
  • 网络The Red Queen
  1. 结果表明,RTV-1硅橡胶中加入表面经硅烷偶联剂处理的氧化铁红后,其耐热性大增;

    The result showed that when RTV-1 silicone rubber was added with iron oxide red whose surface treated with silane coupler , its thermal resistance was greatly improved .

  2. 实验证明,磁铁烧红后,它就失去了磁性。

    The experiment proves the magnetic iron burns red after , it lost magnetism .

  3. 噢谢谢我打来是想问问当格雷森在节目中一炮而红后你过得怎样

    oh thanks so much , listen i 'm calling , what 's been like since Greyson was on the show

  4. 《太子妃升职记》爆红后,一些媒体专家预测,2016年将会有许多类似的电视剧出现。

    After the success of Go Princess Go , some media experts forecast an outbreak of similar TV series in 2016 .

  5. 首次合成了纳米银-磷酸锆复合材料,其吸附中性红后用于修饰玻碳电极。

    A novel composite material ( Ag0n - ZP ) consisting of nano colloidal silver and solid zirconium phosphate was firstly synthesized and applied for the preparation of chemically modified electrodes after it adsorbed the dye molecules such as neutral red .

  6. 方法用0.1%胰酶+0.02%乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)消化人大网膜组织,经去除红细胞后培养。

    Method Human greater omenta was enzymatic disaggregated with 0.1 % trypsin & 0.02 % ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid ( EDTA ), and cultured after isolation from red blood cells .

  7. 免疫组织化学检查:各组豚鼠麻醉状态下行第二次DPOAE检测后,麻醉下开胸,4℃生理盐水经心脏灌流,冲出全部红细胞后4%多聚甲醛灌流固定。

    All animals from each group were sacrificed after the 2nd DPOAE measurement and fixed via cardiac perfusion with 4 % paraformaldehyde after flushing out the red blood cells with 0 . 1 m PBS .

  8. 中性红染色后观察,可见BMSCs在加5%、10%中药涂层或碱处理的材料表面生长良好,形态规则,且分布均匀,呈梭形或多边形,并有典型的集落样单位出现。

    Observed after neutral red staining , showing that BMSCs at plus 5 % , 10 % of Chinese medicine coating or surface treatment grew well , morphological rules , and distributed evenly , showing spindle-shaped or polygonal and have the typical colony like the flats .

  9. 在此基础上,研究了mPEG-BTC修饰红细胞后对红细胞结构功能的影响,包括渗透脆性、自身溶血性、乙酰胆碱酯酶活性、胆固醇含量、ATP含量、2,3-DPG含量和变形性及形态。

    Based on the study , the influence of mPEG modification on cell structure and function was observed , including osmotic fragility , hemolysis , AchE , cholesterol , ATP , 2,3-DPG , deformability and morphology .

  10. 他们发现,这种分子的一种毒性更少的衍生物N-cyclopentyl-tazopsine在动物实验中能对付疟疾寄生虫的肝脏感染。然而,在疟疾寄生虫侵入红细胞后,这种化合物就不起效果了。

    They found that N-cyclopentyl-tazopsine , a less-toxic compound derived from the molecule , was effective against early , liver-stage malaria parasites in animal tests .

  11. 过了两个红绿灯后,到第三个往右拐。

    Go through two lights and turn right at the third .

  12. 鼠疟原虫裂殖子进入红细胞后的早期超微结构演化

    Early ultrastructural evolution of murine malaria merozoites after entering red cells

  13. 过红绿灯后第一个左转弯即是。

    It 's the first left after the traffic lights .

  14. 过了第一个红绿灯后再仔细找找。

    Go over after the first sight of traffic light .

  15. 他总是在喝完红葡萄酒后睡着。

    He always falls asleep afger drinking red wine .

  16. 血浆指的是血液除去血红细胞后所剩下的成分。

    Blood serum is a component of blood without the red blood cells .

  17. 沿着长安路笔直走,到第一个红绿灯后左转。

    Keep going along Chang An Road and turn left at the first traffic lights .

  18. 过第一个红绿灯后右转。

    Turn right after the first light .

  19. 低能Ar~+注入樱桃萝卜点点红种子后的生物学效应

    Study on Biological Effects of Low Energy Ar ~ + Ions Implantation in Dian Dian Hong

  20. 肝脏的组织细胞形态结构:将肝组织以苏木精-伊红染色后观察。

    Liver sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin to observe the structure and form of liver histocytes .

  21. 对有同种抗体的患者输入相应抗原阴性的红细胞后,患者未发生溶血性输血反应;

    No hemolytic transfusion reaction occurred in patients with isoantibody after infusion of blood with corresponding antigen negative .

  22. 苏木精-伊红染色后,光镜下观察肠组织结构的变化。

    After hematoxylin-eosin staining ( HE staining ), the change of intestine structure was observed under light microscope .

  23. 客户可根据各自的情况酌情处理,朱顶红种植后前期生长需水不多,不宜多浇水。

    Customers according to their circumstances discretion , Hippeastrum early growth after planting need much water , not more water .

  24. 完成公开声明书和红鲱后承销商向潜在投资者发出的最终说明书。

    The final prospectus sent by underwriters to prospective investors following filing of the registration statement and the red herring .

  25. 利用傅里叶变换显微红外光谱法和计算机辅助解析法研究了自由基作用于红细胞后膜蛋白二级结构的变化规律。

    The FTIR microscope and computer-aided analysis are applied in the study on the change of secondary structure of erythrocyte membrane protein attacked by the free radicals .

  26. 生产实践表明:造球添加炼钢红泥浆后,不仅实现了公司含铁废料的循环利用,而且能提高球团矿品位,降低膨润土用量和球团矿生产成本。

    The productive practice shows that with this application , not only the closed-circle of material can be realized , but also the pellet grade can be increased , at the same time , the bentonite consuming and production costs were decreased .

  27. 通过密度梯度离心与红细胞裂解后联合贴壁培养法可获取较为纯化的MSCs。

    MSCs were purified by the method of split red blood cell , combining gradient density centrifugation and adhesion separation .

  28. 红细胞溶血后,其内容物对人红细胞膜AchE具抑制作用。

    After hemolysis of human red blood cell , the hemolysate have inhibition for AchE on membrane of the erythrocyte .

  29. CLA组大鼠肝脏切片油红O染色后肝细胞内的红染脂滴随CLA剂量的增加逐渐减少。

    Fat droplets in liver tissue stained with Oil Red O were decreased as the doses of CLA increased .

  30. 绵羊红细胞免疫后小鼠胸腺内GAP-43阳性纤维的可塑性

    Plasticity of the nerve fibers containing GAP-43 in the mouse thymus following sheep red blood cell immunization