the intraband crosstalk mechanisms in wavelength division multiplexed ( WDM ) ring networks . In WDM ring networks , the crosstalk analysis can be simplified to the single crosstalk source case .

  10. 全光通信是未来通信的发展趋势,密集波分复用(DWDM)技术是光通信中的关键技术,而复用器/解复用器又是DWDM系统中的关键器件。

    The trend of the communication in the future is All-optical communication . The key technology of the light communication is DWDM technology and the key device in DWDM system is the MUX / D MUX .

  11. 近年来,随着全光通信网的迅速发展,光分插复用器(OADM)作为WDM光网络的关键器件之一,一直是国内外广泛关注的焦点。

    At present , with the development of optical communication networks , as one of the key devices of WDM optical network , Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer ( OADM ) has been the focus of attention .

  12. 为适应DWDM的全面发展,减少通信中的光电转换环节,人们开始研究实用化的全光通信网络,而可调谐滤波器是全光通信中不可缺少的器件。

    In order to adapt to the overall development of DWDM and cut down the photoelectric devices in communication system , now researchers are researching the practical application of all-optical communication networks and the tunable optical filter is indispensable .

  13. 近年来全光通信网(AON)成为光通信领域的一个研究热点,也是未来光网络发展的必然趋势。AON的关键技术主要包括光交换/光路由、光交叉连接、波长变换以及光缓存等。

    In recent years , a focus on the study of optical fiber communication is All Optical Network ( AON ), and it is the necessarily developing result for optical network .

  14. 铒镱共掺光波导放大器(EYDWA)作为全光通信中一个重要的全光有源波导器件而备受重视。

    Erbium and ytterbium codoping chalcogenide glass optical waveguide amplifier ( EYDWA ) as an important communications network attracts all of us .

  15. 色散补偿模块是密集波分复用DWDM(DenseWavelength-DivisionMultiplexing)全光通信网络中的关键光电子器件,基于色散补偿光纤的色散补偿工作机制最具有实用化的前景,近年来受到越来越广泛的关注。

    Dispersion Compensation Module ( DCM ) will become essential device in Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing ( DWDM ) all-optical transmission networks . Among all the operating mechanisms , those based on dispersion compensation fiber are promising and have been receiving more and more attention in recent years .

  16. 为了规范、设计、仿真和优化全光通信网,开发一套功能强大的光网用计算机辅助设计软件(OCAD)是十分必要的。

    For specification , design , simulation and optimization of all optical communicationnetworks , it is essential to develop a prototype of powerful OCAD ( optical computer aided design ) software tool .

  17. 基于自动交换光网络(ASON)的波长交换光网络(WSON),更进一步的融合了控制平面的智能控制机制和可重构的波长传送平面技术,实现了大容量、端到端的全光通信。

    Automatic switched optical network ( ASON ) and wavelength switched optical network ( WSON ), further integrate the intelligent control mechanism of the control plane and reconfigurable technology of wavelength transmission plane , to achieve a large capacity and end-to-end all-optical communication .

  18. 现场运行全光通信网的优化设计与性能评估

    Optimized Design and Performance Evaluation of a Field-Running All-Optical Network

  19. 全光通信网络节点功能结构研究

    Study on Functional Architectures of All - optical Network Nodes

  20. 全光通信网关键技术的研究与实现

    Research and Realization on Key Technology in All Optical Network

  21. 全光通信技术及发展现状

    Overview on to All - optical Communications and Its Development

  22. 波分复用全光通信网中的放大自发辐射噪声积累效应研究

    The ASE Noise Accumulation in a WDM All Optical Network

  23. 自由空间全光通信链路的设计方法

    Link Engineering Design Method for Tandem Free Space All Optical Communication Links

  24. 全光通信网&光通信的发展方向

    All Optical Network & the Development Direction of Optical Communications

  25. 全光通信及其关键技术的分析与探讨

    Analysis of Full Optic Fiber Communications and its Core Technology

  26. 最近几年,光纤通信技术得到了极大的发展,基于光分组交换的全光通信网已经成为未来光通信网的发展目标。

    Great progress has been made in fiber communication technology these years .

  27. 全光通信是未来通信发展的必然趋势。

    All optical communication is an inevitable trend of communication development in future .

  28. 未来的全光通信网

    All - Optical Communication Network in the Future

  29. 全光通信一直以来是人们的梦想。

    All-optical communication has been the dream of the people for a long time .

  30. 全光通信网及其发展现状

    All Optical Network And Its Latest Development