
yǎo shuǐ
  • bail out;ladle water
  1. 我们拼命往外舀水,使它继续漂浮了几个小时。

    We kept her afloat for a couple of hours by bailing frantically .

  2. 乔治跪在水潭前,用手很快地舀水喝。

    George knelt beside the pool and drank from his hand with quick scoops .

  3. 他们开始用头盔往外舀水。

    They began bailing with their helmets .

  4. 他疯狂地向外舀水。

    He started frantically bailing water .

  5. 湖上起风暴时,我们只好从船里往外舀水以便安全靠岸

    When the storm rise on the lake , we have to bail out to reach the shore safely

  6. 这位农人用桶在井里舀水,然后提着桶为一颗一颗的青菜浇水。

    The farmer bailed water with a barrel from the well and then carried the barrel to water vegetable one by one .

  7. 舀水:以重复填满一个容器并沿其边缘把水倒空的方式从船里取(水)。

    Bail : To remove ( water ) from a boat by repeatedly filling a container and emptying it over the side .

  8. 有一次一个大浪冲过来使小艇积了许多水,使我不得不停下来,心里焦急得像揣着小兔子似地往外舀水。

    Once I shipped a sea so heavy that I had to stop and bale , with my heart fluttering like a bird ;

  9. 如果需要水深度的增加,就采用水杯从水桶舀水至水箱中。

    If the depth of water needs to increase , use a cup scoop a portion of water from buckets to water tank .

  10. 据报道,三名员工被拍到用纸杯从蹲式厕所里舀水,然后拿着杯子迟疑地喝下去。

    According to reports , three employees were filmed using paper cups to scoop water from a squat toilet , before hesitantly drinking from the cups .

  11. 把水倒入第二个队员的杯子后,第一个队员必须马上又从水桶内舀水,重复整个过程。

    After pouring the water to the next person , the1 st student needs to scoop the water from the container again , and the process repeats .

  12. 有两种餐具样式,早期的是带舀水勺的小口壶,后期的是肾形状的德国式。

    There were a couple of patterns of mess kit , the earlier ones resembling small round pots with bail handles , and the latter resembling the kidney shaped German pattern .

  13. 牛郎的两个孩子有志气,就蹲在天河边上舀水,下决心要把天河水舀干,过河去见娘。

    Niu Lang 's two children were so ambitious that they squatted by the river starting to ladle the water , determined to ladle out the water to meet their mother .

  14. 老人这时用他的左手和肩膀拽住了它,弯下身去,用右手舀水洗掉粘在脸上的压烂的鲯鳅肉。

    The old man held him with his left hand and his shoulders now and stooped down and scooped up water in his right hand to get the crushed dolphin flesh off his face .

  15. 我以为用作瓢舀水,倒不如把它用作腰舟渡江河湖海。

    I think , instead of using the gourd as a ladle for water , it would be better to use it as a yao zhou ( floating aid ) to cross rivers and seas .