
Liánɡ Qǐchāo
  • Liang Qichao;pupil of Kang Youwei and an intellectual leader of the first decades of 20th century
梁启超 [liáng qǐ chāo]
  • [Liang Qichao] (1873-1929) 字卓如,号任公,广东省新会县人。戊戌维新的领袖,学者

  1. 梁启超思想的佛教精神

    A study of the Buddhism spirit of LIANG Qi-chao 's thoughts

  2. 梁启超与康德趣味说之比较趣味有争辩&关于审美趣味的本体论阐释

    A Comparison between Kants and Liang Qichao 's Views of Taste

  3. 梁启超语文教育思想初探

    An Analysis of Liang Qichao 's Thought on Chinese Language Education

  4. 1903年前后梁启超政治思想转变原因探析

    Causes Analysis of Liang Qichao 's Political Ideological Change Around 1903

  5. 康有为梁启超关系演变的根源与由来

    Relationship between Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao : origin and evolution

  6. 梁启超晚年文化保守主义思想的贡献与价值

    The Contribution and Value of Aged Liang Qi-chao 's Cultural Conservatism

  7. 梁启超的美学思想是崇尚趣味主义的人生美学。

    Liang Qichao 's aesthetic thoughts are of taste-oriented life aesthetics .

  8. 以往对梁启超的研究,多集中在他的政治思想和史学贡献方面。

    It was focused in his politics thought and historic contribution .

  9. 梁启超为中国近代图书馆事业做出了巨大的、开拓性的贡献。

    Liang Qichao made a significant contribution to Chinese modern librarianship .

  10. 显然,梁启超便是其中颇具代表性的重要人物之一。

    Obviously , Liang Qichao is one of the important representatives .

  11. 对传统思想文化,梁启超淬厉其精华。

    For traditional thought and culture , Liang Qichao assimilates its essence .

  12. 略论梁启超对中国近代政治制度的探索

    Liang Qichao 's Explorations of Modern Legal and Political Systems

  13. 谈梁启超文学研究中的情感特质

    On the Emotion Particularity of Liang Qichao Study on Literature

  14. 梁启超:史学比较方法的倡导与实践

    Liang Qi-chao : Initiator and Practicer of the Comparative Approach in Historiography

  15. 梁启超对中国近代历史教育的贡献

    Liang Qi-chao 's Contributions to the Modern Chinese Historical Education

  16. 梁启超民族史研究的理论与方法

    Theory and method of Liang qi-chao 's national history study

  17. 近代历史境遇中的梁启超新民思想

    Liang Qichao 's New Citizen Thoughts in Neoteric Historical Circumstances

  18. 梁启超的法律思想新探

    A New Exploration on the Legal Ideology of Liang Qi-chao

  19. 梁启超的学习心理学思想研究

    A study of Liang qichao 's thought on learning psychology

  20. 试析梁启超诗学的启蒙主题

    A Tentative Analysis of the Enlightenment Theme of Liang Qi-chao 's Poetics

  21. 梁启超与胡适年谱思想之比较

    The Comparison of LIANG Qi-chao and HU Shi Chronicle Thoughts

  22. 论梁启超前期的新闻思想

    A Discussion of Liang Qi Chao 's Early News Thoughts

  23. 梁启超趣味主义思想及其对当代旅游的启示

    Liang Qichao 's Doctrine of Taste and Its Significance for Modern Tourism

  24. 梁启超与李普曼新闻传播思想比较及现实影响

    Liang Chi-chao and Walter Lippmann Media Affect the Thinking and Realistic Comparison

  25. 本文作者挑选了梁启超两部比较有代表性的翻译作品来分析。

    The author selects two representative translations of Liang Qichao for analysis .

  26. 梁启超是近代佛教史学的奠基人物。

    Liang is the founder of modern Buddhism historical Science in China .

  27. 梁启超与20世纪初中国戏曲变革

    Liang Qichao and the transformation of Chinese opera in early 20th century

  28. 梁启超文学启蒙思想初探

    A Brief Discussion on Liang Qichao 's Literary Enlightenment Thoughts

  29. 培养君子,还是培养新民?&孔子与梁启超德育目标比较

    A comparison of moral education targets advocated by Confucian and Liang Qichao

  30. 试论梁启超近代目录学思想

    Study on Liang Qichao 's Bibliographical Thoughts in Modern Time