
  • 网络Living donor liver transplantation;ldlt;A-A LDLT
  1. 活体肝移植的首要原则是保障供体安全,这经常导致移植肝体积过小,使受体术后并发症和移植物/受体存活率均劣于全肝移植。

    The safety of the donor remains central to LDLT , which usually cause small volume of graft , thus make more complications of recipient and lower survival rates of graft / recipient than whole liver transplantation .

  2. 结论:端端吻合胆管重建是活体肝移植中胆管重建的可行、有效的方法。

    CONCLUSION : The duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction is feasible and effective in LDLT .

  3. 活体肝移植术后围手术期CT灌注成像

    Peri-operative CT perfusion imaging after living liver transplantation

  4. 排泌性MR胆管成像术前评估活体肝移植供体胆管解剖的价值

    The Value of Preoperative Evaluation of Biliary Anatomy of Donor in Living Donor Liver Transplantation by Secretory MR Cholangiography

  5. 活体肝移植术后供、受者肝静脉淤血及肝再生的多层螺旋CT研究

    Hepatic Venous Congestion and Liver Regeneration of Donor-recipients after Living Donor Liver Transplantation : Multi-slice Spiral CT Study

  6. 活体肝移植术前CT测量供体肝右叶体积和重量的校正公式

    Amending Formulae for the Calculation of Right Liver Lobe Volume and Weight by CT in Donors before Living Donor Liver Transplantation

  7. 活体肝移植术前MSCT评估肝静脉

    MSCT assessment of hepatic veins in living donor liver transplantation donors

  8. 活体肝移植术后肝淤血的多层螺旋CT评价及原因分析

    Hepatic Venous Congestion after Living Donor Liver Transplantation ( LDLT ) with Right Lobe Graft : Postoperative Evaluation and Reason Analysis Using Multi-detector Row CT

  9. CT灌注成像评估活体肝移植术后肝脏血液动力学变化化学交换饱和转移类对比剂在磁共振成像中的研究进展

    Computed Tomography Perfusion Technique in Living Donor Liver Transplantation : an Initial Study of Hemodynamic Changes in Liver Grafts Research progress of CEST agent in MR imaging

  10. 壳聚糖纳米基因载体介导IL-10和HGF基因重组体在大鼠活体肝移植中的研究

    Study on Recombinant Interleukin 10 and Hepatocyte Growth Factor By Chitosan Nanoparticle Gene Vector in Liver Transplantation

  11. 目的探讨术中超声在活体肝移植(LDLT)供体手术中的应用。

    Objective To discuss the application of intraoperative ultrasound ( IOUS ) in the donor surgery of living donor liver transplantation ( LDLT ) .

  12. 目的报告5例活体肝移植(LRLT)供体术后的随访情况。

    Objective The aim of the authors was to report their experience of 5 donors with living related liver transplantation ( LRLT ) .

  13. 目的探讨采用显微外科技术行胆道重建以降低活体肝移植(LDLT)术后胆道并发症发病率的可行性。

    Objective To explore the feasibility of introduction of microvascular surgery into biliary reconstruction in living donor liver transplantation ( LDLT ) so as to reduce the incidence of postoperative biliary complications .

  14. XJ-1器官保存液的研制及TLSF(JM)对大鼠肝、心移植急性排斥反应防治作用的实验研究2.我国首例血缘关系活体肝移植患者的临床观察

    Manufacture of XJ-1 Organ Preserve Solution and Experiment Study of Prevention and Cure Effect of TLSF_ ( JM ) on Acute Rejection of Liver and Heart Transplantations in the Rat 2 . Clinic Observation of the First Case Vivid Liver Transplantation Recipient with Kin in Our Country

  15. 术中超声在活体肝移植供体手术中的应用

    Intraoperative ultrasound applied in donor surgery of living donor liver transplantation

  16. 活体肝移植的供肝切取技术

    The technique of donor hepatectomy for living - related liver transplantation

  17. 左外叶活体肝移植的解剖学研究

    Applied anatomy of the left lateral lobe in living-related liver transplantation

  18. 50例成人间活体肝移植受体围手术期护理

    Perioperative Nursing of 50 Recipients Undergoing Adult-to-adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation

  19. 活体肝移植术11例供体围术期护理

    Perioperative nursing care of 11 donors for living donor liver transplantation

  20. 小儿活体肝移植的结果对移植费用的影响

    Outcome after pediatric liver transplantation impact of living donor transplantation on cost

  21. 成人间活体肝移植右半肝移植物切取的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of right lobe hepatectomy in adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantations

  22. 活体肝移植受者的外科并发症防治

    The prophylaxis and management of surgical complications in living donor liver transplantation

  23. 活体肝移植供体的评估和随访

    The Evaluation and Follow-up of Living Donors in Liver Transplantation

  24. 50例成人活体肝移植分析

    Analysis of Fifty Adult to Adult Living Donor Liver Transplantation

  25. 成人活体肝移植治疗终末期肝病

    Adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation for decompensated end-stage liver diseases

  26. 活体肝移植治疗内脏反转2例报道

    Living - donor liver transplantation for situs inversus : 2 Case reports

  27. 儿童活体肝移植术后感染的预防护理

    Prevention care of post operational infection causes in pediatric liver-related liver transplantation

  28. 左外区活体肝移植动脉的临床应用解剖研究

    Applied Anatomy of Hepatic Arteries in Living Liver Transplantation of Left Lateral Lobe

  29. 活体肝移植的现状和发展

    Living Donor Liver Transplantation : Current Situation and Progress

  30. 活体肝移植供体术后并发症的分析与处理

    Analysis and Management of Postoperative Complication from the Donor of Living Liver Transplantation