
  • 网络ngb;NBG
  1. 构建下一代广播电视网(NGB)实现三网融合

    Building Next Generation Broadcast and Realizing Three Networks Convergence

  2. 从测试的角度看下一代广播电视网(NGB)的接入网

    Preview Access Network for next Generation of Broadcast in the View of Measurement

  3. 下一代广播电视网(NGB)是广播电视行业实施三网融合战略的切入点。

    Next Generation Broadcasting ( NGB ) is as a strategy entry point for radio and television industry to implement convergence .

  4. 随着下一代广播电视网(NGB)的发展愈来愈热,构建一套可靠的安全管控体系显得尤为重要。

    With the rapid development of next generation broadcasting network ( NGB ), toconstruct a set of reliable security control system is particularly important .

  5. 随着光纤到户和下一代广播电视网的迅速发展,光纤通讯技术迎来了自密集波分复用以来的第二个发展高潮。

    With the development of fiber to the home ( FTTH ) and next generation broadcasting ( NGB ), the optical fiber communication comes into its second climax after dense wavelength division multiplexing .

  6. 对于广电运行商,有线电视网的双向网改造的日益深入和下一代广播电视网战略的进一步实施,用户的双向交互数据业务需求日益增加,使得对带宽资源的竞争也日益激烈。

    For television network operators , with the development of two-way cable television network transformation and further implementation of the Next Generation Broadcast networks , the need for two-way interactive service increases day by day which leads to more competing for bandwidth resource .

  7. 随着三网融合的推进及业务发展的需要,科技部与国家广电总局签署了《国家高性能宽带信息网暨中国下一代广播电视网自主创新合作协议书》。

    With the promotion of the triple play and the business development needs , Ministry of Science formally signed the " National high performance broadband information network and China the next generation of radio and television innovation cooperation agreement " with the State Administration of Radio .

  8. 随着三网融合的推广,下一代广播电视网逐渐发展成为融合了多媒体技术、通讯技术和分布式计算技术,并以数据业务为中心,以分组协议为基础的综合性网络。

    With the integration of telecom , broadcasting and Internet networks , Focusing on data services , based in package protocol , the next generation of broadcast television ( NGB ) has gradually developed into a combination of multimedia technology , communication technology and distributed computing technology .