
  1. 《网站名称注册证书》包括以下登记事项:网站名称序号、网站名称、网站所有者名称或姓名、域名等。

    Website Name Registration Certificate shall include the following registration particulars : the number of the website name , the website name , the Website owner 's name , the domain name .

  2. 对此,《中华人民共和国民法通则》中对侵犯姓名权的行为方式规定了禁止他人干涉、盗用、假冒,而将他人姓名抢注为网络域名,并不属于盗用、干涉、假冒他人姓名的侵权行为。

    To this ," the general principles of the civil law " the name right infringement behavior regulations prohibit others to intervene , pirated , counterfeit , and registered for the network domain name , the name others does not belong to theft , interference , fake name of others .