
  • 网络Baseball Team;Red Sox;new york yankees;nine;Atlanta Braves;New York Mets
  1. 但当他加入孙岭峰的棒球队时,他需要学会与队员合作才能取胜。

    But when he joined Sun 's baseball team , he had to learn to cooperate with his teammates to be successful .

  2. 5,fairly相当地,还算(你们的棒球队不错,但我们队更好

    Your baseball team is fairly good , but ours is better .

  3. 该棒球队产品的海外销量要远超过美国其他棒球俱乐部。

    The team 's products easily outsell those of other American baseball clubs overseas

  4. 他们安排了美国棒球队和日本队比赛。

    They matched the American baseball-players against the japanese .

  5. 这群来自全国各地的困境少年,组成了一支特殊的棒球队,在困难中重生,与命运叫板!一群来自中国各个贫困地区的少年们相聚北京郊区。

    A group of children from poverty stricken areas across China gathered on the outskirts of Beijing .

  6. 男性洗手比率最低的是在透纳球场(TurnerField),亚特兰大勇士棒球队的场地。

    The lowest rate of hand washing among men was at Turner Field , home of the Atlanta Braves baseball team .

  7. v.竞争;辩论我棒球队争夺冠军。

    contend Our baseball team is contending for the championship .

  8. HankAaron是亚特兰大勇士棒球队的队员。

    Hank Aaron was a player with the Atlanta Braves team .

  9. 黄健华还曾帮助安排中国投资者与美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)的火箭队(Rockets)和纽约扬基棒球队(NewYorkYankees)达成交易。

    Mr. Huang also helped arrange deals between Chinese investors and the NBA 's Rockets and the New York Yankees baseball team .

  10. 最新的例子是一本关于中学棒球队的小说,书中处处可见彼得德鲁克(PeterDrucker)的思想。

    The latest is a novel about high school baseball shot through with lessons from Peter Drucker .

  11. 比如,巨人棒球队(Giants)在旧金山的比赛结束后,可能就会有好几辆Uber车停在附近。

    When a giants in San Francisco game lets out , several Uber cars are likely close-by .

  12. 他喜欢每晚在那里观看得州游骑兵(TexasRangers)棒球队的比赛。

    And that 's where he likes to watch the Texas Rangers every night , 'Laura Bush said .

  13. 我们都是扬基棒球队(Yankee)的死忠,能一起欣赏很多比赛,喝很多啤酒。

    We were both die-hard Yankee fans and would enjoy many games and many beers .

  14. 南茜·弗雷迪斯说,她曾在波士顿学院(BostonCollege)棒球队当过队长的儿子,此前一直过着充实的生活,直到他在2012年召集了一次家庭会议。

    Ms. Frates said that her son , the former captain of the Boston College baseball team , had been living the life when he called a family meeting in 2012 .

  15. 如能创建多个gadget组成一个“指示板”来协助您管理棒球队,那会很有趣。

    It would be fun to create a whole'dashboard'of gadgets that would help you to manage fantasy baseball teams .

  16. 南茜·弗雷迪斯说,她曾在波士顿学院(BostonCollege)棒球队当过队长的儿子,此前一直“过着充实的生活”,直到他在2012年召集了一次家庭会议。

    Ms. Frates said that her son , the former captain of the Boston College baseball team , had been " living the life " when he called a family meeting in 2012 .

  17. 比如,输入“SFgiants(旧金山巨人)”,搜索结果中会出现旧金山巨人(SanFranciscoGiants)棒球队的比赛得分和赛程安排。

    Typing " SF giants , " for example , will bring up the game scores and games schedule for the San Francisco Giants baseball team .

  18. 现在鸵鸟们就在ReadingFightinPhils棒球队俱乐部外场上以最高40英里每小时的速度奔跑。

    Ostriches are roaming the Reading Fightin Phils outfield with a top speed of 40 miles per hour .

  19. 今年4月,大都会棒球队的二垒手丹尼尔·墨菲(DanielMurphy)为了在家陪妻子和刚出生的儿子未参加两场比赛,在电台引发轮番批评。

    In April , Daniel Murphy , the Mets second baseman , ignited a fury of radio chatter after missing two games to be at home with his wife and newborn son .

  20. 比如说,如果你和我一样在美国Massachusetts的Boston附近长大,而且你对体育不是毫无兴趣,那么你很快就会知道1967年BostonRedSox棒球队的故事。

    For example , if you grow up near Boston ( Massachusetts , USA ) as I did , and you have any interest in sports , then you quickly learn the story of the1967 Boston Red Sox baseball team .

  21. 俱乐部今天声明,已接受NESV的报价。这个NESV同时还拥有着波斯顿红袜棒球队。

    It was announced today that the club have accepted an offer to sell to NESV , who own baseball 's Boston Red Sox .

  22. 杰梅恩上学时曾参加棒球队除了姐姐,杰米恩还经常与基尼·柏林格(GinnyBerliner)联络。柏林格是位64岁的老太太,曾在罗伯逊大街开过古玩店,那时两人成了朋友。

    In addition to his sister , Mr. Jermyn speaks regularly with Ginny Berliner , a 64-year-old woman who befriended him when she owned an antique shop on Robertson .

  23. 作为日本最有影响力的媒体高管,渡边恒雄一直在利用自己巨大的影响力,推进日本保守派的议程。此外,他还是该国最成功棒球队读卖巨人军(YomiuriGiants)的老板。

    The country 's most powerful media executive , who is also the force behind the Yomiuri Giants , the nation 's most successful baseball team , has wielded his enormous influence to promote a consistently conservative agenda .

  24. 这种不合时宜的大手笔支出可以同纽约扬基棒球队(theYankees)在上赛季结束后花4.23亿美元同萨巴西亚(C.C.Sabathia)、伯内特(A.J.Burnett)和泰克谢拉(MarkTexeira)签约8年的举措媲美。

    The off-season spending spree has been compared to the one the Yankees embarked on after last season , when they committed $ 423 million to C.C. Sabathia , A.J. Burnett and Mark Texeira over the next eight years .

  25. 一个印第安那家庭向当地州政府和运动协会扔了一个混合球,14岁的女孩LogenYang希望在没有任何先决条件的情况下加入男子棒球队,遭到州政府的拒绝,这个女孩的父母提起法律诉讼。

    Baseball lawsuit Young girl sues to play on boys ' team An Indiana team 's family is throwing the state and Athletic Association a coed ball , 14-year-old Logen Yang wants to try out for the boys ' baseball team without any preconditions , a state rule says she can 't , so her parents filed a lawsuit .

  26. 棒球队已就位,比赛开始。

    The cricket team got into position , and play started .

  27. 棒球队有两个相当棒的新手。

    The baseball team have two rookie who be very good .

  28. 游击手是我们棒球队的中坚。

    The shortstop is the spark plug of our baseball team .

  29. 只有刚出道不久的堪萨斯皇家棒球队能鼓舞我的精神。

    Only a surging Kansas City Royals team buoyed my spirits .

  30. 纽约洋基队是我最喜欢的棒球队。

    The New York Yankees are my favorite baseball team .