
  • 网络evolution operator
  1. 时间演化算符可以推导出n阶的响应函数,而关联函数则携带了重要的微观信息。

    Time evolution operator could derive the nth-order response function .

  2. dinger方程,而演化算符又是求波函数形式解的最有效方法。

    Dinger equation , but evolution operator is most effective method to obtain wave function formal solution .

  3. 用时间演化算符的方法,研究了两个全同的二能级Bell态原子与腔场大失谐作用时的辐射谱。

    By means of time-evolution operator , it was studied that of the emission spectrum from two two-level entangled atoms in Bell states interacting with a large-detuned single-mode cavity field .

  4. 一类含时外源谐振子的演化算符及其Feynman转移矩阵元

    The Evolution Operator of a Kind of Oscillator with Time Dependent Extra Source and Their Feynman Transfer Matrix Element

  5. 研究了一个二能级原子与大周期驻波场共振相互作用的动力学问题,利用使演化算符因子化的WeiNorman方法获得了问题的精确解。

    The dynamics of a resonant two-level atom interacting with a large period standing light wave is studied by using Wei-Norman 's method and the exact solution is obtained .

  6. 用时间演化算符我们讨论了含时双光子压缩态和SU(1,1)相干态以及SU(2)压缩态的压缩性质。

    The time evolution operators have been used to investigate the time-dependent two photons and SU ( 2 ) squeezing states and squeezing properties of the time-dependent SU ( 1,1 ) coherent states .

  7. 本文采用时间演化算符研究了双光子Jaynes-Cummings模型态矢随时间变化的规律,讨论了原子的统计特性,揭示了原子的压缩效应。

    The laws with which the state vector of the two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model varies with the time are studies by means of the time-evolution operator . The statistical properties of atoms are discussed . The atomic squeezing effects are revealed .

  8. 采用时间演化算符方法,研究了Fock态腔场内通过拉曼相互作用的Bell态下两原子的辐射谱,给出了原子辐射谱的物理表达式。

    By means of time-evolution operator , we have studied the emission spectrum from two-atom in Bell basis states through the Raman interaction with a cavity-field in the Fock state in the paper . The physical spectrum expression of radiation emitted by the atom is given out .

  9. 其次,从光场与原子附加克尔介质相互作用哈密顿量出发,得出非线性J-C模型系统的一般时间演化算符和光场的约化密度算符,得出了本文的基本工作模型之二。

    Besides , with the Hamiltonian of the interaction between the field and the atom with Kerr medium , the evolution operator and the reduced density operator of the field are derived , then the other basic work model is obtained .

  10. 含时量子振子的演化算符

    Evolution Operator of Time & dependent Quantum Oscillator

  11. 本文利用时间演化算符讨论了含时耦合光场的相干性。

    The time evolution operators have been used to investigate the coherence of time-dependent optical field .

  12. 用多模相干态描述光场,应用预解算符和投影算符推导演化算符,使本方法可统一处理锁模激光脉冲序列输出及原子的共振多光子过程。

    This method can be used to describe the resonant multi-photon processes that the pulse train from the mode locked laser interacting with atoms .

  13. 在强经典场的作用下,演化算符与光子数无关,因此方案对热场不敏感。

    The photon-number-dependent parts in the evolution operator are cancelled with the assistant of a strong classical field , so the scheme is insensitive to the thermal field .

  14. 文中采用时间演化算符,考虑到初始原子相干性及失谐量,研究了单个二能级原子与压缩真空态辐射场相互作用中原子的偶极压缩。

    Considering the initial atomic coherence and the detuning , dipole squeezing of a two-level atom interacting with squeezed vacuum field is studied by means of the time-evolution operator method .

  15. 采用时间演化算符方法和数值计算,研究了相干光场与混合态二能级原子双光子过程的光子统计分布特性。

    In this paper , the statistical distribution properties of the photon in the two photon process with two level atomic mixed state are studied by means of the time evolution operator method and numerical calculation .

  16. 运用推广了的量子不变量理论研究时间演化算符的对角化问题,证明了时间演化算符的对角化与相因子之间存在着紧密的联系。

    The generalized invariant theory is used to study the problem of the diagonalization of the time-evolution operator . It is shown that there is an intimate connection between the diagonalization of the time-evolution operator and the phase factors .

  17. 运用广义线性量子变换的普遍理论求解多维耦合受迫量子谐振子,给出了系统演化算符的矩阵元、波函数、力学量期望值和配分函数的严格表达式。

    Utilizing the general linear quantum transformation theory , we give the exact expressions of evolutionary operator 's matrix elements , wave function , expectation value of an observable and partition function , for multi-dimensional coupled and forced quantum oscillator .

  18. 本文主要讨论了量子人体的相互作用表象,量子人体态随时间演化的算符和量子人体的微扰论展开;

    The interaction idea of quantum human body , the functor of quantum human body state evolving with time and the outspread of tiny disturbing theory of quantum human body were discussed in this paper .

  19. 不同于常用的薛定谔绘景中量子态的演化,算符演化方程不仅适用于低增益下关联光子对特性的研究,在高增益下也同样适用。

    Differently from the commonly used quantum state evolution equation in the Schrodinger picture , the field operator evolution equation is not only suitable to study the quantum correlated photon pairs in the low gain regime , but also in the high gain regime .