
  • 网络Marketing Specialist;Marketing Executive;Marketing Officer
  1. 即便是欧盟(eu)内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)这样著名的自由市场倡导者,也对主权基金表示担心。

    Even Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner , a leading champion of free markets , is concerned about sovereign funds .

  2. 欧盟内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)的发言人表示,欧盟的评估将包括暗池。

    The Brussels review would now include dark pools , said a spokesman for Charlie McCreevy , EU internal market commissioner .

  3. 本周,欧盟内部市场专员查理麦克理维(charliemccreevy)表示,“具有保护主义色彩的”美国立法可能促使欧盟采取单独行动。

    This week Charlie McCreevy , the internal market commissioner , said the " protectionist " US legislation might prompt a separate action by the EU .

  4. 该计划将于周三由欧盟内部市场专员米歇尔巴尼耶(michelbarnier)宣布,拟在2011年正式立法。

    The plan is due to be announced on Wednesday by Michel Barnier , EU internal market commissioner , with the aim of legislating by 2011 .

  5. 欧盟内部市场专员米歇尔巴尔尼埃(michelbarnier)表示,长期而言,这些措施将对欧洲有利,因为它们可以防范2008年金融危机重演。

    Michel Barnier , the EU internal market commissioner , said the measures would benefit Europe in the long run by preventing a repeat of the 2008 financial crisis .

  6. 周四,欧盟单一市场专员米歇尔巴尔尼埃(michelbarnier)说:“让我们感到满意的是,日本将以透明的、非歧视性的方式实施安全措施。”

    On Thursday , Michel Barnier , the EU single market commissioner , said : " we are satisfied that safety measures will be applied in a transparent manner and a non-discriminatory manner . "

  7. 蒙蒂在1995年到2004年间曾先后担任欧盟内部市场专员和竞争委员会专员,他是一名罕见的意大利经济自由主义者。

    Mr Monti , who served as the EU 's commissioner for the single market and then competition between 1995 and 2004 , is a rare creature : an Italian economic liberal .

  8. 现觅有创意的商业发展/市场推广专员计划/执行所有的内外部市场推广项目。

    Looking for a Creative BD / Marketing Exec to plan & execute all internal and external marketing projects .

  9. 谷歌发行名为企鹅与熊猫的计算机运算法则,给网络管理员和市场营销专员传递一个清晰的讯息:谷歌不再容忍企业或公司使用操控性的技巧与低质量的内容出现在搜索的结果当中。

    Google 's launch of its Penguin and Panda algorithm updates sent a clear message to webmasters and marketing professionals : Google will not tolerate manipulative tactics or low-quality content in its search results .

  10. 身为市场竞争事务专员,我的工作就是确保在欧洲做生意的企业遵守这些规范。

    And it 's my job , as Commissioner for Competition , to make sure that companies who do business in Europe live by those rules .

  11. 第三名:市场调查分析师和市场营销专员

    No. 3 Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists