
  • 网络infrared luminosity;Infrared radiation
  1. 另外本文还对近红外光度与中心黑洞质量之间可能存在的相关性进行了分析。

    Finally , we studied the possible correlations of infrared luminosity and the mass of central supermassive black hole .

  2. 衰减全反射红外光度法测定油含量的研究

    Study on Oil Determination with Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared Spectrophotometer Method

  3. 关于红外光度法测定水中油类的讨论

    Discussion on determination of oil in water by infrared spectrophotometry

  4. 一个观测资料实时处理的近红外光度计

    A Near Infrared Photometer With A Real - Time Data Acquisition System

  5. 1&3微米红外光度计的研制及其试观测结果

    Construction and primary observation of a 1 & 3 micron Infrared Photometer

  6. Be星光谱和近红外光度观测

    Spectroscopic and Near Infrared Photometric Observations of Be Stars

  7. 几种酚类多组份混合物的自模式曲线分辨红外光度法研究

    Self-modeling Curve Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy for Multi-component Phenol Mixtures

  8. 一个地面天文观测的远红外光度计

    A Far Infrared Photometer for Ground Based Astronomical Observations

  9. 红外光度法测定动植物油的误差消除

    Error Elimination In Determination of Animal and Vegetable Oil by Infrared Photometric method

  10. 红外光度法测定水中矿物油的技术和应用

    Technology and application in the determination of mineral oil in water by infrared photometry

  11. 用于球载观测的太阳远红外光度计

    A Far Infrared Balloon-borne Photometer for Solar Observation

  12. 油标对红外光度法测定水中油的影响

    Effect of oil standard on the determination of oil in water by infrared spectrophotometry

  13. 自模式曲线分辨红外光度法用于咖啡碱&茶碱混合物的不分离定量测定

    Self Modeling Curve Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy Applied to Analysis of Caffeine Theophylline Mixture without Separation

  14. 红外光度法测定石油类和动植物油常见问题探讨

    Discussion of Some Experiences on Determination of Petroleum and Animal and Vegetable Oils by Infrared Spectrophotometer

  15. 红外光度法测量糖液饱和温度的系统误差分析

    System error analysis on the determination of saturation temperature of sugar syrup with infrared photometric method

  16. Be星红外光度观测

    Near-infrared photometric observations of be stars

  17. 红外光度法测定石油类样品采集及萃取过程的探讨

    Discussion on the Method of Specimen Collection and Extraction Process of Determination of Oil with Infrared Spectrophotometer

  18. 红外光度法测定水中油的影响因素及其消除方法

    The Influence Factors of Infrared Photometric Method for Measuring Oil in Water and Elimination Method of the Factors

  19. 超声波提取&红外光度法测定土壤中石油类、动植物油含量的试验研究

    Determination of Oil Content in Petroleum , Animal and Vegetable Oils in Soil by Ultrasonic Extraction-infrared Photometric Method

  20. 黑洞质量与伽玛射线光度、伽玛光度和近红外光度比值之间均存在相关性。

    The relations between the mass and the gamma-ray luminosity , the ratio of gamma luminosity to the infrared flux are found .

  21. 详细地描述了它的主要部份&驱动装置,测角装置、红外光度计的工作原理和电路特点。

    Its major parts-the operating principle and circuit feature of drivers , the equipment for measurement of telescope position and infrared photometer are introduced .

  22. 本文给出了北师大,云南天文台和华北光电所共同研制的近红外光度计在云台1米望远镜上试观测的结果和一些初步分析。

    The test observations and initial analysis of a near infrared photometer used with the 1 - meter reflecting telescope at Yunnan Observatory are given .

  23. 介绍了用于球载观测的太阳远红外光度计。该光度计主要包括红外窗口、望远镜、调制盘、滤光片和接收机。

    A far IR balloon-borne photometer for solar observation has ho presented , whichconaital of IR window , telescope , chopper , filter and receiver .

  24. 红外光度法是目前中国测定油类的标准方法,也是唯一一种在对油测定中既能进行定性分析,又可以进行定量分析的方法。

    Infrared photometric method , the standard method to determine oil quality in China , is the only method which is not only qualitative but also quantitative .

  25. 就使用红外光度法测定污水中石油类污染物存在的几个问题进行了探讨,并对过滤方法进行了改进。

    Through the static simulating experiment which was designed to study the static adsorption of petroleum pollutant by gravel , the equilibrium isothermal adsorption equation was determined .

  26. 本文用两种不同的红外光度法(分散红外分光光度法和非分散红外光度法)分别测定了水中油,对两种不同的红外光度法在分析测试过程中的各种情况进行了分析研究。

    This paper describes the variety of situation in the analysis of oil in water with two different ways ( non-dispersion infrared and dispersion infrared ) by infrared-spectrophotometer .

  27. 研究结果还表明,随着测试样品中芳烃含量的增加(>50%),分散红外光度法也会出现较大的偏差。

    The study shows that along with the increase of aromatic content of sample by more than 50 % , deviation by distract infrared measure will be enlarged .

  28. 计算了光谱斜率和红外光度,同时从红外及射电幅射得出了中心星质量损失率及质量损失历经时间。

    The spectral slopes , infrared luminosities and mass loss rates of central stars , as well as the mass loss times from infrared or radio radiation are calculated .

  29. 根据铁路主要企业含油工业废水中油种来源及污染源特点,非分散红外光度法为首选方法。

    As the characteristics of different oils in the industrial waste water and pollution sources of the railway enterprises , the non dispersion infrared photometry is the first selection .

  30. 根据红外光度法油含量测量的原理,用三波长非分散红外光度法设计了全自动红外测油仪。

    According to the principle of the infrared photometry for measuring oil content , an automatic infrared oil content analyzer based on the three wavelength nondispersive infrared photometry is designed .