
  • 网络monomer;reactive monomer
  1. 季铵盐型阳离子型表面活性单体AMC(16)AB胶束化行为的研究

    Studies on the Micellization Behavior of Quaternary Ammonium Cationic Surface Active Monomer AMC_ ( 16 ) AB

  2. 实验结果表明,加入活性单体E后,FBZ的凝胶时间缩短、活化能降低;

    The gel time and activation energy of FBZ decrease after adding active monomer E.

  3. 介绍了紫外(UV)光固化涂料的组成(包括光引发剂、活性单体、齐聚物、助剂)及其作用。

    The components and their functions of UV curing coatings were introduced at first .

  4. 用六氯环三磷腈作为阻燃剂,丙烯酸-2-羟丙酯作为UV固化活性单体,合成UV固化磷腈阻燃单体。

    UV-curable monomer with phosphazene flame retardant was prepared by hexachlorocyclotriphosphazene ( HCP ) as flame retardant , 2-hydroxypropyl acrylate ( HPA ) as active monomer in this paper .

  5. 研究了UV固化皮革涂饰剂的光引发剂、光活性单体、助剂与皮革力学性能及表观性能的关系,并对皮革表面微观性能及透气度进行了表征。

    The relationship between the photoinitiator composition of the UV curable leather finishing agents , monomer , auxiliary agent and the apparent performances of coating film for leather was studied .

  6. SBS接枝MMA、AA聚合物和活性单体及交联剂与聚氨酯胶的组合,广泛用于各种表面,可产生最好的粘附力。

    A combination of a graft polymer formed CR-SBS / MMA-AA , reactivmonomer and crosslinking agent with polyurethane gave best adhesion between a wide variety of surfaces .

  7. 采用UV固化技术可以使含有不饱和官能团的活性单体、预聚物在光引发剂的作用下进行光聚合反应发生交联。

    UV curing is used to induce photochemical polymerization or crosslinking of a monomer , prepolymer formulation containing a certain type of unsaturation , such as an acrylic group , and an appropriate initiator .

  8. 因NMA或IBMA等活性单体参与共聚,使合成粘合剂在酸环境中具有低温自交联性。

    Copolymerized with active monomers such as NMA or IBMA , the synthesized binder shows low temperature self crosslinking behavior in acid environment .

  9. 以正硅酸乙酯(TEOS),甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)为主要原料,甲基丙烯酸β羟丙酯为活性单体,溶胶凝胶法制备PMMA/SiO2杂化准凝胶,并以其为填充物对PP进行复合改性。

    Tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ), methyl methacrylate ( MMA ) and 2-hydroxy propyl methacrylate ( HPMA ) were used to prepare SiO 2 / PMMA hybrid quasi-gels by sol-gel method . The hybrid quasi-gels were used to modify PP as filler .

  10. 主要工作如下:1、采用文献方法合成含有抗菌功能基团的表面活性单体Viologen和DMAEMA-C6,并对合成的单体进行表征。

    Major work are as follows : 1 . Synthesized and characterized surfactant monomer with antibacterial groups , Viologen and DMAEMA-C6 , as literature . 2 .

  11. 人参皂甙Rgl是从人参中分离提取出的活性单体成分之一,它具备了人参促进学习记忆,延缓与衰老相关的功能低下等多项功效。

    Ginsenoside Rg 1 is one of the most active ingredients in ginseng and shares many of its effects , such as facilitating learning , memory and alleviating age related decline of functions .

  12. 实验还考察了关白附提取物及活性单体对几种细菌的抑制作用,结果发现关白附中主要抑菌活性单体也为NH4Al(SO4)2·12H2O,并推测其活性基团为Al3+。

    The inhibitory activity of Aconitum coreanum extract and active monomer to several bacteria were also studied . The result showed that the main active monomer of Aconitum coreanum was NH4Al ( SO4 ) 2 · 12H2O also , and its active group was Al3 + .

  13. 姜黄色素活性单体成分抗血管生成的实验研究

    Role of active components of curcumin in anti-angiogenesis in vitro

  14. 表面活性单体存在下的浓乳液聚合

    Concentrated Emulsion Polymerization in the Presence of Surface Active Monomer

  15. 三七总皂苷及其活性单体药代动力学的研究进展

    Advance of Pharmacokinetics on Panax Notoginsenoside and its Active Monomers

  16. 首先,合成出三种活性单体。

    Firstly , three active monomers are synthesized .

  17. 丙烯酰胺型阴离子表面活性单体与丙烯酰胺共聚物水溶液的流变特性

    Rheological behavior of aqueous solutions of copolymers of Acrylamide-type anionic surface-active monomer and Acrylamide

  18. 该聚合物在合成中引入了一种自主合成的活性单体。

    An active monomer was inserted into the polymer , which was synthesized independently .

  19. 引入活性单体和丙烯酸酯来改善聚合物的增稠性能和抗电解质性能。

    Active monomer and acrylic esters were introduced to improve the thickening property and electrolyte resistance .

  20. 表面活性单体NaAMC(14)S的胶束化行为对共聚合过程的影响

    Effect of Micellization Behavior of Surface Active Monomer NaAMC_ ( 14 ) S on Copolymerization Process

  21. 表面活性单体2-丙烯酰胺基十四烷磺酸钠的合成及其胶束化行为的研究

    Synthesis of surface active monomer NaAMC_ ( 14 ) S and research of its micellar behavior

  22. 表面活性单体存在下的MMA/BA&乳液共聚合(Ⅲ)乳液的稳定性

    Emulsion Copolymerization of MMA / BA in the Presence of Surface Active Monomers (ⅲ) & Latex Stability

  23. 转化酶可以活性单体轻转化酶或聚集的活性形式重转化酶存在。

    Invertase can exist as active monomer light invertase or as an aggregated active form heavy invertase .

  24. 此共聚物与活性单体混合,加入光引发剂,制成改性光固化树脂。

    The modified UV-curable resin was formed after the addition of the active monomers into the copolymer .

  25. 利用力化学的原理,在活性单体存在下,对聚四氟乙烯表面进行力化学处理。

    In the presence of active monomers , the surface treatments of PTFE by mechanical chemistry have been stud-ied .

  26. 表面活性单体NaAMC(14)S/丙烯酰胺共聚物的分子链微结构与疏水缔合性

    Microstructure of macromolecular chains and hydrophobic association properties for copolymers of surface-active monomer naamc_ ( 14 ) s and Acrylamide

  27. 考察了活性单体、预聚体及偶联剂对紫外光固化胶粘剂的粘接强度、体积收缩的影响。

    The effect of active monomers , oligomers and couple agent on shear strength and volume shrinkage of UV-curing adhesive was investigated .

  28. 结果表明:光固化膜的力学性能好,表面能低,加入不同的活性单体,可以对膜的表面能进行调节;

    The mechanical properties of the UVcuring membrane are good and surface energy is low while it is adjusted by adding different monomers .

  29. 本文采用表面活性单体应用于苯乙烯的浓乳液聚合,以期得到洁净的浓乳液聚合产物聚苯乙烯。

    In this thesis , the author tried adopting surface-active monomer ( Surfmer ) in the concentrated emulsion polymerization to produce clean PS polymer .

  30. 将卤素或磷元素引入活性单体或齐聚物的结构中,赋予其阻燃性,则成为环保型辐射固化防火涂料。

    It becomes an environmental protective radiation curing coating with fireproofing property when halogen or phosphor is brought in its active monomer or oligomer structure .