
  • 网络Night of the Living Dead;Night of Living Dead;Dawn of The Dead
  1. 看上去像活死人之夜。

    Looks like night of the living dead .

  2. 所以你可以看到《活死人之夜》将这种焦虑和恐惧的情绪投射在银幕上。

    So you have Night of the Living Dead , which is a reflection of those anxieties and fears put on the screen .

  3. 一群年轻人,一个农舍和一群吃人的僵尸,当这些元素汇合在一起,配上扣人心弦的紧张感和恐怖感,《活死人之夜》就诞生了。

    A group of teens , a farmhouse premise and flesh eating zombies when all put together with thrilling intensity and terror , we get Night of The Living Dead !

  4. 《丧尸乐园》续集、《活死人之夜》前传和《行尸走肉》新番都在制作中,僵尸题材的热度丝毫不减,就连戛纳电影节也加入了这一行列。

    With a sequel to Zombieland , a prequel to Night of the Living Dead and a new Walking Dead spin-off in the works , the zombie genre is showing no signs of dying out .