
  1. 实验室通风柜的设计和使用

    The Design and Use of Laboratory Fume Hood

  2. 外部电灯组件:荧光灯安装于通风柜室外部,以提高安全,增加操作寿命以及方便服务。

    Exterior Light Fixture : Fluorescent lights are mounted outside the fume hood chamber for improved safety , increased operating life and convenient service .

  3. 标准情况下的真空速通风柜照明:两个荧光灯管,快速启动类型,UL标准。镇流器安装在通风柜外部。

    True airspeed under standard condition Hood light fixture : Two lamp , rapid start type , and UL listed fluorescent light fixture with solid-state typed ballast installed on exterior of roof .

  4. 实验室基本柜体、通风柜平面布置图。

    Plan view drawing of laboratory layout with caseworks and fume hood arrangement .

  5. 通风柜变风量控制的技术分析

    Technical analysis of local fume hood VAV control

  6. 通风柜排气管路可以连接在一起。

    Hood exhausts may be manifolded together .

  7. 水、电、气安装:安装在通风柜两侧的封板内。

    Water , electricity gas installation : installed in the side boards of the draft cupboard .

  8. 化工企业中央化验室通风柜排风系统的设计

    The Design of the Ventilating System of Fume Board in the Analysis Center in Chemical Industry Enterprises

  9. 所有的开关和插座都需安装在通风柜外部。

    The switches and power sockets for fume hoods shall be placed on the outside of the fume hood .

  10. 就像我说过的,这是特别有害的物质,在通风柜中才能用。

    As I said , it 's a particularly hazardous substance , this is worked with in fume hoods .

  11. 产生高反应活性、性质不相容、强毒性气体的通风柜管路不能连接在一起,并且直接排除室外。

    Exhausting highly reactive , incompatible or highly toxic materials shall not be manifolded and exhausted directly to the outside .

  12. 通风柜的设计要减少静压损失。因此一般在排气口附件采用钟型设计。

    Fume hood shall be designed to minimize static pressure loss . Bell shaped exhaust collar configuration shall be provided .

  13. 通风柜里面的配件(龙头喷嘴)由黄铜构成,外面环氧树脂喷涂。

    Fixtures exposed to hood interior ( i.e.tap nozzle ) shall be made of brass with chemically resistant black vinyl coating .

  14. 介绍了实验室通风柜、化验台的通风排气量的计算方法,提出了在冬季采暖新风耗热量大的情况下的补风节能措施。

    This paper gathers up many methods and forms of formula in calculating the amount of air-removal through ventilation cabinet in laboratory .

  15. 功能:人员及重型落地仪仪设备可址接进入通风柜内,增加操作更利性。

    Functions : people heavy console instruments can directly enter into the draught hood , which has increased the convenience of the operation .

  16. 每一个通风柜标准配置为一个冷水龙头,此外根据实验室专家要求可以配置最多7个不同的气体龙头。

    Each Fume Hood will be equipped with one cold water faucet and maximum to seven various gas faucet according to laboratory specialists'requirement .

  17. 通风柜,通风橱的管道要通到屋顶,通风橱内要有水管,水槽。

    The pipe of fume hood should upward through the roof . There should be water pipe and water sink in the fume hood .

  18. 台面板:材料可由用户选用。柜体:采用美国威盛亚防火板贴面压贴露水河三聚氰氨板组成通风柜外框。

    Worktop : Chosen by customer Cabinet : Outline boarders of fume hood adopt American Wilsonart fireproofing veneer and laminate Dew River melamine chipboard .

  19. 实验室排气系统包括排气管路、气风机、验室通风柜管道、验室排风罩和特殊存储柜的排气管道。

    The laboratory exhaust system includes exhaust duct works , exhaust fan , laboratory fume hood exhaust , laboratory canopy hood and cabinets needed venting .

  20. 手持信号灯酸性蓄电池通风柜。该模式适应充电作业特点,改善作业环境,净化效率高,节省风量,节约能源。

    These modes are suit for charging works , and they can improve working environment , have high cleaning efficiency , use less wind and energy .

  21. 电螺管控制的扰流片扰流板:扰流板应该和内衬材料一致,其引导通风柜气体排除柜外。

    Solenoid operated spoiler Baffles : Baffles providing controlled air vectors into and through the fume hood shall be constructed from the same material as the liner .

  22. 针对设计教学实验室通风柜排风系统中遇到的问题进行了探讨,并提出了设计中应注意的事项。

    This paper discusses the problems in design of ventilation box in teaching laboratory and puts forward the proceedings that should be pay attention to in design .

  23. 理化实验室:用于通风柜、剂柜等局部排风要求的排风机组,设置在实验室吊顶内并通过外墙排出。

    Physical and chemical labs : Air-exhausting system used for ventilation cabinet and reagent cabinet which need local ventilation should be installed in the ceiling and exhaust to the outside wall .

  24. 经验表明,化工企业中央化验室通风柜采用垂直式一机一柜系统,排风耗电量少,电器控制简单,具有明显优点。

    There are obvious advantages in the vertical one industry ventilator one fume board system in analysis center in chemical industry enterprise : such as low electric energy consumption , easy electrical equipment controlling .

  25. 在实验过程中,随着柜门的操作,通风柜开口面积发生变化,罩面风速变化较大,通风系统达不到设计要求,影响实验和抽风效果。

    The hatch area changes with the fume hood door operation , the face velocity has a big change , the ventilating system can not reach the design request , and affect experiment and ventilating performance .

  26. 燃料蒸汽可以从化油器浮子室通过外部通风口,内部通风口,燃料通道和空气泄放口逸散出去。所有的开关和插座都需安装在通风柜外部。

    Fuel vapors can escape from the carburetor float bowl through external vents , internal vents and fuel passages and air bleeds . The switches and power sockets for fume hoods shall be placed on the outside of the fume hood .

  27. 设有伴热、保温、补偿器和合理通风的调压柜适用于北方地区。

    The regulator cabinet with heating , insulation , compensator for thermal expansion , and rational ventilation is suited to use in the North .

  28. 在使用它们的时候你需要格外小心,必须在通风条件非常好的地方,在通风柜中才行。

    You handle them very special in terms of being extra careful in a very high ventilation area , in hoods is how you handle them .