
yǎn jìn
  • evolution;gradual progress
演进 [yǎn jìn]
  • [evolution;gradual progress] 逐渐地进化

  • 表明已经按照造物主的计划演进

演进[yǎn jìn]
  1. 首先,OSS的演进并不是均匀的。

    Above all , the gradual progress of OSS is not even .

  2. 概述部分介绍了成都电信PSTN网向NGN网络演进规划设计的项目背景,论文课题涉及范围,规划设计的依据,以及近期NGN网络发展的目标。

    Have summed up and introduced the project background to NGN network gradual progress programming and design of the telecommunication PSTN networks of Chengdu partly , thesis subject involves the range , the basis of programming and design , and the goal of NGN network development of the near future .

  3. 人类从原始状态到现代文明的演进。

    The ascent of man from his original state to modern civilization .

  4. GIS技术在洪水演进系统建设中的应用

    Application of GPS Technology in the Construction of Flood Evolution System

  5. 七号信令网IP化的演进分析

    Analysis of the IP Evolution of the No.7 Signalling Network

  6. 基于GIS的洪水演进模拟系统研究

    Research of flood routing simulation system based on GIS

  7. WTO反补贴法律制度的演进思考

    Pondering on Evolution of WTO Countervailing Law System

  8. 反倾销法的性质与演进之分析&从WTO竞争法设立的角度

    Analysis of the Nature and Evolution of Anti-dumping Law - From the view of establishing WTO competition law

  9. CDMA无线接入网络部署演进研究

    CDMA Wireless Access Network Deployment Evolution

  10. IMS中策略控制和基于流的计费融合演进

    The Evolution of Policy Control and FBC in IMS

  11. 随着网络的逐步演进,IP分组网络将是核心网络,传统的PSTN/ISDN网络将成为边缘网络。

    In the developing process of NGN , the IP network will work as the core network and conventional PSTN / ISDN will become an edge network .

  12. 2007年,TD-SCDMA技术标准化工作的重点主要集中在增强版本和长期演进版本。

    In 2007 , the standardization of TD-SCDMA technology is focused on Enhanced TD-SCDMA and LTE .

  13. 叙述了准同步数字传送网向同步数字传送网,同步数字传送网向波分复用(WDM)光传送网的演进过程。

    The evolution of transport network from PDH to SDH , and from SDH to WDM is discussed .

  14. 鼻咽癌单克隆细胞体内演进中转移及TGFα、EGFR、PDGFR的表达

    Metastasis and Expression of TGF α EGFR PDGFR in Clone Cells of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

  15. 移动通信2G向3G演进分析与策略

    Analysis of 2G Mobile towards 3G

  16. TD-SCDMA演进与多载波技术

    TD-SCDMA Evolution and Multi-Carrier Technology

  17. 目前,全球电信业正在处于从现有网络向下一代网络(NGN)演进的巨大变革之中。

    Global telecom industry is undergoing the innovation from the traditional network to the next generation network ( NGN ) nowadays .

  18. 第三代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)已经发布了长期演进(LTE)的规范。

    3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP ) has released the Long Term Evolution ( LTE ) specification .

  19. 在现阶段全世界范围3G演进计划推迟的背景下,GPRS成为近期唯一可以为用户提供高速移动数据业务的技术。

    According to the postponement of 3G evolvement , GPRS is the unique choice for the carrier to provide mobile user the high speed data service .

  20. UMTS分组路由的演进

    Evolution of Packet Routing in UMTS

  21. 有关VEGF在人脑肿瘤发生、演进中的作用以及抗肿瘤血管治疗的研究成为热点。

    It has been a " hot spot " about VEGF in the role of the growth and development of human brain tumor and in the therapy study about anti-tumor angiogenesis .

  22. 胃良性淋巴增殖至胃MALT淋巴瘤序列演进中临床及分子病理学研究

    Clinical and Molecular Pathology Investigation during the Sequential Progression from Gastric Benign Lymphoid Hyperplasia to Gastric MALT Lymphoma STUDIES OF CHROMOSOMAL PATHOLOGY IN MALIGNANT LYMPHOMA

  23. 通用分组无线业务(GPRS)是世界移动通信技术迈向第3代的主流技术,是第2代网络向第3代网络演进的一个重要的、不可缺少的步骤和里程。

    GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service ) is main mobile communication network , which has progressed form second generation of network to third one of network in the word .

  24. 应用表明,改进的模糊BP神经网络能够较好的反映洪水演进机理,提高了神经网络洪水预报模型对洪峰的预报精度,保证了洪峰预报的可靠性。

    The using of the algorithm indicates that the modified fuzzy ANN network can reflect the mechanism of flood , improved the forecasting accuracy of ANN forecasting modal , and ensured the reliability of flood peak forecasting .

  25. 研究、综述、摘要、总结、系统:循证卫生保健决策的5S信息服务演进

    Of Studies , Syntheses , Synopses , Summaries , and Systems : the 5S Evolution of Information Services for Evidence-Based Health Care Decisions

  26. 最近,在领导团队对主要的RUP项目应用演进的方法的时候,我开发了三种可能的方法来描述RUP的两个迭代的维度。

    Recently , while leading a team through the evolutionary approach on a major RUP project , I developed three possible ways to depict the two iterative dimensions of RUP .

  27. IMT-2000的融合、演进新发展及中国相应策略考虑

    New Development of Evolution and Convergence for IMT 2000 and China 's Relevant Strategy Considerations

  28. 互联网和IP技术的高速发展,电话服务的分组化已成为电信网络演进的主流方向,VoIP技术正在经历前所未有的迅速发展。

    With the rapid development of Internet and IP technology , packetized telephone service has gradually taken a mainstream role in the evolution of telecommunication networks , in result VoIP technology is undergoing an unparalleled development .

  29. 在第一个演进中(I1),初始阶段是全面的(四个星期长)。

    In the first evolution ( I1 ), the Inception iteration was comprehensive ( four weeks long ) .

  30. 第三部分集中研究基于EVA的红利计划,研究其理论上的根据、演进过程、实际操作流程和国内外实际应用情况。

    In the third Part we focus on Executive Bonus Scheme Base On EVA , research its theory foundation , its development history , its practical operation procedure and its application both at home and abroad .