
  • 网络glove;Mitt;Baseball Glove;mitten;baseball mitt
  1. 除了棒球手套,Day还收到了T恤、火箭炮人物主题抱枕。猜猜看还有什么?当然是一大堆泡泡糖了!

    Along with the baseball glove , Day also received t-shirts , a Bazooka Joe-themed pillow , and - you guessed it - plenty of bubble gum .

  2. 他们的标志由上边的M和下边的B构成,这两个字母也组成了棒球手套的图形。

    Their logo is actually made up of the letters M ( on top ) and B ( below the m ) . These two letters also form a baseball glove .

  3. 为祝贺他的生日,我送给他一只棒球手套。

    I gave him a baseball mitt for his birthday .

  4. 难道是棒球手套baseballglove吗?因为Tim现在正需要一个新的棒球手套。

    Tim : A new baseball glove ?

  5. 与新的棒球手套一样,VLC在使用之前需要被打开。

    Like a new baseball glove , VLC needs to be broken in before it can be used .

  6. 汤姆把棒球手套和手套都塞进袋子里。

    Tom squeezed a mitt and a glove into the bag .

  7. 受体的一部分就像棒球手套

    So part of it is like a baseball glove .

  8. 对不起,我们不卖棒球手套。

    Sorry , we don 't sell baseball gloves .

  9. 我的T区从未干成棒球手套那样。

    My T-zone never dried into a baseball mitt .

  10. 这些男孩子彼此约定交换棒球手套。

    The boys made a bargain with one another to exchange baseball gloves .

  11. 售货员:他喜欢棒球手套吗?

    Salesman : Would he like a baseball mitt ?

  12. 这副棒球手套正是我想要买的。

    These mitts are what I 'm looking for .

  13. 噢,还有爷爷的棒球手套。

    Oh , and Grandpa 's baseball glove .

  14. 那就是我戴上棒球手套的原因。

    That 's why I wore me mittens .

  15. 也许她只能用第二个月或第三个月的支票来给儿子买棒球手套了。

    Perhaps she could buy his baseball glove with her second or third check .

  16. 小艾力克:短时间内不能用棒球手套就是。

    Little Eric : Well I won 't using that catchers net anytime soon .

  17. 比如说他们会把鸡毛做成棒球手套。

    He was gonna take the chicken PAILLARD and make them into baseball mitts .

  18. 他们终于达成协议:他的棒球手套换两个棒球和一个球拍。

    They finally struck a bargain : his mitt for two baseballs and a bat .

  19. 同样一个棒球手套吗?

    The same baseball glove ?

  20. 让他吃惊的是,自己竟然获了奖,得到一个全新的路易斯维尔队棒球手套。

    Much to his surprise , he ended up winning a prize : a brand-new Louisville slugger glove .

  21. 在你使用新棒球手套参加比赛前,你必须把它用顺手。

    You 'll have to break your new baseball mitt in before you can use it in a game .

  22. 你的意思是,当时在我脑海中的那些棒球手套,糖果和玩具的影像就像那驴子面前的胡萝卜一样喽?

    You mean the moment I began to picture a new baseball glove , candy and toys , that 's like a carrot to a donkey ?

  23. 桌上摆着棒球手套和棒球,盥洗架上的水罐和碗闪闪发光,如磷光般皎洁。

    A baseball mitt and ball rested on top of the bureau , and on the washstand a pitcher and bowl glowed as white as phosphorous .

  24. 过了一会儿,一名新经理接过问题,慢慢地、用悲伤的声音说道:是因为一副十九美元的棒球手套。

    Some time back a new manager took the question and slowly , with her voice almost breaking , said , It was a $ 19 baseball glove .

  25. 其实我们俩的家里并不是真的很穷,但我们感觉我们很穷,因为其他的男孩都有新棒球手套、新自行车,他们的东西都是新的。

    We weren 't really poor , but we felt As if we were because all the other boys had new baseball gloves , new bicycles , new everything .

  26. 另一方面,如果在婴儿床上放一双棒球手套,那么宝宝长大之后就是一个非常有天赋的棒球选手。

    If , on the other hand , they leave a baseball glove hanging above the crib , the boy might grow up to be a talented baseball player .

  27. 这是给杰西的棒球手套,因为他也许不会理解自己对你有多么重要,尽管你只能先付账单,后买棒球手套。

    This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he may not understand how important he is , even though you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves .

  28. 作者根据生产实践,介绍有关提高黄牛二层革(绒面革,鞋面革,棒球手套革)质量的技术关键。

    Writer will present technique key of about raising the quality forthe second leather from cattle hides ( suede , shoe upper leather , mit leather ), in terms of production and practice .

  29. 售货员:先生,能为您效劳吗?顾客:我儿子过生日,我想给他买件礼物。售货员:他喜欢棒球手套吗?您知道,男孩子很喜欢棒球。顾客:你说得对。

    Salesman : may I help you , sir ? Customer : it 's my son 's birthday . I want to buy him a present . salesman : would he like a baseball mitt ? Boys like baseball , you know .

  30. 在这些讨论中,我问与会者:“是什么使你们在公司留了下来,并当上了经理?”过了一会儿,一名新经理接过问题,慢慢地、用悲伤的声音说道:“是因为一副十九美元的棒球手套。”

    During these discussions , I ask the participants , " What has caused you to stay long enough to become a manager ? " Some time back a new manager took the question and slowly , with her voice almost breaking , said , " It was a $ 19 baseball glove . "