
quán qiú xìng
  • global;worldwide
全球性[quán qiú xìng]
  1. 全球性生态保护工作很可能会和地方生态系统存在矛盾。

    Global ecological efforts can easily be at odds with local ecologies .

  2. 美国大学尽管在教学方面享有全球性声誉,但也只是刚开始证明自身在真实世界学习中的产出。

    American universities , despite their global reputation for excellence in teaching , have only begun to demonstrate what they can produce in real-world learning .

  3. 政府必须采取切实行动,一味搓着手感叹说这是个全球性问题是远远不够的。

    The Government has got to get a grip . Wringing its hands and saying it is a world problem just isn 't good enough .

  4. 银行的业务范围是全球性的,活动遍布于所有五大洲的43个国家。

    The bank 's scope is worldwide , in forty three countries on all the five continents .

  5. 因为各国没有考虑到其碳排放对其他国家的负面影响,所以只有广泛参与才能全面解决全球性的悲剧。

    We   need   very   broad   participation   to   fully   address   the global   tragedy   that   results   when   countries   fail   to   take   into   account   the   negative   impact   of their   carbon   emissions   on   the   rest   of   the   world .

  6. ElNifio是一个西班牙词汇,意思是“基督的孩子”。南美渔民注意到了一种每2-7年就会发生一次的全球性气候现象,它会使圣诞时期的捕鱼量下降,遂以此命名。

    El Nifio , a Spanish term for " the Christ child " , was named by South American fisherman who noticed that the global weather pattern , which happens every two to seven years , reduced the amount of fishes caught around Christmas .

  7. 在更为全球性的层面上,破坏雨林以便让咖啡田得到充足的阳光,这也会威胁到人类的生命。

    On a more global level , the destruction of the rainforest for full-sun coffee fields also threatens human life .

  8. 稍一疏忽,我们就可能面临一场以现实世界为棋盘的全球性的国际象棋比赛,对手是意志坚定、智慧超群但与我们目标相冲突的机器。

    If we are not careful , then , we could face a kind of global chess match against very determined , super intelligent machines whose objectives conflict with our own , with the real world as the chessboard .

  9. 汉语正在成为一种全球性的语言,它在世界各地的受欢迎程度也在上升。

    Chinese is becoming a globallanguage and its popularity has risen around the world .

  10. 共同应对全球性挑战。

    Together , we should face the global challenges .

  11. 还好,答案是“有可能”,因为当我开始环顾四周,我发现,有一种全球性的反抗力量存在,反抗这种高速度文化这种高速度文化告诉我们越快越好,而且越忙越好。

    And thankfully , the answer is yes , because what I discovered , when I began looking around , that there is a global backlash against this culture that tells us that faster is always better , and that busier is best .

  12. 加入WTO后武术在全球性传播中国民族文化中的承载作用

    On the Universal Spreading of Wushu After China 's Entry into WTO

  13. 特别是加入WTO后,中国面临着全球性人才竞争的严峻挑战。

    Especially after its entry into the WTO , China has faced the global competition for talents .

  14. Law在盆地中心气(Basin-centeredgassystems)一文中对全球性深盆气作了系统论述。

    Law ( 2002 ), in his article entitled " Basin-centered Gas Systems ", discussed global DBG systemically .

  15. WTO是全球性经贸组织,WTO基本原则之一是非歧视原则(国民待遇原则),中国加入WTO以后应与WTO基本原则精神协调一致。

    WTO is a global economic trade organization , one of whose basical principles is non-discrimination , i. e. , national treatment .

  16. SCC是一个全球性的非营利组织,成立于1996年。

    SCC is a global not-for-profit organization formed in 1996 .

  17. Country-WideCharteredBank提供小额和大宗银行业务服务的全球性银行提高发展和运行效率。

    Country-Wide Chartered Bank Global banking serving both the retail and wholesale banking industry Improve development and operational efficiencies .

