
  • 网络pioneer crop
  1. 棉花素有盐碱地先锋作物的称号。

    Cotton is known as " pioneer crops " in saline .

  2. 研究玛河流域扇缘带不同先锋作物对弃耕地植被恢复过程的土壤理化性质的影响,找出适合研究区域弃耕地的先锋作物。

    The impact of different pioneer crops on soil physical and chemical properties was studied on abandoned farmland of alluvial fan-fringe area in the Manas River valley .

  3. 保证新修梯田增产的主要措施是,以洋芋、春小麦、扁豆、荞麦为先锋作物,实行合理的轮作制度,并根据作物产量需求增施相应数量的化肥。

    The main measures are taking potato , spring wheat , hyacinth beans and buckwheat as the pioneer crops , rational rotation system and fertilizing in accordance with the crop require-ment of a certain productivity .

  4. 在半干旱地区,梯田修筑质量一定时,先锋作物的选择及增施化肥是保证新修梯田增产的重要措施。

    In the semiarid region , under a condition of good construction quality , proper choosing pioneer crops and adequately fertilizing is to be an important measure to ensure good productivity on newly built terraced farmland .

  5. 园艺作物经济价值较高,习惯于苗圃或营养钵育苗,是丛枝菌根(AM)真菌应用的先锋作物,在AM真菌应用过程中具有示范推广作用而受到普遍关注。

    Seedlings of horticultural crops with high economic benefits are usually cultivated in a nursery bed , so they are pioneer crops in application of arbuscular mycorrhizal ( AM ) fungi and more attention is paid to the extension demonstration .