
  • 网络Face height;N-Me;cover height;omodaka;ANS-Me;Ns-Mes
  1. 资料与方法对33例耳外伤性听小骨异常均行横、冠状面高分辨率CT扫描并分析其CT表现。

    Materials and Methods Both axial and coronal high resolution CT scanning of 33 temporal bones was performed , and CT findings were analyzed .

  2. 利用大地水准面高,结合GPS测量的高程信息,直接计算GPS水准高,是一种全新诱人的解决方案。

    Directly computing the GPS Levelling heights using the geoid heights and GPS height infor - mation is a wholly new and charming solution .

  3. HG系列大幅面高精度扫描仪作为软拷贝摄影测绘系统的一部分,应用在航空摄影图片的数字化方面。

    HG serials of high accuracy scanner , as an essential part of softcopy photo-gram metric systems , their main use today is definitely in the digitization of aerial images .

  4. HG大幅面高精度扫描仪为满足相应应用需求,采用多CCD外视场拼接方式,可以达到A1幅面及高精度指标的要求,为广泛应用于专业领域开辟了良好的前景。

    For these applications , The HG large breadth scanner use multi-CCD technology , can get A1 breadth and the high accuracy request . Thus have fine prospect for specialized application .

  5. 寒冷地区机场道面高耐久性混凝土的研究及应用

    Research on High Durability Concrete of Runway in Cold Region

  6. 宽幅面高性能喷墨绘图控制器研究

    The Researches on a Large Format Ink-jet Plotting Controller for High Performance

  7. 煤矿综采放顶煤工作面高浓度粉尘的综合防治

    Comprehensive Control of High Dust Levels in Sublevel Mechanized Caving Coal Face

  8. 线框馈电抛物反射面高功率电磁脉冲辐射天线

    High power pulse radiation antenna with wire frame TEM horn feedback paraboloid

  9. 凿岩工作面高尘原因分析及降尘方法探讨

    Reason Analysis of High Dust in Operating Face and Discuss on Dust-reduction Method

  10. 单体支柱工作面高初撑力控顶效果的研究

    Research on Roof Control Result of High Setting Load in Single Prop Face

  11. 大倾角工作面高冒区注浆加固技术应用

    Application of the injection starch reinforce technology in high inclined work face fall area

  12. 大板面高密度印制板的双面贴装技术

    Double - Sided Assembly Technology for Printed Circuit Board of Large Panel and High Density

  13. 综采放顶煤工作面高冒空巷充填技术

    Technique of Filling Roof-Collapsed Roadway with Material with High Water Content in Fully-Mechanized Top-Coal Caving Faces

  14. 局部连续控制面高性能模糊控制算法

    Partly Continuous Control-surface Fuzzy Control Algorithm

  15. 关于循环流化床秸杆锅炉循环物料选取及受热面高低温腐蚀等问题的探讨

    Research on Material Selection of CFB Straw Boiler and High & low Temperature Corrosion of Heating Surface

  16. 沿等熵面高脊区的下滑急流与水汽图像暗区相当一致。

    The jet sliding along the ridge on isentropic surface is consistent with the dark zone in WV image .

  17. 讨论了表面垂直位移和重力变化对大地水准面高变化的影响。

    The effects of surface vertical displacements and gravity changes upon the geoidal height variation have been also discussed .

  18. 方法:分别测量身高,形态面高,面中1/3与面下1/3长度。

    Methods : To measure the stature , the height of face , the height of midface , and the height of lower face .

  19. 面高与面宽均小,面高尤甚,75%以上的受检者属阔或超阔面型;

    Their face height and face width are small , especially the former , and over 75 % of those examined are of wide or super wide face form .

  20. 研究了海洋大地水准面的计算方法,并利用其中的直接法求解了局部海域5??5?格网大地水准面高。

    The methods of computing marine vertical deflection are studied and compared . ( 4 ) The 5 ? ? 5 ? grid geoid height of local area is computed .

  21. 结果:(1)头长与头水平围、额最小宽、两眼外角宽、形态面高与容貌面高相关;

    Results : ( 1 ) Head length and maximum circumference of the head , minimum frontal width and extracanthic diameter , morphological facial height and physiognomic facial width were correlative .

  22. 在涉及表面垂直位移的地球物理正演和反演问题的研究中,表面真垂直位移等于表面视垂直位移和大地水准面高变化的和。

    In the studies of geophysical normal problem and inverse problem concerning the surface vertical displacements , the real surface vertical equals the sum of apparent vertical displacement and geoidal height variation .

  23. 高精度地确定我国陆海任意点的似大地水准面高(或称高程异常),其基础是先建立相应区域的高精度、高分辨率的高程异常数字模型,然后在此基础上通过内插软件确定。

    The foundation for the determination of Quasi-geoid height is to establish the high-resolution and high-accuracy digital model of height anomaly for respective area , and then utilize the interpolation software to determinate it .

  24. 在地球重力场和地面高程随时间变化的情况下,地面真实垂直位移为水准高和大地水准面高变化之和。

    In consideration of variations of gravity field and of ground height with time , real vertical displacement on ground is equal to the sum of variation of levelling height and of variation of geoidal height .

  25. 基于对综采放顶煤工作面高冒空巷围岩活动规律的分析,采用高水速凝材料充填高冒空巷。

    Based on the analysis of surrounding rock movement of an old roof collapsed roadway parallel to a fully mechanized top coal caving face , the new technique of filling this kind of roadway with the material with high water content was put forward .

  26. 在进行大模数硬齿面高精度滚剃刀的研制中,将圆弧拟合的方法用于渐开线蜗杆的齿形制造,可以提高滚剃刀渐开线的齿形精度。

    In order to enhance tooth form precision of hobbing and shaving cutter , arc fitting method has been applied to tooth form manufacturing of involute worm in the investigation of gear hobbing and shaving cutter with big modular , hard face , and high precision .

  27. 为了顺应我国加入WTO的形势,全面适应现代化发展的需求,当代大学生必须具有扎实的理论基础、广博的知识面和高水平的实践能力。

    The development of modernization and the situation of China 's entry into WTO set a high demand on college students .

  28. 大面阵高帧频可配置CMOS数字视频系统研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Huge Frame and High frame speed configurable CMOS Digital Video System

  29. 激子动力学方法模拟GaAs(110)面恒高模式STM图像

    Height - constant GaAs ( 110 ) surface STM images simulated by the method of exciton dynamics

  30. 我们开发出了一类具有高度凹面立方体(HCC)结构的铂纳米晶催化剂,具有{311}等高指数晶面和高氧还原活性。

    Here we develop a class of Pt highly concave cubic ( HCC ) nanocrystals , which are enriched with high-index facets and exhibit high ORR activity .