
bù cí xīn láo
  • spare no pains;not to shirk hardships;not to shrink from toil and hardship;be unsparing of oneself
不辞辛劳[bù cí xīn láo]
  1. 大多数的家庭都有壁橱以及架子,人们也不辞辛劳的添加橱柜、文件柜以及壁柜分隔架来加大储藏空间。

    The majority of homes have built-in closets and shelves , and people spare no pains to add dressers , filing cabinets and closet organizers to maximize their storage space .

  2. 他不辞辛劳地为我收集资料。

    He took the trouble to gather the materials for me .

  3. 警察先生不辞辛劳的陪我走回家。

    The policeman took the trouble to walk me home .

  4. 好东西之属于那些不辞辛劳抓住机会的人。

    Good things come to those who bother to seize the opportunity .

  5. 我们共同从事的这项工作拯救生命,减轻痛苦。我将不辞辛劳地与你们共同努力将这个世界缔造成一个更健康的地方。

    I will work with you tirelessly to make this world a healthier place .

  6. 我们的领导人们正不辞辛劳地寻求省钱之道。

    Our leaders are working tirelessly to try and find ways to save money .

  7. 感谢不辞辛劳地为我们的工作提供帮助。

    Thank you for taking great trouble to help us with the difficult work .

  8. 他不辞辛劳地把每次比赛的详情都记录下来。

    He painstakingly records details of every race .

  9. 老师不辞辛劳替学生编了一本手册。

    The teacher went to the trouble of compiling a handbook for the students .

  10. 十分感谢您不辞辛劳地教我怎么做那件事。

    Thank you very much for taking pains to show me how to do it .

  11. 这些违反地球引力的石头平衡艺术作品没有使用任何胶水或者钉子,仅仅依靠艺术家不辞辛劳地把石头一块块叠起来并使其保持平衡。

    These gravity-defying sculptures were created without glue or pins-just painstakingly balanced on one another .

  12. 不辞辛劳,为他服务,用我一生伺候他。

    Proud to work for him , they bow to his whim , love serving him .

  13. 谢谢你不辞辛劳的帮助我学习英语。

    Thank you for the great trouble you have taken to help me with my English .

  14. 请记住你们的守护天使也在不辞辛劳的工作著,帮助你扩张意识水平。

    Remember also that your Guides are working tirelessly to help you expand your levels of consciousness .

  15. 为了养育我成才,不辞辛劳的工作,赚些钱来补贴家用。

    In order to raise my success , hardworking work and make some money to support their family .

  16. 为人温厚,看来是那么容易,我对人们之不辞辛劳地采取其他态度而感到奇怪。

    It seems so easy to be good-nature , I wonder anybody took the trouble to be anything else .

  17. 我真高兴你捡到我的包,还不辞辛劳和时间归还我。

    I am so glad that you found my bag and took the time and trouble to return it .

  18. 父亲的爱,藏在粗糙的双手中,那双手,不辞辛劳地撑起了我们的家;

    Father 's love , hidden in the rough hands in S hands , Tirelessly to hold up our homes ;

  19. 非常感激您不辞辛劳,在百忙中抽空来我海指导。

    We 're very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice .

  20. 酒吧里供应绿色的啤酒,而包房制作绿色的百吉圈,芝加哥更是不辞辛劳,把河水都染成了绿色。

    Bars serve green beer , bakeries produce green bagels , Chicago goes the extra mile and dyes the river green .

  21. 南极企鹅不分公母为了填喂小企鹅的肚子每天不辞辛劳地往返大海

    both male and female chinstrap penguins have been commuting daily from the open ocean to collect food for their chicks .

  22. 没有一个交警阻拦我们,而且许多过去的司机不辞辛劳地对我们按喇叭,招手。

    Not a single state trooper stopped us , but many passing motorists took great pains to honk and wave at us .

  23. 因此,他不辞辛劳地反复检测仪器,以确保实验万无一失。

    He therefore took immense pains over his preparations , testing and re-testing his apparatus to make certain that everything was in order .

  24. 珍妮特对于自己丈夫的描述是这样开始的:“始终深爱我,不辞辛劳地照顾我,无论何时都关心我。”

    Janet 's description of her husband begins thus : " Loved me . Took care of me . Worried about me . "

  25. 在房地产行业工作,任劳任怨,不辞辛劳,却依然食不果腹,捉襟见肘。

    She was in the real estate business , where she worked extraordinarily hard but oftentimes had a hard time making ends meet .

  26. 而他则不断劝酒劝菜,昨天星期天还不辞辛劳地带我赶赴一个又一个的约会,乘着小黄东颠西跑了整整一天。

    He spent an entire day – a Sunday – guiding me from appointment from appointment , despite the discomforts of riding in Miss Daisy .

  27. 这些成绩来自于我们恢复和重建经济的决定,也来自于大家的不辞辛劳和坚强不屈的精神。美国又一次领先了!

    Thanks to the decisions we made to rescue and rebuild our economy , and your hard work and resilience , America is leading again .

  28. 在那天之前,我被学校选中,要在一个即将演出的小剧中扮演公主的角色。一连好几个礼拜,母亲总是不辞辛劳地陪着我,一起背诵台词。

    I had been picked to be the princess in the school play , and for weeks my mother had painstakingly rehearsed my lines with me .

  29. 我对你们在11月中对我给予的信赖深感荣幸并维持我早些时候所作的一项承诺:我会不辞辛劳地工作!

    I was deeply honoured by the trust you placed in me in November and have kept one of my earliest promises : I am working tirelessly !

  30. 在一段时间内,从成本的角度考虑,自制型的食物不能与大牌相匹敌,那么为什么人们还要不辞辛劳的选择自制呢?

    On a time and cost comparison , homemade versions of famous treats can 't compete with the megabrands , so why do people bother making them ?