
  • 网络ordinarily resident;Ordinary Residence
  1. 几千年以前,人们通常居住于小村落。

    Thousands of years ago , people usually lived in small villages .

  2. 移民通常居住在同乡们聚居的社区里,

    Immigrants often live in communities with other people from their countries .

  3. 基于上述原因,我们现时没有计划取消受养人须通常居住于香港这项条件。

    For the above reasons , we have no plan to waive the requirement that the dependants must be ordinarily residents in Hong kong .

  4. 对大多数人来说,只要与旅游者通常居住的地方不同,几乎任何地方都可以成为旅游的目的地。

    For most people , almost any place can become a tourist destination as long as it is different from the place where the traveller usually lives .

  5. 上下班往返时间较长的人通常居住在一个郊区,而工作则在另一个郊区,《上下班往返在美国》一书作者艾伦-皮萨斯基说。

    Longer commutes frequently involve people who live in one suburb and work in another , said Alan Pisarski , author of " Commuting in America . "

  6. 这些袋鼠身材短小,是兔袋鼠的一种,通常居住在树洞中,跑得非常快。

    These animals were small in stature . They were a species of those " rabbit kangaroos " that usually dwell in the hollows of trees and are tremendously fast ;

  7. 他的选票通过安全电邮连接“旅行”到休斯敦宇航任务控制中心,随后转到德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿县的选举办公室,加尔维斯顿县是焦立中通常居住的地方。

    His ballot traveled via a secure e-mail connection to Mission Control in Houston , which forwarded it to the Galveston County clerk 's office in Texas , where Chiao normally resides .

  8. 99%的这些动物濒临灭绝的唯一原因正是我们威胁到了它们的栖息地,要么就像你说的砍掉,要么扩大城镇规模、去这些动物通常居住和捕猎的地方耕作。

    The only reason 99 % of these animals are endangered is precisely because WE are threatening their habitats , either by chopping it down as you say or by expanding towns and farming into areas where these animals normally live and hunt .

  9. 收益的通常是居住于近郊而非市区的民众;

    That it is benefiting people who , often enough , live not in the city but the suburbs ;

  10. 出于这个原因,病人通常会居住在远离社会的特殊地区,有时是遥远的海岛。

    Because of this , people with leprosy have been made to live outside of society in special colonies , often on remote islands .

  11. 国内游客通常是居住在城市里有正式职业的人士,他们旅游的目的是了解中国其尚不知道的地方,并让其儿女也一同增长见识。

    Local Chinese tourists are usually people in professional jobs in the cities who wish to explore parts of the country they do not know , and to show them to their children .

  12. 为了能够找到一个合适的小区,你可以找那种老年人居多的社区,因为他们通常会居住在舒适便捷的地段;此外,如果你想与年轻人合租的话,你也可以到豆瓣上查找租房分类广告。

    To find a suitable neighborhood , you can either look for residential areas with many seniors , as they usually live in comfortable and convenient blocks , or if you want to share an apartment with younger people , check for classified adverts on Douban.com .

  13. 这岛上有几小片通常是无人居住的布满石子的海滩。

    The island has several small stony beaches which are usually deserted .

  14. 他通常在澳洲居住,每隔3个月左右返港一次。

    He ordinarily lives in Australia and visits Hong Kong at intervals of about three months .

  15. 他通常在香港居住,并且最少已有7年;及精通英国文字或中国文字。

    He is ordinarily resident in Hong Kong and has so resided for at least7years ; and proficient in written English or written chinese .

  16. 山洞通常都有东西居住。

    Caves in the mountain are seldom unoccupied .

  17. 我并没有真正的房屋-我通常就在露天居住。

    I don 't really have a house & I usually just hang out in open fields .