  18. 在国外,政策性农业保险是全球性的农业发展策略,这既符合农业发展自身的需求,同时又是WTO允许的绿箱政策。

    In the abroad , policy insurance in agriculture has been a global strategy , not only according with the agriculture development itself but also complying to green box policy of WTO .

  19. 经济全球化,特别是我国进入WTO之后,开放的电信市场要求成都电信也必须加入无缝服务(SeamlessService)和一揽子服务(OneStopShopping)的全球性竞争。

    Economic globalization , especially after China entered into the World Trade Organization , the open telecommunications market requests Chengdu Telecom join in the global competition of " seamless service " and " one stop shopping " .

  20. 晚泥盆世弗拉斯法门期(FrasnianFamennian)之间存在一次全球性生物绝灭事件(简称FF事件)。这次事件在西秦岭地区有所表现。

    There existed an event of global mass extinction between the Frasnian and Famennian of the Late Devonian .

  21. 本文使用一家名为AcmeElectronicPartsDistribution,Inc.(以下也称为Acme)的虚构公司作为示例,这是一家大型的全球性电子零件经销商。

    This article uses the example of a fictional company named Acme Electronic Parts Distribution , Inc. ( hereafter also called Acme ), which is a large , global distributor of electronic parts .

  22. 澄清了对经济全球化和一体化、WTO和知识经济的模糊认识和非科学认识,分析了资本主义强国推行经济全球性的过程。

    It clarifies the hazy and non-scientific understandings to the economy globalization and integration , WTO and the intellectual economy , and analyses the forcing evolution of the capitalism into the global economic system in view of economics .

  23. 当今,数字视频广播DVB标准被认为是数字电视与相关媒体业务的全球性解决方案。

    Nowadays , the Digital Video Broadcasting ( DVB ) standard has been considered the globalism solution scheme of digital television and relative multimedia service .

  24. 此外,可以肯定的是,Google已经知道如何进行全球性扩展,这样位于印度的用户在查看应用程序时会拥有和阿根廷用户相同的体验。

    What 's more , it 's a safe bet that Google has figured out how to scale globally so that someone viewing the application in India has the same experience as someone in say , Argentina .

  25. 在审查诸如汇丰(hsbc)等全球性银行之际,他们已组织起监管者“大学”,代表们来自银行具有重要地位的各个国家。

    When scrutinising global banks such as HSBC , they have organised " colleges " of supervisors , with representatives from each country where the bank has a significant presence .

  26. 近年来,随着Intemet在流量、规模和复杂度等方面的飞速增长,web已成为一个巨大的、分布广泛的、全球性的信息服务中心。

    In recent years , with the rapid growth of Internet in flow , scale and complexity , Web has become a huge , widely distributed and global information service center .

  27. 燃烧(特别是燃煤)过程的氮氧化物(NOx)气体是引起酸雨、温室效应、导致光化学烟雾和破坏臭氧层的主要物质之一,已成为全球性面临的空气污染难题。

    NO_X is one reason of acid rain , greenhouse effect , photochemical fog and breakage of ozonosphere , which is produced by combustion ( especily combustion of coal ) . It has become the global problem of air pollution .

  28. 并且有较高的发病率和死亡率。人们预测,到2020年,MD将成为仅次于缺血性心脏病的全球性第二大主要疾病。

    The morbidity of the disorder is high and has been projected to become the second leading cause of disability worldwide by 2020 ( second to ischemic heart disease ) .

  29. 1980s以来,银行国际化迅速向全球蔓延,大批跨国银行涌现,全球性银行、区域性银行和众多的跨国金融机构组成一个全球性的金融网络。

    Since 1980s , Internationalization of bank has become an increasingly global trend and a lot of multinational banks are emerging . All these global and regional banks , transnational financial institutions have composed a world-wide banking networks .

  30. 主要全球性举措将是FRA2010调查及重要成果

    The main global initiative will be the FRA2010 survey with key outcomes