
  • 网络facial recognition system
  1. 在六月份,facebook发布了一种面部识别系统,帮助用户在照片中标记名字。

    In june , Facebook launched a facial recognition system to help users " tag " or list the names of people in photos .

  2. 他认为,这三款手机都将采用iPhoneX的设计并采用iPhoneX面部识别系统以及3D相机效果。

    All three of the new phones will use the iPhone X design and will feature the iPhone X 's facial recognition system and 3D camera effects , Kuo believes .

  3. 无论怎样,面部识别系统没出结果。

    Anyway , that facial recognition software came up with nothing .

  4. 面部识别系统将在全国火车站进行推广。

    says facial recognition systems are being employed at railway stations across the country .

  5. 宋改造了面部识别系统使得它摇身一变成了他称之为布里斯托的智能猫咪喂食器的一部分。

    Sung adapted facial recognition so it could be part of his Bistro smart cat feeder .

  6. 面部识别系统要多长时间

    How long before facial recognition

  7. 店内监控利用面部识别系统来识别不应出现在店内的未注册用户。

    In-store cameras use facial recognition to check for unregistered users who shouldn 't be on the premises .

  8. 去年5月,霉霉在加州的玫瑰碗球场开了一场演唱会,而这场演唱会是有面部识别系统监控的。

    Taylor Swift held a concert at California 's Rose Bowl this past May that was monitored by a facial recognition system .

  9. 霉霉的面部识别系统安装在一个终端屏里面,这个屏一直在播放她排练时的高光时刻,系统会秘密地识别那些看屏者的脸。

    Swift 's facial recognition system was built into a kiosk that displayed highlights of her rehearsals , which would secretly record onlookers " faces .

  10. 使用面部识别系统可以进行面部校对,例如在飞机场或边境就使用照片和身份证明文件来确认信息。

    Facial recognition systems match a face , for example , at an airport or border crossing , with a photo and identity on file .

  11. 你可以得到能够在相当广泛的、现实的工作条件下运行的,可扩展的、速度快到足以提供近乎实时的鲁棒的面部识别系统。

    You can get engineering that is scalable and fast enough to provide an almost-real-time , robust face-recognition system that works under quite broad , realistic conditions .

  12. 当你打开了所有的灯闪烁徽章控制在一定的频率,产生足够的光噪声战胜面部识别系统的设备。

    When you turn on a device controlled by the badge all the lights blink at a certain frequency that generates enough optical noise to defeat facial recognition systems .

  13. 该组织最近致信亚马逊首席执行官杰夫·贝索斯,对面部识别系统可能对黑人产生的“深刻的负面意外后果”表示担忧。

    That group recently ? wrote to Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos expressing concerns about the " profound negative unintended consequences " facial recognition systems could have for black people .

  14. 商汤科技和旷视科技正在打造的面部识别系统通过研究现有内容库,利用人工智能来识别图像或视频中的个体。

    The facial recognition systems being built by SenseTime and Megvii use artificial intelligence to discern individuals from one another in images or video , by studying libraries of existing content .

  15. 一年前,指纹及面部识别系统开发商宏霸数码在香港交易所二次上市后,股价飙升了一倍多。

    A year ago shares in RCG , a developer of fingerprint and facial recognition systems , more than doubled after it took an additional quote on the Hong Kong stock exchange .

  16. 如果乘客代替司机接受检测,面部识别系统将会启动并做出识别,然后阻止汽车启动。

    " If the gear-shift sensor was bypassed by a passenger using it instead of the driver , a facial recognition system would be used ," and prevent the car from starting Doi said .

  17. 旷视科技是Face++的开发者,这是一种面部识别系统,在中国已经被用来允许或拒绝人们进入建筑物,或者核查滴滴打车司机背景等等。

    Megvii is the developer of Face + + , the facial recognition system already used in China to grant or deny people access to buildings , or check if the driver of a Didi ride-hailing car is legitimate , among other things .

  18. 我通过面部识别扫描系统找到了尼基塔

    My facial recog scan just got a match on Nikita .

  19. 典型的面部表情识别系统中通常包括:人脸检测,预处理,特征提取,表情识别等部分。

    A typical facial expression system is usually including : face detection , image pretreatment , feature extraction , emotion recognition , and so on .

  20. 人脸面部混合表情识别系统

    The Human Facial Combined Expression Recognition System

  21. iPhonex的主要新技能之一“脸部解锁(FaceID)”可以让使用者通过手机扫描面部就打开手机。但是这项面部识别系统引发了大家对隐私的顾虑。

    But one of the key new features , the Face ID recognition software which allows users to open their phone by scanning their face , has sparked privacy fears .

  22. 新iphone采用面部解锁方式来代替之前的“TouchID”指纹传感器,该面部识别系统可从3D角度来扫描用户的面部。

    The TouchID fingerprint sensor , which was used on previous models to unlock the iPhone , has been replaced with a new authentication technology called ' FaceID ' which can verify the user 's identity by scanning their face in 3D .