
  • 网络activity concentration
  1. 方法应用累积测量和瞬时测量技术对四个地下煤矿氡浓度和γ剂量率进行测量,以及用高纯锗γ谱仪对各煤矿的放射性核素活度浓度测量。

    Methods The radon concentration and γ dose rate of four underground coal mines were measured with accumulative method and instant method . The activity concentration of radionuclide was measured with high pure germanium ( HPGe ) spectrum .

  2. 方法γ能谱测量中,长期平衡时天然放射系中各子体的活度浓度与母体相同,在非长期平衡时,各子体及母体的活度浓度各不相同。

    Methods In gamma ray spectrum analyses , the activity concentration of every daughter is the same as that of its parent when the material is in secular equilibrium . The activity concentrations of daughters and their parents are different when the material is out of secular equilibrium .

  3. 利用壳状地衣监测陆地环境中~(137)Cs活度浓度的研究

    Research on Monitoring Caesium-137 Radiation Level of Land Environment by Crustaceous Lichens

  4. 内充气正比计数管系统绝对测量~(87)Kr放射性活度浓度

    Absolute Measurement of Activity Concentration of ~ ( 87 ) Kr by Using Internal Gas Proportional Counting

  5. 本文详述了NaI(Tl)γ能谱仪在地表γ空气吸收剂量率测量中的仪器刻度、活度浓度和剂量率计算、数据处理和成图的方法技术。

    This paper presents in detail techniques of calibration , calculating air-absorbed dose rate and radioactivity of radionuclides , data processing and mapping contour map of air-absorbed dose rate by in-situ gamma-ray spectrometry .

  6. 目的比较壳状地衣与其他环境样品中137Cs活度浓度差异,分析壳状地衣作为敏感的生物指示剂监测陆地环境中137Cs活度浓度的可行性。

    Objective The activity of caesium-137 ( Bq / kg ) in the crustaceous lichens and other samples were determined to testify the feasibility , of which crustaceous lichens worked as a sensitive biology monitor to record the caesium-137 ( Bq / kg ) radiation level of land environment .

  7. 针对核应急放射性沉降监测的特点,本文分析了地面剂量率监测和环境介质中的放射性活度浓度测量中存在的一些问题。

    The paper discusses some problems in monitoring of dose rate and the measurement of mass radioactivity for radioactive fallout samples .

  8. 结果处于长期平衡和非长期平衡的物料,在判断它们是否放射性物质时,所依据的核素种类及其豁免活度浓度是不一样的;

    Results It is different to determine whether the exposures from these materials should be exempt that materials containing natural radionuclides are in or out of secular equilibrium with their parents or daughters .

  9. 最大活度浓度值为285.7Bq/g;即使是单根不锈钢表带拆生针坯料样品中的最大活度浓度,也在某国电离辐射防护办公室通报的活度浓度(1000Bq/0.2g)的1/17以下。

    The maximum activity concentration of cobalt 60 in samples given by these laboratories is 285.7 Bq / g , which is 17 times as low as 1000 Bq / 0.2 g given by the Office for Protection against Ionization Radiation ( OPIR ) of a certain country .

  10. 样品活度、浓度、容积对液闪计数效率的影响

    The Influence of Activity , Concentration and Volume of Sample on Liquid Scintillation Count Efficiency

  11. 而直接电位分析法是两大电位分析方法之一,又被称为离子选择性电极法。即利用离子选择性电极(又叫膜电极)把被测离子的活度或浓度表现为电极电位而实现分析测定。

    Direct potentiometry , one of the two potentiometry methods , is called ion-selective electrode ( ISE ) method , which carrys out the quantitative analysis by converting the live degree or concentration of ion into potential signal by using ion-selective electrode ( i.e. membrane electrode ) .

  12. 采用活度模型和浓度模型进一步计算了平衡分凝因数,发现两个模型计算出的Cu和Zn的平衡分凝因数一致,并讨论了模型计算值和试验值之间的差异。

    These coefficients were further calculated using the activity model and concentration model , and the calculated partition coefficients for Cu and Zn in Al-Cu-Zn alloy by the two models were agreeable . The difference between the experimental data and the modeling result was discussed .

  13. 另外基于Kirkwood-Buff理论估算了混合物的偏摩尔体积、等温压缩因子以及活度系数对浓度的偏导数,对于理解离子液体与水之间的交互作用具有一定的参考意义。

    In addition , the partial molar properties and the derivatives of activity coefficients were estimated by Kirkwood-Buff theory , which can provide valuable information of the mixture .

  14. 为了克服这一缺点,提出了活度或有效浓度的概念。

    In order to overcome this deficiency , the concept of activity or effective concentration was advanced .

  15. 活度系数:化学术语,活度系数指物质的化学活度对其浓度之比。

    Activity coefficient Number expressing the ratio of a substance 's chemical activity to its molar concentration .