
  • 网络No punishment;Impunitas
  1. 其他犯罪人员不予处罚。

    Others who were guilty were being allowed to get off scot-free .

  2. 赛马协会决定对你不予处罚。

    The association decided not to penalize you for the race .

  3. 第十一条又聋又哑的人或者盲人,由于生理缺陷的原因而违反治安管理的,不予处罚。

    Article 11 . A deaf-mute or blind person who violates the administration of public security due to his physiological defects shall not be penalized .

  4. 在具体的司法实践中预备犯的处罚因为规范不明确,因此,法官在具体的执行操作之中要么不予处罚要么处罚幅度不合理引起各种争议。

    In particular the judicial practice to make punishment for specifications are not clear , therefore , the judge at specific execution of punishment or not to punish or has not caused any reasonable .

  5. 但法人之代表人或自然人对于犯罪之发生,已尽力为防止行为者,对该法人或自然人,不予处罚。

    If the representative of a legal entity or a natural person can prove that best effort has been made to prevent the Commission of the offense , neither the legal entity nor the natural person shall be penalized .

  6. 违法行为轻微并及时纠正,没有造成危害后果的,不予行政处罚。

    Where a person commits a minor illegal act , promptly puts it right and causes no harmful consequences , no administrative penalty shall be imposed on him .

  7. 因不满十六周岁不予刑事处罚的,责令他的家长或者监护人加以管教;在必要的时候,也可以由政府收容教养。

    If a person is not given criminal punishment because he has not reached the age of 16 , the head of his family or his guardian shall be ordered to discipline him . When necessary , he may be taken in by the government for rehabilitation .