
  • 网络Final forging temperature;finishing temperature
  1. 研究了加热温度、终锻温度、冷却速度对45V非调质钢力学性能的影响。

    The influence of heating temperature , forging-ending temperature and cooling speed on the mechanical properties of untempered 45V steel is investigated .

  2. 终锻温度对微合金非调质钢组织和力学性能的影响

    Effect of finish-forging temperature on the structure and mechanical properties of Microalloyed Steels

  3. 终锻温度和锻压比对贝氏体非调质钢铁素体析出的影响

    Influence of Finishing Forging Temperature and Forging Ratio on Precipitation of Ferrite in Non-Quenched and Tempered Bainitic Steel

  4. 结果表明,变形量为70%、终锻温度850℃的奥氏体晶粒细化最明显;

    The results show that the finest austenite grain can be obtained with 70 % deformation and finish forging temperature of 850 ℃ .

  5. 裂纹的形成主要与加热温度过高、终锻温度过低及热变形过程中碳氨化物的析出有关。

    The cracks will generate when the heating temperature is very hight , finish forging temperature is very low , carbonitrides compound precipitate .

  6. 锻造加热温度、终锻温度和冷却速度是影响非调质钢性能的重要因素。

    The heated temperature , the final forging temperature and the cooling speed are the important factors which influence the performance of untempered steel .

  7. 降低终锻温度及冷却速度,使钒的析出量增多,而对钛的析出则影响不大。

    To lower the final forging temperature and cooling speed will increase the amount of vanadium precipitation but has no obvious effect on titanium precipitation .

  8. 增加累积变形程度并适当降低终锻温度(一般为860~910℃)有利于碳化物破碎及钢材质量的提高。

    The increase of the accumulated deformation degree and a reasonable amount decrease of the final deformation temperature ( 860-910 ℃) are favourable for the fineness of carbide .

  9. 锻造时控制始锻温度为1150℃,终锻温度为920℃,并按正确工艺退火、调质。

    When forging , the beginning forging temperature has been controlled to be 1 150 ℃, and the end forging temperature to be 920 ℃, then according to the correct process the annealing , quenching and tempering has been proceeded as well .

  10. 通过对裂纹脱碳情况综合分析以及对锻造过程剖析后,认为该裂纹系锻造过程所致,其原因与原材料表面存在缺陷或坯料形状不规则以及终锻温度过低有关。

    It is believed that the cracks are caused by forging process according to the decarbonization analysis and forging process evaluation . The cracks are associated with the surface defect of raw material and irregular shape of billets , and extra low final forging temperature .