
  • 网络active carbon method;activated carbon process
  1. 活性炭法测定地下建筑中的氡

    To Detect Rn in Underground Building with Active Carbon Method

  2. 新活性炭法从低含碘油田水中回收碘

    Recovering iodine from oil-field brines of iodine low content by a new active carbon method

  3. 在活性炭法烟气脱硫工艺中,为了有效地提升系统运行的综合性能,通过实验将活性炭纤维(ACF)与普通的柱状颗粒活性炭(GAC)的各项特性进行了对比。

    In order to improve the desulfurized capacity of the system from flue gas by using activated carbon , a series of experiments were made to compare the difference of performance between using activated carbon fiber ( ACF ) and using granular activated carbon ( GAC ) .

  4. γ谱仪活性炭法检测室内空气中氡浓度

    Measurement of Radon in Indoor air Using Activated Carbon and Radiometer

  5. 一体式膜-生物活性炭法处理高盐度有机废水

    Treatment of high-salinity organic wastewater by submerged membrane - biological activated carbon

  6. 活性炭法烟气脱硫的实验研究与机理探讨

    Experimental Study and Mechanism Discuss of Activated Carbon Desulphurization

  7. 生物膜活性炭法处理含油污水

    Treatment of oily waste water by biological film-activated carbon

  8. 反应柱充填活性炭法处理轧钢含铬废水的研究

    Investigation on steel rolling wastewater containing chromium using reaction-column filled with activated carbon

  9. 采用生物活性炭法对含油污水进行深度处理

    Treatment of petroleum secondary effluent by biological active carbon

  10. 核径迹法和活性炭法测定香港室内氡浓度

    Indoor radon concentration measured with activated charcoal adsorption and CR-39 detectors in Hong Kong

  11. 活性炭法测定室内外环境中氡的吸附饱和性实验

    The application of active carbon to determining Radon-Adsorption saturation inside and outside the house

  12. 生物活性炭法深度处理纺织废水二级出水中生物活性的研究

    Study on bio-activity in the advanced treatment of textile secondary effluent by up-flow aerated BAC method

  13. 本研究为曝气生物活性炭法有效去除印染碱减量废水中难降解有机物提供了一定的理论依据。

    Results of this research present certain theoretical basis for effective advanced bio-treatment of recalcitrant textile wastewater by aerated BAC method .

  14. 采用营养性半固体糊加活性炭法同时测定小鼠胃内容物残留率和小肠推进比。

    Nutritious semisolid paste plus Charcoal was used to determine the evacuation of stomach simultaneously and the propulsive function of small intestine .

  15. 作者分别采用臭氧氧化法和超声波-活性炭法对已生化处理的印染废水深度处理。

    Ozone oxidation and ultrasonic-activated carbon processes have been used respectively for the advanced treatment of the biochemically treated printing and dyeing wastewater .

  16. 本文的研究工作对活性炭法脱除烟气污染物反应器的设计和应用有重要的指导意义和应用价值。

    The study of this paper presented the important significance and supplied more guidance for the industrial reactor design of activated carbon to remove the flue gas pollutants .

  17. 用活性炭法测氡析出时,由于介质中通常含有一定量的水,因而活性炭在吸附氡的过程中同时也吸附了一定量的水,其吸水的多少与介质的含水率有关。

    By reason of the exhalation medium contains a quantity of the water , the activated charcoal will absorb some water while measuring radon exhalation rate with activated charcoal .

  18. 酒精要符合国家食用标准,并采用净化介质法、活性炭法、高锰酸钾法、复蒸法处理。

    The selection of alcohol should be in accord with national edible standards and be managed by medium purification method , active carbon optimization method , potassium permanganate method and repeated steaming method .

  19. 活性炭法烟气脱硫工艺不仅能够高效脱除烟气中的污染物,还可以回收烟气中的硫资源,是一种具有发展前景的可资源化的脱硫工艺,其中活性炭再生是关键步骤。

    Flue Gas Desulfurization ( FGD ) by activated carbon is an efficient , widely applied recycling technology that can not only remove pollutant from flue gas , but also recover the sulfur resource . And activated carbon regeneration is critical step .

  20. 活性炭吸附法去除废纸造纸废水中COD

    Activated Carbon Adsorption for Removal of COD in Waste Water from Paper Making with Waste Paper

  21. 以抗雌二醇ABC免疫组化法(ABC法)和葡聚糖包裹活性炭生化法(DCC法)作为E2-HRP法的对照。

    The method was compared with ABC method and dextran coated charcoal bio-chemical assay ( DCC ) .

  22. 活性炭吸附法分离4B酸溶液中的对甲苯胺

    Separation of p-toluidine by activated carbon adsorption from 4B acid solutions

  23. 活性炭吸附法处理VOCs因具有经济有效的特点而成为最常用的污染控制方法。

    Activated carbon adsorption is the most-commonly-used method due to its economical and effective removal of VOCs .

  24. 活性炭吸附法脱除MDI缩合废盐水中胺类有机物的研究

    A Study on Removing Organic Amine Substances by Active Carbon Absorption from Salt Water Produced in MDI Condensation Process

  25. 烟气脱硫是目前世界范围内控制SO2污染最有效的方法,其中活性炭吸附法具有最广泛的应用前景。

    Flue gas desulfurization is a worldwide SO2 control method , and the activated carbon ( AC ) absorption is one of the most prospective methods .

  26. 采用IVP活性炭吸附法治理污水场隔油池散发的多组分含H2S废气。

    Adsorbing and removing the hydrogen sulfide waste gas from oil separator of waste water treatment plant by IVP activated carbon .

  27. 本文对粒状活性炭吸附法和臭氧一活性炭吸附法两种处理流程(简称C流程和O3+C流程)进行了从饮用水中去除三态氮的对比试验。

    In the paper , two different processes , granular activated carbon adsorption (" C " process ) and Ozonation-activated carbon adsorption (" O_3 + C " process ), were studied experimentally for removal of three forms of nitrogen from potable water on a comparative way .

  28. 研究了三种SBR运行模式(常规SBR法,活性炭SBR法,生物膜SBR法)对缫丝废水的处理效果,考察了不同运行周期对处理效果的影响。

    The filature wastewater is treated by three SBR methods : conventional SBR , Powder Active Carbon SBR , and Biofilm SBR . The effects of different operating periods on the treatment are discussed .

  29. 结果表明,混凝沉淀&活性炭吸附法处理选矿废水可有效去除COD,回用作选矿水不会影响选矿指标,可实现选矿厂废水的零排放。

    The results showed that COD could be removed effectively by coagulating sedimentation and activated carbon adsorbing process , the treated wastewater could be reused for mineral concentration or discharge directly . So called zero discharge could be realized by this way .

  30. 通过与活性炭吸附法、混凝法、电絮凝法和Fenton试剂法的分析比较,认为动态复合电解法是CTMP制浆废液高效、经济和可行的脱色方法。

    Comparing with activated carbon , chemical coagulation , electrical flocculation and Fenton processes , dynamic compound electrolysis is proved to be a high efficient , economical and feasible method of decolorization for CTMP effluent .