
  • 网络generic domain;GTLD
  1. 已有很多人表达了对.web这类通用域名的兴趣。

    There are already expressions of interest for generic domain names such as . Web .

  2. 共享通用域名的唯一命名空间URI

    Unique namespace URIs sharing common domain names

  3. 通用域名均会以您的名称进行注册。

    All public domain registrations are registered in YOUR NAME not ours .

  4. ICANN表示,每年将审批不超过一万个新的通用顶级域名。

    ICANN says it will approve no more than one thousand new generic top-level domains each year .

  5. 罗德·贝克斯壮是ICANN总裁兼首席执行官,他说在截至5月份的申请期,ICANN收到了1900多份新通用顶级域名的申请。

    Currently there are only twenty-two gTLDs in use . But there soon could be as many as a thousand or more . Rod Beckstrom is president of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers . He says ICANN received more than one thousand nine hundred requests for new gTLDs during the application period , which ended in May .

  6. 最常见的通用顶级域名有.com,.net和.org。

    The most common of what are called generic top-level domains are dot-com , dot-net and dot-org .

  7. 控制这些域名的国际组织将于明年一月开始接受新的通用顶级域名的申请。

    The international organization that controls these names will begin accepting applications for new ones in January .

  8. 目前有22个通用顶级域名,但是已经为更多的域名做好准备。

    There are twenty-two generic top-level domain names currently available . But get ready for many , many more .

  9. 这一最新决议允许公司将其品牌名称注册为通用顶级域名。

    The new decision will allow companies to register their brands as generic top-level domain names ( TLDs ) .

  10. 怀特先生表示,随后的审批过程将需要数月时间,同时新通用顶级域名的激活可能需要长达一年时间。

    White says the approval process that follows will take several months , and it could take up to a year for new names to become active .

  11. 尽管通过代理进行域名注册的原因之一是防止接收垃圾邮件,但该组织指出,通用顶级域名的抢注仲裁体系需要公布网站所有者的身份。

    Although one reason for this is to prevent the receipt of spam , WIPO notes that the cybersquatting arbitration system for gTLDs requires the identity of the website owner to be disclosed .

  12. 900多个新通用顶级域名申请来自北美,只有17个来自非洲,每份申请需要交纳18.5万美元的费用。

    More than nine hundred of the requests for new gTLDs came from North America . Only seventeen were from Africa . Each application required a payment of one hundred eighty five thousand dollars .

  13. 上周,互联网名称与数字地址分配机构发布一份新通用顶级域名名单(gTLD)。

    The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers last week released a new list of proposed top-level domain names . A gTLD is the part of the Internet address that comes after the dot .

  14. ICANN官方上月与会塞内加尔首都达喀尔,布拉德·怀特称,他们讨论了通用一级域名的新方案。

    ICANN officials met last month in Dakar , Senegal . Brad White says they discussed the new program for what are known as gTLDs .

  15. 布拉德·怀特:“这对互联网域名系统来说,是自互联网地址系统创建以来最大的变化之一。我们希望这些通用一级域名进入互联网根系统的过程有条理、仔细、周到。”

    BRAD WHITE : " This marks one of the biggest changes in the Internet 's domain name system , the addressing system of the Internet , that has ever occurred . We want to make sure that the process of getting these gTLDs into the Internet 's root is , careful and thoughtful . "