
  • 网络Constant elastic alloy;constant modulus alloy
  1. B对Fe-Ni系恒弹性合金回火组织及性能的影响

    Effect of Boron on Tempered Structure and Properties of Fe-Ni System Constant Elastic Alloys

  2. 冷变形和时效温度对扭振时恒弹性合金fs-T曲线的影响

    Effects of Cold-Rolling Reduction and Ageing Temperature on the Resonant Frequency-Temperature Curve of Constant Elastic Alloy

  3. Fe-Ni基恒弹性合金效相变过程及性能的研究

    Study on Aging Phase Transformation Process and Properties in Constant Elastic Alloy

  4. 小减面率冷拔对Fe-Ni基恒弹性合金f-t曲线的影响

    Influence of Small Reduction of Area on Frequency-Temperature Relationship of Constant-Elasticity Fe-Ni Base Alloy in Cold Drawing

  5. 几种Fe-Ni基低频率温度系数恒弹性合金最佳工艺的探讨

    On the selection of reasonable technology to obtain several kinds of Elinvar alloys with low resonant-frequency temperature coefficient

  6. 铌和锆元素对恒弹性合金性能的影响

    Effect of Nb and Zr on properties of the Elinvar alloys

  7. 铁磁性恒弹性合金居里温度测量方法的研究

    Study of Measuring Method for Ferromagnetic Elinvar Alloy Curie Temperature

  8. 膨胀法研究铁磁性恒弹性合金

    Study on Ferro-magnetic Elinvar Alloy Character by Expansion Method

  9. 频率元件用恒弹性合金

    Constant elastic alloy for frequency element

  10. 耐海水腐蚀无磁恒弹性合金的研制

    Study of the elastic alloy with non - magnetism , constant modulus and corrosion resistance to sea water