
huó xìng xī fù
  • activated adsorption
活性吸附[huó xìng xī fù]
  1. 分析了煤吸附氧的动态变化过程并将其划分为活性吸附阶段、变能级吸附阶段和趋势化吸附阶段;

    The oxygen adsorption process of coal is analyzed , which could be divided into activated adsorption phase , alterable energy rank phase and trending adsorption phase .

  2. 聚羧酸系高分子分散剂是一种环保型的分散剂,由于碳链长、活性吸附点多、空间位阻作用稳定以及可供选择的单体种类多等优点,越来越受到人们的关注。

    The polycarboxylate polymer is an environment-friendly dispersant , which is the carbon chain length , activated adsorption points , steric stabilization and more types of monomer to choose .

  3. 在催化剂表面存在多种活性吸附位,催化剂对CO2和甲醇的有效吸附使得其在较低温度下就能促进碳酸二甲酯的紫外光化学合成。

    There were multiple ac - tive adsorption sites on the surface of catalyst , and the effective chemisorptions of CO2 and methanol on the catalyst greatly promoted the photochemical synthesis of DMC even at lower temperature .

  4. 由于氢原子主要分布在活性吸附中心位置,使该分子的疏水阻挡作用较差。

    The hydrophobic barrier action was decreased for the hydrogen distributed in the center sites of EAP .

  5. 所引入的聚合物大大增加了纳米粒子表面对水溶液中金属离子的活性吸附点位,使得其能快速吸附水溶液中的铅离子。

    And the grafted polymer can significantly increase the active adsorption point of the surface which can lead the nanoparticles adsorb the metal ions in the aqueous solution as quickly as they can .

  6. 活性炭吸附毒气和液体中的杂质。

    Active carbon adsorbs poisonous gases and impurities in liquids .

  7. 活性炭吸附丝裂霉素C腹腔化疗的药代动力学研究

    Pharmacokinetic study of intraperitoneal chemotherapy with mitomycin C bound to activated carbon particles

  8. CO2循环、活性炭吸附酒精发酵的研究

    Study on ethanol fermentation by co_2 recycle and activated carbon adsorption

  9. 载铜活性炭吸附分离氢气中的微量CO

    Removal of Trace CO from Hydrogen by Adsorption on Active Carbon Supported Copper

  10. 活性粒子吸附对ZnO纳米粒子表面光伏特性的影响

    Influence of Active Particle Adsorption on Surface Photovoltage Properties of ZnO Nanoparticle

  11. 以苯酚为代表物质,探讨了不同pH、不同本底等条件下高锰酸钾预氧化对粉末活性炭吸附水中微量有机污染物的影响规律。

    The influence of potassium permanganate preoxidation on the adsorption of phenol by powdered activated carbon was evaluated .

  12. 氧化活性炭吸附Cd(Ⅱ)离子及表面活性剂对其吸附量的影响

    Adsorption of cd (ⅱ) ion by activated charcoal oxidized and effect of surfactant on its adsorption

  13. 废烟杆制备的活性炭吸附Cr(Ⅵ)的效果较好;

    The activated carbon from discarded tobacco stem has good performance to adsorb Cr ( IV ) .

  14. 结果表明,中和废水经过pH值调节、活性炭吸附后,可以直接回用于发酵。

    The result indicates that neutralized wastewater can directly be reused for ferment by regulating pH and sorption of active carbon .

  15. 活性炭吸附CS2的静态重量法研究

    Study on behavior of adsorbing CS_2 by activated carbon using static state weight method

  16. 活性碳吸附法降低造纸废水中COD的研究

    Study on Reducing COD of Waste Water from Waste Paper Papermaking With Activate Carbon Adsorption Method

  17. 活性炭吸附法去除废纸造纸废水中COD

    Activated Carbon Adsorption for Removal of COD in Waste Water from Paper Making with Waste Paper

  18. 活性炭吸附-H2O2氧化法处理染色废水的试验研究

    Study on the Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater by Activated Carbon Adsorption H 2O 2 Oxidation Process

  19. Fenton氧化-混凝-活性炭吸附联合工艺处理酚醛树脂废水

    Study on Fenton Oxidation-Coagulation-Absorbent Treatment of Wastewater Containing Phenol and Formaldehyde

  20. 改性活性炭吸附H2S总传质系数的测定及动力学研究

    Measurement of overall mass transfer coefficient and Study on kinetics of modified activated carbon for adsorbate h_2s

  21. 活性炭吸附汽油机冷起动HC排放的实验

    Experimental Study on Adsorption of Gasoline Engine HC Emissions under Cold Start by Activated Carbon

  22. 活性炭吸附法分离4B酸溶液中的对甲苯胺

    Separation of p-toluidine by activated carbon adsorption from 4B acid solutions

  23. ZrO2助剂对Ni/SiO2催化剂CO甲烷化催化活性及其吸附性能的影响

    Effect of ZrO_2 promoter on the catalytic activity for CO methanation and its adsorption performance of the Ni / SiO_2 catalyst

  24. 活性炭吸附法处理VOCs因具有经济有效的特点而成为最常用的污染控制方法。

    Activated carbon adsorption is the most-commonly-used method due to its economical and effective removal of VOCs .

  25. GCMS分析表明,活性炭吸附可降低有机物含量,再经土壤含水层处理,大部分有机物及优先控制的污染物可被去除。

    GC / MS analysis showed that GAC adsorption could reduce the concentration of organic compounds . After SAT , most organic compounds and priority-control compounds could be eliminated .

  26. 活性炭吸附法脱除MDI缩合废盐水中胺类有机物的研究

    A Study on Removing Organic Amine Substances by Active Carbon Absorption from Salt Water Produced in MDI Condensation Process

  27. 采用IVP活性炭吸附法治理污水场隔油池散发的多组分含H2S废气。

    Adsorbing and removing the hydrogen sulfide waste gas from oil separator of waste water treatment plant by IVP activated carbon .

  28. 方法:通过均匀设计法对影响活性炭吸附替硝唑的影响因素如药物浓度、pH值、加炭量、温度和加热时间等进行考察。

    METHODS : The factors such as drug concentration , pH value , amount of active charcoal added , temperature of solution , and time of heating which influence active charcoal adsorbing tinidazole were studied using uniform design .

  29. 建立了环境大气中MTBE活性炭吸附、二硫化碳溶剂解吸的气相色谱测定方法。

    A method based on gas chromatography following CS2-solvent desorption was established to determine ambient air MTBE sampled by active carbon ( AC ) .

  30. 活性炭吸附催化氧化SO2的性能及再生技术是该工艺的关键,一直是国内外科技人员研究的重要课题。

    The SO2 adsorption and oxidation capability and the regeneration technique of activated carbon are key factors to the successful performance of this technology and hot research arenas in the world .