
bàng liào
  • bar;barstock
棒料[bàng liào]
  1. 本文对采用等离子旋转电极工艺(PREP)生产该种类型粉末进行了研究,探讨了棒料转速、等离子电流强度等对粉末收得率的影响,获得了最佳的生产工艺参数。

    The influence of bar rotating speed and plasma current on the powder yield was researched and optimal process parameters were obtained . Furthermore , the powder properties were also measured .

  2. 制备Al-Cu共晶合金钎料,用SEM和EDS研究不同钎焊温度和保温时间条件下,纯铝棒料基体对接真空钎焊接头Cu元素的扩散行为。

    The Al-Cu eutectic brazing metal is made to braze pure aluminium substrate in vacuum . The diffusion phenomenon of Cu in pure aluminum bar under different brazing temperature and heat preservation time is investigated by means of SEM and EDS.

  3. PLC在微细圆棒料自动分检系统中的应用

    Application of PLC in Micro - shaft Automatic Measuring System

  4. 变幅载荷下棒料V形槽尖端裂纹扩展寿命的估算

    Estimation of Crack Expansion Life of Bar V-shaped Notch Tip under Variable Amplitude Load

  5. 使用扫描电镜、光学显微镜以及X射线能谱仪等仪器对加工成型过程中钛合金棒料的开裂件进行了检测分析。

    Titanium alloy bar was analysis by means of scanning electron microscope , optical microscope and X radial energy spectrometer .

  6. 利用动力学仿真软件ADAMS对液气式高速棒料剪切机进行动态分析与仿真。

    Dynamic analysis and simulation of this machine were conducted by using ADAMS .

  7. 制备了Al-Cu共晶合金钎料,以纯铝棒料为基体采用对接接头进行了真空钎焊。

    Al-Cu eutectic brazing metal based on the pure aluminium substrate is welded in vacuo .

  8. 最后,完成了材质分别为LY8、20钢、45钢、T8钢等棒料在不同振动频率控制曲线下的变频振动下料试验。

    Many experiments on the material of LY8,20,45 and T8 steel were conducted under the control of various vibration frequency curves .

  9. 采用玻璃容器时可用大气压力(15psi)合成棒料和较大坯段。

    Using a glass enclosure atmospheric pressure ( 15psi ) is used to consolidate bars and larger billets .

  10. Q42&500型棒料剪棒机出料计数装置

    Q42 & 500 type bar shear 's carrying and counting installation

  11. 新型棒料自动切断模设计

    Design of the Automatic-Feeding Die for Cutting Off the New-Typed Bar

  12. 棒料数控弯曲机计算机控制流程的研究

    The Research on Computer Control Flow Sequence of CNC Bending Machine

  13. 液气棒料精密剪切机设计研究

    Design & research on hydraulic and pneumatic pre-cision cutting for bar

  14. 一种新型超细硬质合金棒料挤压成形剂的设计

    Designing on New Binders for Ultrafine Cemented Carbide Bar Extrusion Molding

  15. 母插座和公插头采用实心棒料精密制造。

    Socked and plug are precision machined from solid bar stock .

  16. 棒料剪切机理与提高剪切精度的方法

    Principle of blank shearing and method for improving precision of blank

  17. 加压阶段,高压泵可以提供足够压力的液压油,实现棒料的顺利剪切;

    High-press pump can provide sufficient hydraulic liquid to make bar sheared ;

  18. 金属棒料高速精密剪切试验研究

    Experimental research on the high-speed precision shearing of metal bar

  19. 随着棒料转速的提高,空心粉数量增加。

    The porosity powder amount increases with increasing rotating speed of rod .

  20. 棒料塑性剪切过程中裂纹的形成及扩展行为

    Initiation and Propagation of Crack in Plastic Cropping of Bars

  21. 金属棒料在旋弯交变应力作用下会发生疲劳断裂。

    Metal bar wound be fractured under the rotating-bending fatigue alternating stress .

  22. 暂时不用的取压口应棒料丝堵密封保存。

    Unused taps shall be plugged with bar stock plugs .

  23. 棒料高速精密剪切合理加载速度的探讨

    Research on rational shearing speed of high-speed precision shearing for metal bar

  24. 钛合金棒料加工开裂原因分析

    Cracking reason analysis of titanium alloy bar on working

  25. 大规格棒料剪切模

    The Die for Cutting Off the Big Bar Material

  26. 棒料精密剪切机的设计和研制

    Design and development of precise cutter for bar stock

  27. 锻压棒料剪切机床棒料体积的在线检测控制与系统诊断

    On-Line Billet Volume Detection and Control for Bar Cropping and the System Diagnosis

  28. 夹紧状态下的棒料高速精密剪切机理研究

    On the Mechanism of High-speed Precision Shearing of a Bar Under Clamping State

  29. 数控车床棒料送料装置的类型及其选择

    Types and Selection of Bar Feeders for CNC Lathes

  30. 热镦棒料温度场的研究

    Study on Temperature Field of Hot - Upsetting Rod